I am the most beautiful

Angelica Varum: biography and personal life. Angelica Varum: biography and family of the singer Age of Angelica Varum and Leonid

Angelica Varum: biography and personal life.  Angelica Varum: biography and family of the singer Age of Angelica Varum and Leonid

Angelica Varum (Maria Varum)

Singer Date of birth May 26 (Gemini) 1976 (43) Place of birth Lviv Instagram @avarum

The real name of Angelica Varum is Maria. She was born in Ukraine, in the city of Lvov, on May 26, 1969. A popular pop singer and actress is known not only in Russia, but also abroad. She received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and is the owner of the Ovation award three times. She also became the laureate of the Golden Gramophone project more than once. The star was also awarded the prestigious "Seagull" award for her role in the play "Emigrant's Pose". The famous French perfumer created the fragrance "Angelica Varum" with notes of lily of the valley and green rose. It was sold until 2008 and was very popular.

Biography of Angelica Varum

A talented girl appeared from gifted parents. Her father is a recognized composer of the USSR and the Russian Federation, and her mother is a theater director. Angelica has a younger brother, Michael, from his father's second marriage.

The girl learned to play the piano from the age of 5, the guitar - while studying at school. The father himself was engaged in the musical education of his daughter, her talent manifested itself at an early age. While still a high school student, Varum toured with the school theater studio, sang and played the guitar.

The girl decided to get higher education in Moscow. Her choice fell on the theater institute, but she failed to successfully pass the entrance exams. Angelica began to work with her father as a backing vocalist for famous performers. The first popularity was brought to her by the song "Midnight Cowboy", recorded in 1990. She instantly became a favorite of the audience. With her, the singer performed in the project "Morning Star".

A little later, singer Anzhelika Varum released her first album “Good bye, my boy”, songs from which bring instant fame to the performer. The subsequent album "La-la-fa" made her truly famous. The songs "Artist", "Town" and "Good bye, my boy" are still remembered and loved by fans. At the same time, the star for the first time becomes the laureate of the music competition "Song of the Year".

The singer celebrated the first 5-year anniversary of her creative activity with the release of the album "Favorites" and "Autumn Jazz". For the latter, Angelica received the Ovation Award. Almost all of her albums and original videos for songs also won the love of the audience, almost every song rose to the top of the country's charts. They could be heard on all radio stations in the country.

In 1996, her first solo concert took place in St. Petersburg. Then the artist receives an invitation to take part in the play directed by Leonid Trushkin. Her game was highly appreciated by critics, Varum won the prestigious "The Seagull" award for her performance in this production.

1997 brought the star a professional rise and personal happiness. Her new solo concert and creative duet with Leonid Agutin, another famous Russian performer, was successful. After 2 years, the singer managed to try her hand at cinema right away in the title role. The film "Sky in Diamonds" won the love of the audience.

The duet compositions of Agutin and Varum instantly take off to the top positions in the country's charts. With them, the couple tours Russia. In 2001, general concerts were held with Leonid Agutin and Ella Di Meola. With the opening of the Varum Records Company recording studio, Varum tried on a new role as a producer.

In the period from 2002 to 2005, the star managed to play several roles in films, release new albums, and record duets with Agutin. The couple traveled with their concert programs to many countries of the world. The performances were successful everywhere, the artists gathered full halls of spectators.

Another bright and memorable stage in her career was her participation in the New Year's musical "The Twelve Chairs" for the Russia TV channel. At the same time, Angelica is engaged in the English-language project of her husband. In 2005, Agutin and Ella Di Meola's joint disc appeared on the European music market and instantly became a successful project. Varum can also be heard on several tracks on this album.

The singer continues to release new songs, performs at the Kremlin Palace with Leonid Agutin, and receives various awards at popular Russian festivals. She also writes lyrics for many of her songs. Great success enjoyed concerts in Russia, Belarus and Germany, which they gave together with a married couple Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. and Natalia Podolskaya.

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Personal life of Angelica Varum

The first choice of the star was Maxim Nikitin. They studied in the same class, Maxim worked at his wife's concerts as an illuminator. Young people lived together for about 8 years. The singer met her current husband Leonid Agutin in 1997. Two years later, their daughter Elizabeth was born. Officially, they legalized their relationship a year later, and spent their honeymoon in romantic Venice.

The couple continues to actively perform on stage and tour, pleases loyal fans with new songs. Daughter Elizabeth lives in the USA in Miami. Since 2003, Angelica's father moved to America with his granddaughter, his second wife and son due to health reasons. In 2014, he passed away.

Elizabeth is also interested in the art of music, plays in her own rock band and is a songwriter. Parents often come to visit their daughter; they have personal property in Miami.

The biography of Angelica Varum should be known to everyone who closely follows the development of the national stage. This is a popular Soviet and Russian pop singer, three-time winner of the Ovation award. At the moment, she has already released fourteen albums, in her creative repertoire there are more than a hundred compositions.

Childhood and youth

Let's start telling the biography of Angelica Varum from 1969, when she was born on the territory of modern Western Ukraine, in Lvov. Her parents were creative and quite famous people at that time. Father Yuri Itzhakovich worked as a composer, and mother Galina Mikhailovna Shapovalova worked in the theater as a stage director. They were on tour for most of the year, so the main responsibility for raising the heroine of our article fell on the shoulders of her grandmother.

With such parents, it is not surprising that the stage attracted Angelica from a very young age. Therefore, almost immediately after receiving a certificate of secondary education, she went to Moscow to enter the Shchukin School, famous throughout the Soviet Union.

However, Angelica failed the entrance exams. This was a big blow for her. I had to return home to my parents, work part-time in my father's studio, at first she performed backing vocals, for several years she worked as a vocalist for various pop stars.

At the beginning of a creative career

Angelica Varum, a biography whose photo is in this article, made her debut on stage on her own in 1989. She records two songs that were written for her by her father. These are the compositions "Hello and Goodbye" and "Midnight Cowboy". The last composition almost immediately becomes a full-fledged hit throughout the country.

It is with this song that the heroine of our article first appears on the television screen. Her debut falls on the then popular television program "Morning Star". Interestingly, her birth name is Maria, speaking on the program, she decided to change it to a more harmonious one - Angelica. She decided to take such a pseudonym, because in childhood her grandmother called her "angel", it was an affectionate home address.

First album

An important event in the biography of Angelica Varum is the release of the first solo full-length album. This happens exactly two years later - in 1991. It is called "Good Bye My Boy" and immediately becomes very popular throughout the country. The title track becomes a hit for the singer.

In it, she sings about the separation of two lovers, which occurs due to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The line that got into the title of the song becomes a memorable refrain, and a little later - the anthem of all the youth of that time.

Varum's second album is called "La-la-fa". With his help, Angelica manages to significantly strengthen her popularity. A composition performed by her called "The Artist Who Draws Rain" becomes a hit, and another popular song from that album - "Gorodok" - for many years turns into a soundtrack to the humorous program of the same name by Ilya Oleinikov and Yuri Stoyanov.

According to the results of the calendar year, the song "La-la-fa" becomes a nominee for the "Song of the Year" award. This became a landmark event in the biography of Angelica Varum. Now she can rightfully call herself one of the most popular pop singers in the country.

"Autumn Jazz"

The next disc called "Autumn Jazz" hits the shelves of music stores in 1995. She receives the Ovation award in the Best Album nomination, and the composition of the same name performed by Varum also wins the prize, becoming the best video clip of the year.

Angelica herself is recognized as the most successful star of 1995. We can say with confidence that this time was one of the most successful in her creative biography.

Two subsequent albums strengthened her popularity and audience love, but they did not bring such a number of prizes and awards. These were the records "Winter Cherry" and "Two Minutes from Love".

Actor career

Having achieved everything that one could wish for on stage, Anzhelika Varum decides to try herself as a theater actress. For the sake of this, she even takes a break in her career as a pop singer, plunging headlong into the rehearsals of the play "The Emigrant's Pose" staged by director Leonid Trushkin based on the play by Ganna Slutsky "The Banker". Her old dream comes true - to become an actress and play on stage with a full auditorium.

The work of the heroine of our article was highly appreciated, she was even awarded a special prize - the theater award "The Seagull". Her first film role belongs to the same period. In Vasily Pichul's crime comedy "The Sky in Diamonds", she appears in the lead roles along with Nikolai Fomenko.

This is a fascinating picture, the genre of which ranges from crime drama to absurd comedy. Fomenko plays the crime boss Anton Chekhov, who dreams of becoming a real writer, but instead he has to rob safes and banks. Still, in between numerous crimes, he writes a fantasy novel, from which his love with Vika begins. She is just played by Varum.

In the same 1999, Varum appeared in Alexander Muratov's serial political detective "D.D.D. Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky", and in 2003 - in another popular detective television series - "Kamenskaya".

Her latest film and television work so far is the role of Ellochka the cannibal in Maxim Papernik's comedy musical The Twelve Chairs. Nikolai Fomenko also played in this production (as Ostap Bender), Ilya Oleinikov, Yuri Galtsev, Alexander Semchev, Dmitry Shevchenko were involved.

Return to the stage

In parallel, in 1999, Varum manages to release a new disc. Her name is "Only She". From this album, the creative duet of the heroine of our article with Leonid Agutin begins, which later grew into a family, the lovers remain together to this day.

The compositions "Everything is in your hands", "Queen", "If you ever forgive me" become real hits. Next comes the disc "Office Romance", which, by its name, in fact, describes the relationship between the musicians. This record goes on sale in 2000. This period of Varum's creative activity includes original clips, which are directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk.

In the future, Anzhelika Varum and Leonid Agutin often perform together, even recording albums for two. In particular, "Two roads, two ways", "Stop, curiosity". In 2007, Natalya Podolskaya and her husband Vladimir Presnyakov joined their duet in the song "Be a part of yours". In total, the duet of Agutin and Varum six times becomes the winner of the prestigious national pop award "Golden Gramophone".

Honored Artist of Russia

Anzhelika Varum achieved recognition of her creative merits at the state level in 2011. For merits in the field of art, the singer is awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

A few years before receiving the title, she begins active creative experiments. For example, since 2004 he has been collaborating with the popular Slivki band. Together they release a video called "The Best". In the same year, Varum, together with Agutin, went on a long tour of America, Germany, Israel, most of the countries of the former Soviet Union.

In 2007, solo discs of the performer appear, as well as a popular double album called "Music". In 2009, another disc was released - "If he leaves."

After receiving the honorary title, Varum and Agutin go on a new concert tour "How not to think about you?".

Activities in recent years

In 2016, Varum released the album "The Woman is gone". She wrote the lyrics for the songs herself, and Igor Krutoy became the author of the music.

In 2017, the couple were at the center of a major scandal that occurred during their joint concert in Ulyanovsk. In particular, Angelica was accused of delaying her performance for an hour, and Leonid was accused of appearing on stage drunk.

The musicians vehemently denied the allegations. Declaring that Varum had a cold, because of which she had to radically change the program of the performance, because of this there was a delay. Leonid, as a loving husband, was very worried about the state of health of his wife, and therefore behaved too nervously, which might seem to someone inappropriate behavior.

Personal life

Talking about the biography of Angelica Varum, special attention should be paid to personal life. She was married twice. The first husband of Angelica Varum was her peer and former classmate Maxim Nikitin.

After their union took place, he went on tour with his wife, helping her as an illuminator. The marriage was happy at first, and promised to remain so, but then something went wrong. The couple divorced eight years later.

In 1997, the heroine of our article met the popular singer and musician Leonid Agutin, who became her constant stage partner for a long time.

Birth of a daughter

The creative union eventually developed into a romantic relationship. So children appeared in the biography, personal life of Angelica Varum, more precisely one daughter. In 1999, a couple of years after they met, Lisa is born to them. Then they decide to formalize their relationship in the registry office. The wedding was played in 2000. It turns out that the children had the most direct influence on the biography of Angelica Varum. Perhaps, if Lisa had not been born, Leonid would not have decided to propose to her soon.

Here is such an interesting biography and personal life of Angelica Varum. Photos of children of star parents can be easily found on the Internet. Angelica's daughter, Lisa, was no exception. She is the main joy for her mother. Lisa decided to follow in the footsteps of her parents. She currently plays in the rock band Without Gravity, with whom she performs in college concerts. Since 2003, the girl has been living in Miami, where her grandparents moved. Angelica's father needed treatment, in 2014 he died. Elizabeth stayed in America with her grandmother. She also writes music now, plays the guitar. To date, apart from Lisa, there are no other children in the biography of Angelica Varum. You will find a photo of the girl in this article.

Anzhelika Varum - a popular Russian singer and actress, a native of the Ukrainian city of Lvov, was born on May 26, 1969. Creativity Angelica Varum is very original and filled with a special charm. The real name of the artist is Maria Yurievna Varum.

Childhood, family and early years

The future singer was born in a family of creative intelligentsia. Her father Yuri Varum was a very famous composer, and her mother Galina Shapovalova worked as a theater director. Parents were very busy people, they toured a lot, so the girl spent most of her time with her grandmother.

In childhood

Little Maria attended school in Lvov, and her father led her musical education. The future artist studied music at home, since Yuri Ignatievich was skeptical about state musical institutions. In his opinion, the official curriculum was too limited and hindered the development of the potential of talented children.

Love for art and aesthetics was instilled in Masha from childhood. In the house of Yuri Varum there were many records with different music - from classics to rock. The girl loved to listen to her with her parents, and her father was very happy with her "non-childish" understanding of melodies.

From the age of 5, the girl began to learn the piano, and as a teenager she independently learned to play the guitar. As a high school student, Varum has already gone on tour with the school troupe. She not only performed roles in performances, but also sang Ukrainian traditional songs to her own guitar accompaniment.

From early childhood, our heroine is aware that the stage is her recognition. After graduation, she decided to go to Moscow and apply to the Theater Institute. Boris Schukin. However, this attempt was unsuccessful - the girl did not enter.

After that, Varum returns home and works as a backing vocalist at his father's studio. For a few more years, she "sang along" to other pop performers.

creative path

In 1989, Yuri Varum wrote two songs for his daughter. These were the first solo compositions of the singer. The song "Midnight Cowboy" becomes a real hit. With his debut hit, Varum appears in the program "Morning Star", popular at that time. Thus begins her solo career.

The girl Masha takes the pseudonym Angelica. She chose this name for a reason. Varum recalls how her grandmother affectionately called her "angel". Already an adult granddaughter decided to choose a name similar to this word.

In 1991, the singer recorded her first studio album, Good Bye, My Boy, and shot a video for the song Whistle Man. Some of the compositions of this album became hits in the shortest possible time.

The title track of the debut album Varum tells about the sad story of lovers who had to part because of the fall of the Soviet Union. The composition becomes very popular among young listeners.

Two years later, the singer releases another album, La-la-fa. A video was shot for the song "The Artist Who Draws Rain", and the composition "City" won the hearts of millions of listeners and became the calling card of the young artist. In 1993, with the song "La-la-fa", Varum participated in the "Song of the Year" festival for the first time.

In 1995, the singer delighted fans with another disc, Favorites. This disc seemed to sum up the results of her creative work for five years. In the same year, the bright and stylish disc "Autumn Jazz" was released, thanks to which Varum received the Ovation Award.

The next two albums "Two Minutes from Love" and "Winter Cherry" provided the artist with popular love and a solid place on the musical Olympus. During this period, the perfume "Angelica Varum" appears on the market - her official fragrance.

1996 - in St. Petersburg in the Oktyabrsky Palace, Angelica Varum gives a big solo concert "Angelica's Dreams". After that, the artist briefly leaves her solo work in order to realize herself in the theater. Director Leonid Trushkin invites her to play in the play "Emigrant's Pose".

Theater critics highly appreciated this performance, and Varum shared the stage with such famous artists as Olga Volkova,. For this role, Angelica was awarded the theatrical award "The Seagull".

In 1997, the artist gives another solo concert "Four Steps into the Clouds". In the same year, she begins to collaborate with Leonid Agutin. A creative union gradually develops into a romantic relationship.

1999 - as a result of a 10-year solo career of the singer, her disc "The Best" is released. In addition, Angelica's old dream comes true - to play a movie. In 1999, she played one of the main roles in the film Sky in Diamonds.

A year later, Angelica and release a joint album "Office Romance". With the new concert program "Half of the Heart", the star couple goes on a big tour of Russia.

The creative duet of Varum and Agutin was repeatedly awarded the Golden Gramophone award.

The couple also collaborated with another family duo - Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov. The artists performed the song "Be a part of yours."

In 2005, when Agutin collaborated with American guitarist Al Di Maola, his wife helped him work on the English-language project Cosmopolitan Life.

2010 and 2011 were marked by joint tours of Angelica and Leonid. The creative duo performed not only in the cities of Russia, but also in many European countries, as well as in the USA. Cuban flutist Orlando Valle was invited to their concerts in Moscow.

During her rich and fruitful career, the singer has already released more than 10 albums. She also continues to act in films and work on new discs. In 2011, Angelica received the title of Honored Artist of Russia. Her collection of awards includes three Ovation awards.

Fans in many countries of the world are looking forward to new interesting images and songs from the talented vocalist. And she does not stop bringing new zest to her musical work.

Personal life of Angelica Varum

The duet of Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum is so harmonious that it seems to many fans that they have always been together. However, both spouses have a family background. The first husband of the singer was her classmate Maxim Nikitin. Angelica's husband worked as an illuminator at her concerts. The marriage of the spouses lasted eight years.

The singer met Leonid Agutin in 1997. At that time, he had already managed to become a father - he had a child from the ballerina Maria Vorobyova. Angelica and Leonid began to live in a civil marriage and two years later their daughter Elizabeth was born. A year later, the star couple entered into an official marriage and spent their honeymoon in Venice.

With Leonid Agutin

The daughter of a famous singer followed in the footsteps of her parents. She now lives and studies in Miami. Elizabeth plays in an amateur group and composes songs.

When Leonid Agutin, along with jazz legend Al Di Meola, recorded an album in Miami, friends recommended that he buy a house there. Parents often visit Lisa in the USA, and since 2003, grandfather Yuri Ignatovich moved to live with his granddaughter. The fact is that his health deteriorated sharply, and the doctors advised him to change the climate.

The star has a paternal brother Michael. Angelica's father Yuri Varum was married twice. In 2014 he passed away.

Varum now

January 15, 2019 Anzhelika Varum and Leonid Agutin celebrated the 21st anniversary of their life together. In 2018, they released a joint video, which became popular on the network. In an interview with reporters, Angelica shared her creative plans for 2019.

The famous couple is not going to stop there. Unrealized plans and joint projects require creative implementation.

A self-sufficient person and a creative person, Angelica tries to keep up with her star husband. In 2017, the singer presented two new compositions "Girls Can Do" and "Mom". By March 8, the singer released a new album, The Woman Walked. The singer spends a lot of time on tour, delighting fans with new hits.

There are such rare girls who always do everything perfectly: love, family, children, career, and so on. They are talented and beautiful by nature, they are in the right places at the right time, they know how to use luck as a chance, and most importantly, they know something that makes them a star - bright and unlike the others.

Now Anzhelika Varum says that in the late 80s and early 90s it was a good time for artists - artistic councils, through which many talents could not break through, ended, and young people could relatively easily get into radio rotation or television music broadcasts. And at the present time there are no artistic councils, but the choice of music is so large that it is easy for listeners to get lost in the variety of genres and performers. But be that as it may, 25 years ago, Angelika Varum became popular very quickly - right after she sang the song "Midnight Cowboy". She was only 20 years old, and she was already gathering a huge audience of fans, and there was not a single disco where her hits would not sound: “Good Bye, my boy”, “Neighbour's boy”, “La-la-fa”, and the copies of the CDs sold out in no time. So fame came to Angelica, and the singer's career began even earlier.

All photos 12

Maria Varum (Angelica is her stage name) was born in a creative family: father - musician, composer Yuri Varum, mother - theater director Galina Shapovalova. The house constantly sounded music - from classical to jazz-rock. “Angelica broke away from her studies, reacting to the work that I liked. It seemed that she did not absorb like all children, but she knew everything she heard from birth, as if it had been genetically transmitted to her in some way, - Yuri Itzhakovich later recalled, but did not send her daughter to a music school, they say, only limit freedom of thinking. Since the parents were often on tour, the grandmother was engaged in the education and upbringing of little Mary. The girl studied notes at home: at the age of 5 she played the piano, in her school years she mastered the guitar, and in her senior classes she already went on tour with the school theater - she sang Ukrainian songs and accompanied herself on the guitar.

After school, young Maria Varum decided to enter a theater university, but did not pass the competition and began working as a backing vocalist at her father's studio. It was a good experience for an aspiring singer. A little time passed and in 1990 she recorded her first song. “Midnight cowboy my dear unearthly. My homeless wanderer, born of a dream ”- in the harsh 90s, everyone lacked romanticism and tenderness, and pop music in those years was especially melodic and memorable. In general, the hit of the young performer fell in love with the country, however, like all subsequent hits: “The Town”, “The Artist Who Draws Rain”, “La-la-fa”, “Winter Cherry”, “Whistleman” and others. Angelica Varum becomes a member of the super-popular in those years programs "Morning Star", "50/50", "Song of the Year" and performs at the Olimpiysky Concert Hall - good luck for the young singer.

“So sad that I want to smoke ...” - Angelica Varum sang this, but she herself never sat without work. Any artist can envy her energy and business acumen. In 1996, she released the personalized perfume "Angelika Varum", the following year she made her debut on the stage in the play "Pose of an Emigrant" based on the play "The Banker" by Hanna Slutsky, and her partners on stage were Lyudmila Gurchenko, Evgenia Simonova and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. And the debut took place: for this role, Angelica became the winner of the theater award "The Seagull". Then there were film roles in the film "The Sky in Diamonds", in the series: "Kamenskaya-3", "Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky", in the musical "12 Chairs".

“Dad taught me to be philosophical about any life situation,” Varum reasoned in an interview with Antenna magazine. -Being a chronically unhappy person is the same as being lazy or stupid. Ignoring illness and death, misfortune is an episodic category. And if it becomes constant, then you are either stupid, or you are just too lazy to live.

Angelica experiments a lot with style - defiantly sexy stage costumes, short skirts and shorts, transparent blouses, thin tight fabrics-spider webs. Her performances are a costume performance and modern choreography. In the clips, for the first time on our stage, she uses animated fragments, and in the video for the song ... there were many erotic scenes.

But it's all just creativity. The personal life of the singer has always remained a secret under seven locks. Angelica's first husband was her former classmate Maxim Nikitin. He worked as an illuminator in the Varum studio, the marriage lasted 8 years. Angelica does not talk about this time in an interview.

And in 1997, the singer spends more and more time with the composer and singer Leonid Agutin. A year later, a joint disc by Varum and Agutin "Office Romance" was released. Immediately, the musicians begin to perform with the joint program "Half of the Heart". And later creative plans grew into family relationships. “With Lenya, the story is a textbook. He is very similar to my dad, even though they look completely different. Their similarity is in the scale of personality and level of talent. And I, in turn, look like Lenin's grandmother in her youth. I don’t know about her character (although, according to the stories of her relatives, she also liked to control everything and was a leader), but there is an outward resemblance! Not to mention that her name was also Mary. Angelica recalls.

And on February 9, 1999, the couple had a daughter, Elizabeth. (Leonid's daughter Polina grew up from his first marriage). The birth of her daughter did not greatly affect the singer's work schedule - even during pregnancy, Anzhelika and Leonid toured a lot, recorded a disc, and soon the seventh solo album “Only She” and the album “The Best” were released - the result of 10 years of Anzhelika's concert activity.

While the parents were actively touring, the child was with his grandparents in Miami. And from the age of 5 she moved there for permanent residence. This year, Elizabeth celebrated her 17th birthday, she, like her parents, is passionate about music. “In general, when two people decide to go through life together, all the rules of peaceful coexistence are outlined in the first year or two of living together ... I remember well the period of grinding in my family life with my husband. A complete feeling that you are at war and walking through a minefield. It was a little easier for me, because Lenya came to my territory, to my house. And, nevertheless, even being in the status of a hospitable hostess, I felt like a newborn, - says Angelica.

Their creative and family union was noted at the state level - in 2006, Anzhelika Varum and Leonid Agutin were awarded the Order of Service to Art, I degree. By the way. The Golden Star is awarded not just to musicians, but to a couple who, for many years, by their example, by the strength of their union, sincerely promotes family values ​​on the Russian stage.

Now Angelica is busy recording two new albums at once, preparing performances for summer festivals.

Angelica Varum's hometown is Lviv, she was born on May 26, 1969. Her sister was creative, her father was a famous composer, her mother was a theater director. They toured the country, the girl was raised by her grandmother.

Angelica received her musical education at the insistence of her father. She studied music at home, began to master the piano from the age of 5, and as a teenager, she learned to play the guitar. From childhood, the girl was instilled with a love of art.

At school, Varum participated in performances, sang songs. After school, she entered the institute. B. Shchukin, but unsuccessfully. Upon returning home, Varum worked at her father's studio as a backing vocalist and collaborated with other performers.


In 1989 Y. Varum wrote 2 songs for his daughter, one of them "Midnight Cowboy" became a hit. Varum performed it, participating in the program-competition "Morning Star". A little later, she changed her name to Angelica.

In 1991 the 1st album is released - “Good Bye, my boy” and the video “Whistle Man”. Many compositions very soon gained popularity. After 2 years, Angelica recorded the album "La-la-fa", the song "City" became her hallmark.

In 1995 the disc "Autumn Jazz" was released, for which Varum was given the "Ovation" award. Gained popularity and her subsequent albums - "Two minutes from love", "Winter Cherry".

In 1996 in St. Petersburg they organized a solo concert by Varum "Angelica's Dreams". After him, the artist was invited to play a role in the play "The Emigrant's Pose" along with Lyudmila Gurchenko, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. For her, Angelica received the "Seagull" award.

In 1997 another concert of the singer "Four Steps into the Clouds" took place. In the same period, cooperation with L. Agutin began, which turned into a close relationship.

In 1999 the disc "The Best" is released, Varum is filming in the film "Sky in Diamonds". A year later, the couple released the album "Office Romance", went on tour around the country. The duo was awarded the Golden Gramophone award several times. In total, Varum released more than 10 albums, in 2011. she received the title of Honored Artist.

Personal life

Varum's first husband is M. Nikitin, a classmate who worked as an illuminator at her concerts. The marriage lasted 8 years.

In 1997 Angelica began to communicate with L. Agutin, who already had a child from the ballerina M. Vorobyeva. For three years, Angelica and Leonid lived in a civil marriage, they had a daughter, Elizabeth. She currently lives in Miami, studies, plays in a band, composes songs. Elizabeth lives independently, sometimes comes to Moscow.

Angelica has an Instagram account. She leads the page on her own, posting compositions, photos with her family.