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Borscht in a cast iron pan in the oven. Borscht in the oven stewed in a pot: a real recipe. Can ceramics be used?

Borscht in a cast iron pan in the oven.  Borscht in the oven stewed in a pot: a real recipe.  Can ceramics be used?

Pot cooking is a unique and very gentle way of cooking that transforms the simplest ingredients into a tasty, healthy dish. In this way, borscht is prepared in the oven in a pot, as in the photo. The dish is not just boiled, but languished, so the taste of the finished dish is rich and multifaceted. If desired, you can cook both a regular and lean version of borscht. Although our grandmothers cooked borscht exclusively in the Russian oven, this recipe for the oven is also suitable. Therefore, we will analyze step by step how to cook it.


  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 small beetroot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 0.5 cans of canned beans;
  • 150 g sauerkraut;
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste;
  • 100 g fresh cabbage;
  • 80 g of celery rhizomes;
  • 30 g dried mushrooms;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil;
  • 2 laurels;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • a little salt and black pepper.
  • Recipe

    Before preparing a lean dish in pots, we clean all the vegetables. Cut carrots, beets, celery into strips, onions into small cubes, and potatoes into smaller cubes. My mushrooms, pour boiling water.

    We fry the beets in vegetable oil until golden brown, but it will be much more useful to bake the beets in the oven for borscht, wrapping them in foil. The beets will bake for 40-45 minutes. Put the beets on the bottom of the pots.

    Separately, fry the onion with carrots, spread on top.

    Then comes a layer of potatoes and celery. We spread the beans, both types of kaputa, season with spices, add lavrushka.

    Lay the squeezed, chopped mushrooms on top. With the liquid remaining from the mushrooms, dilute the paste, pour it out. Top up with water to the very top, cover the containers with lids.

    Tomim borscht in a clay pot at 180 degrees for about an hour and a half. Borscht stewed in the oven is served immediately after cooking.

    If you don't have pottery, you can cook in a fireproof pot or cast iron pot.

    You can also watch a video recipe of this dish on the site.

    Bon appetit everyone!

    In which pan to cook borsch so that it is tasty and healthy, and washing dishes does not cause trouble?

    Everything must be taken into account - the high acidity of the dish, the foam rising during boiling, the need for mixing. It is equally important to correctly calculate the volume, taking into account the number of family members. In this instruction, you will learn which option to choose so that cabbage soup is tasty and safe. After all, mistakes lead not only to the destruction of vitamins, but also to the formation of harmful compounds.

    Features of shape and size

    Borscht is a multi-component dish, which is usually prepared for several days. For this reason, medium and large-sized dishes are used for cooking. with a bottom diameter of 20 cm. A more accurate volume of a pot for borscht is determined from the ratio: 1 liter per person.

    Based on the formula, if the family consists of two adults and two children, in order to cook a sufficient amount of the first, choose a pot with a volume of at least 3-3.5 liters. For a family of four adults (if the children are teenagers and older) - 4-5 liters.

    When buying a pot for cooking borscht, pay attention not only to the size, but also to the shape. It depends on the shape how evenly the container will heat up and what the energy consumption will be.

    Dishes for first courses are intended for cooking, not for stewing. A stewpan in this case is acceptable, but not the best option, since it heats up unevenly on the burner. You should not choose a cauldron, a deep frying pan, a bowler hat.

    The optimal shape of the pan for borscht - cylindrical with high walls. With this, you can not worry that the broth will run away after boiling - high walls will help keep the situation under control.

    Delicious cabbage soup is also obtained in a deep dish with convex walls, which looks like a pot. When choosing a similar model, pay attention to the fact that the walls are not very curved, otherwise the container and contents will heat up for a long time.

    What material to choose

    An ideal borscht pot that guarantees excellent taste can be:

    • stainless steel;
    • enameled
    • ceramic;
    • glass;
    • with non-stick coating.

    Each of these varieties has its own advantages and characteristics, and is also suitable for different types of plates.

    Practical stainless steel in the kitchen

    In view of the high practicality, professional chefs choose for red and green borscht. Stainless steel is easy to clean, durable, you can store the finished dish.

    To get a good borscht, choose a pot from a reliable manufacturer, made of high-quality alloy with the marking 18/10 and above having:

    • thick walls - not less than 0.6 mm;
    • multilayer bottom;
    • a tight-fitting lid with a steam hole that allows borscht to languish, gaining flavor;
    • reliable handles made of non-heating material.

    Some types of steel pans have a very thick bottom that accumulates heat. This feature allows you to cook at lower temperatures, more fully preserving the vitamin composition of vegetables, making the dish healthier. Low-grade alloy utensils can spoil the taste of food by imparting metallic notes.

    It is highly undesirable to store borscht in a stainless steel pan. Better pour the rest in glass or enamelware. This is where it will come in handy.

    Universal enamelware

    An enameled carbon steel or iron pot is perhaps the most traditional choice for cooking borscht in the home kitchen. The ceramic or vitreous enamel covering the walls is inert and does not spoil the taste of the first course even when stored for several days. In addition, it is easy to care for and looks attractive. This is an ideal pan for green borscht, cabbage soup, beetroot soup, saltwort and other dishes.

    About the high quality of dishes says:

    • heavy weight;
    • thick - about 0.8 mm walls;
    • absence of enamel sagging and other defects.

    The only drawback is the formation of chips and cracks in the enamel over time. When they appear, enameled dishes cannot be used for food tasks.

    Can ceramics be used?

    Massive ceramic dishes add rustic taste to the first course. in the form of a pot with a lid. But this option is more suitable for special occasions, and not for every day. Inside, there must be a glaze or enamel that is resistant to acids.

    Advantages: attractive design, does not absorb odors, can be used to store ready meals. Slowly heating up and creating the effect of languishing, ceramics retain vitamins better. A feature of such dishes is a small volume - up to 3-3.5 liters, which is only suitable for a small family.

    heat resistant glass

    Red or green borscht looks impressive in a universal saucepan made of thick refractory glass. Such dishes are environmentally friendly, scratch-resistant, do not absorb odors, withstand heat up to 300 ° C. Can be used for cooking:

    • in the microwave;
    • on an electric stove;
    • on a gas stove with

    As a rule, they produce a small volume - 2-3 liters, they are suitable for a family of two. To make the first tasty, you need to cook, covering it with a lid with a hole for steam to escape. Glass lids usually do not have a steam vent.

    What utensils should be avoided?

    Among the variety of materials from which modern pots are made, not all are suitable for cooking borscht and cabbage soup. Aluminum and cast iron pans are absolutely not suitable for this purpose. without cover. Their surface is easily destroyed under the influence of acids contained in the products that make up the dish.

    The walls of aluminum and cast iron utensils are easily subject to oxidation, which leads to the fact that dangerous compounds pass into food, spoil its taste and make it unsafe.

    Thanks to a special coating, the cookware is quite suitable for cooking green and classic red borscht. It is easy to wash, but it is important to protect it from scratches - you can only stir with a wooden or silicone spoon. For storage, the remaining cabbage soup needs to be poured.

    Knowing the features of each material and the advantages of forms, you can easily figure out which pan is best for cooking borscht, and buy the perfect one for yourself.

    It's no secret that traditional borscht is cooked on the stove. Despite this, skilled housewives have learned how to cook this dish in the oven. At the same time, the taste of borscht remains amazing, and the products retain their beneficial properties. This first course is suitable for people on a diet, as well as nursing mothers and pregnant women.

    Ingredients for borscht in the oven

    Ingredients listed are for 8 servings.

    Recipe for cooking borscht in the oven

    1. Half of the chicken must be washed and cut into small portions. You can also use chicken fillet.
    2. Beets should be pre-boiled in their skins, then peeled, grated and stewed a little in a pan, adding vegetable oil, tomato paste or fresh chopped tomatoes and lemon juice. Some housewives add a pinch of granulated sugar.
    3. Peel and grate the carrots on a large or small grater. Peel and cut the onion, preferably into small cubes.
    4. Peel potatoes and cut into slices or cubes. Shred white cabbage.
    5. Prepared ingredients must be evenly distributed among the pots. If there is a large oven pot, then you can cook in one container, while the cooking time increases. At the bottom, put portioned pieces of meat, then add grated carrots, chopped onions and beets stewed in tomato paste. Next, put the potatoes, and on top - chopped cabbage. You can add a bay leaf to each pot.
    6. Pour the ingredients with water, do not forget to salt, close the lid and put in the oven to languish for about two hours at a temperature of 160-170 degrees.
    7. Immediately after turning off, add a little squeezed garlic to the borscht and leave to infuse in the oven for another half hour.

    The total cooking time, including languishing, is about 3 hours.

    The calorie content of such borscht is somewhat lower than the traditional version and is about 50 kilocalories per 100 g.

    Borscht cooked in the oven is served hot in pots. Like other types of borscht, it is eaten with low-fat sour cream and fresh herbs, which are put on the table on a separate plate in crushed form. It is recommended to eat wind borscht with gray or black bread.

    Everything cooked in pots is tastier than just stewed or boiled. For many, a dish in a pot, as it were, guarantees great taste in advance. I have the same opinion about the recipe for this borscht. Borscht is a dish of Ukrainian cuisine and is considered a calling card. There are many recipes for making borscht, but most often the housewives cook it on the stove, gradually adding fried or raw ingredients to the borscht. This recipe is fundamentally different from the usual recipe. To prepare this dish, all vegetables are fried in advance and each separately. After, all the ingredients are collected in a single pot and languish in the oven. Borscht in the oven in a pot turns out to be tasty, rich, fragrant and a little sweet. Try and cook such borscht at home, especially since the recipe will be described in detail and clearly.

    Borscht in the oven in a pot

    how to cook borscht with mushrooms in the oven recipe


    • white cabbage - 100 g,
    • potatoes - 4 pcs.,
    • onion - 1 pc.,
    • carrots - 1 pc.,
    • vegetable oil for frying - to taste,
    • champignons - 100 g,
    • beets - 1 pc.,
    • tomato juice or tomatoes - 1 cup or 2-3 pieces,
    • salt, spices - to taste,
    • canned beans - 1 can,
    • bell pepper - 1 pc.

    Cooking process:

    To cook borscht in a pot, take onions. Clean and cut into small cubes. Grate carrots.

    Saute onion in vegetable oil until light brown.

    Peel potatoes and cut into cubes. In a clay pot, on the bottom, lay the potatoes.

    Add grated carrots to the fried onions. Saute everything together until the carrots are soft.

    Add chopped bell pepper to carrots and onions. Now pour in the tomato juice. If you don't have tomato juice, use fresh tomatoes. Borscht will only benefit from this. Cut the tomato in half and grate the pulp on a coarse grater. The skin will automatically separate. It will only need to be thrown away. In the frying add only the pulp of the tomato.

    Peel the beets and cut into thin strips. You can use special graters for chopping vegetables. Fry the beets in vegetable oil.

    Chop white cabbage into thin strips.

    Add roasted onion, carrots and peppers, fried beets to the pot with potatoes.

    Open a can of beans. Place a few tablespoons of cooked beans in each pot. For cooking, you can use beans cooked at home in advance. It is not necessary to use purchased ready-made.

    Fry chopped mushrooms in vegetable oil.

    Place cabbage, beans and mushrooms in each pot.

    Fill with water so that the vegetables are submerged under water. Add salt, ground black pepper or other spices of your choice to each pot to taste. Close the pot with a lid and place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Readiness can be determined by the readiness of the beets.

    Here is our borscht in pots and ready. Unusual, isn't it? Each serving of borscht can be flavored with a spoonful of sour cream. This is purely individual. Who likes what. My family loves to eat such borscht with lard. A well-salted piece of lard with streaks of meat is perfect. And, as you know, borscht and lard are a classic inseparable couple.

    In our distant childhood, my brother and I always spent the winter holidays with our grandmother in the village.
    Everything was covered with a thick layer of snow, and the boys and I spent all day chasing homemade skates and playing hockey on a frozen lake right in the middle of the gardens.
    And then they ran into the house. Frozen, with red cheeks. In the hallway, they took off their felt boots covered with snow and fur coats, and ran to the upper room, where the grandmother, with a long-handled stag, took out a pot of freshly brewed borscht from the stove.

    It was the best and most delicious borscht in the world.
    Grandma is no longer alive. But I have that pot in which my grandmother cooked borsch for my brother and me then, many years ago ...
    And today in the Bachelor's dinner, grandmother's borscht. Boiled in grandma's pot.

    We need the most common set of products for borscht:
    - brisket with bone - 400-500 g;
    - cabbage, beets, carrots, onions, potatoes, garlic, beans;
    - a small piece of fat;
    - tomato paste, vegetable oil, salt, allspice, bay leaf
    - greens, hot pepper, green onion for serving

    First, we cook the meat broth ... I add a little salt to it and add a few peas of allspice at the end

    In fact, the whole value of this dish is in a ceramic pot. My grandmother cooked borscht in it when I was still very young. Hundreds and thousands of times it was put in the oven and taken out. With borscht, stewed potatoes, soup...
    Grandma has been dead for a long time. But now every time I take this pot out of the cupboard to cook something in the oven, I remember her. Her and her childhood

    But back to borscht. While the broth finishes cooking, cut the beets into large strips

    And briefly stew it with the addition of broth. Enough minutes 10-15.
    After that, we shift the beets into a pot.

    We cut the fat into small pieces, squeeze 1-2 cloves of garlic onto it. Mixing...

    And in a frying pan, on a slow fire. When the fat releases a little fat, add finely chopped onions and carrots to the pan. We do not keep it on fire for a long time - just a few minutes. And also add to our pot

    We clean and cut potatoes into cubes, add pre-soaked beans and cabbage .. Yes, I like borscht only with beans. I just don't get the other one. But this is my personal taste.

    Mix everything, add tomato paste and pour the broth with pieces of meat

    Now you need to make a lid for the pot. Take half a glass of flour and add a little water, knead the dough.
    Knead it until it is smooth and no longer sticky to your hands.

    We roll the dough into a pancake and cover the pot with it, tightly squeezing the neck. The dough should not be very thin, otherwise it may then crack in the oven and allow air to enter the pot.

    After that, put the pot in the oven, heated to 180 degrees.
    Now the borscht will languish in a pot, under a lid made of dough, for 40-60 minutes. You can even longer, you don’t have to worry, the vegetables will not boil.

    We get it. As soon as I stirred the pot, a crack appeared immediately on the baked dough lid.

    We open. And enjoy the aroma. Let not in the oven. But a real grandmother's borscht. In grandma's pot

    Serve with donuts, grated garlic, hot peppers and green onions.

    Enjoy your meal!