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Differentiated teaching at physical culture lessons. Physical education lesson. Individual approach

Differentiated teaching at physical culture lessons.  Physical education lesson.  Individual approach

An individual approach in the classroom is closely related to the methodology of conducting classes. teacher physical education it is necessary to plan work, taking into account the age, typical and individual characteristics of children, and conduct training in such a way that the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities becomes a need for them, brings joy and inner satisfaction. How to achieve this if there are 30 people in the class with different levels of physical fitness?

If the child has a preparatory group

Now many schoolchildren are assigned to the preparatory medical group for health reasons. For such students, additional classes should be systematically organized. Lessons with them should be carried out according to the general program, taking into account their characteristics, individualizing the selection of exercises and dosing the load when teaching the technique of program exercises, especially in gymnastics, athletics and ski training, setting reduced standards for them (for each individually) and exercising in this respect special control.

The role of the teacher

Each physical education teacher has his own specific methods of work, but all teachers are united by a sensitive and attentive attitude towards students, an individual approach to everyone, which is very important for improving academic performance.
A huge role in the work of a teacher, especially with senior classes, is played by his personality: pedagogical skills and human qualities cause one or another reaction of students not only to himself, but also to the subject he teaches.
A good attitude towards a physical education teacher contributes to the emergence of many students' interest in physical exercises. This is especially true for high school girls if the teacher is a young man.
In order to generate such interest among students and maintain it, it is necessary:

1) stimulate the curiosity of students;
2) improve the quality of education by accustoming schoolchildren to serious and hard work, and not turning the learning process into fun;
3) organize self-training of students so that after graduating from school they are able to find ways and means to maintain good physical shape without outside help.

When physical activity is fun

The student should experience only joy from the results of his work, receive a sense of inner satisfaction.
Properly calculated physical activity is an important condition for raising children's self-confidence, the emergence of a positive psychological attitude necessary for success.
Explanation and demonstration of new exercises should be done with the whole class at the beginning of the main part of the lesson. This will give the teacher the opportunity to immediately see the quality of the students' exercises and the personal characteristics of each.

Individual circuit training

When schoolchildren have mastered the material well enough, it is possible to build classes in groups in the main part of the lesson according to the principle of circular training. This allows you to increase the motor density of the lesson, and also gives the teacher the opportunity to see the work of all students, control their actions, give advice and provide individual assistance in a timely manner.
This teaching method mainly consists of:

- in the distribution of students by groups and departments, taking into account their level of physical fitness and health status;
- in performing exercises on gymnastic apparatus, taking into account the level of development of the physical qualities of each student;
- in the possibility of using several pedagogical techniques at once.

Distribution by groups

The distribution of students into groups is usually made depending on their physical fitness, as well as success in this sport. This allows the teacher to plan the method of teaching the entire group (department), paying attention to each student. However, this distribution may be misunderstood by students. Therefore, so that they do not lose interest in classes, there must be a leader in the group, behind whom the rest of the students would be drawn.
In sports games and various relay races, it is advisable to make groups and teams mixed (by strength), where each student contributes to the victory of the team. Then the weaker ones will strive to achieve high sports results.

Pedagogical techniques

Of great importance is the motivation for physical exercises, the activity of children in the lessons of physical culture and various sports events. It is necessary for students to set a goal and encourage them to achieve it, to look for new interesting forms and methods of work to introduce them to active physical education. One of the methodological techniques is to transfer students from one department to another, as they progress, in order to form their interest.

Card training

Considering the issue of an individual approach to training and development of motor qualities, it is necessary to say about some techniques and methods used in physical education lessons. One of them is work on cards with tasks. For example, the entire program material of the "Gymnastics" section can be divided into small portions - tasks. These tasks, as well as information about the development of various physical qualities and the regulatory requirements of this section of the program, are recorded on cards.

In terms of the volume of material and the complexity of the task, the cards may not be the same, so that each student can choose a task according to his strength and calmly work on it, but at the same time he must complete the material from all the cards. This technique allows you not to rush into the exercise, but to postpone it in order to have time to prepare well for the answer.

The teacher advises children throughout the lesson, helps them complete complex tasks, teaches them new movements, and insures them. With this approach, the teacher has enough time to help less prepared students, and the children, in turn, can independently unite in groups of 2-3 people to work together on the exercise. The guys who completed the tasks on the cards they initially chose move on to the next ones, and so on. The main thing in this technique is the overall employment of students in the lesson, the opportunity to master the tasks available at the moment. This increases their interest and improves their emotional state.

Movement coordination

Coordination of movements is essential for improving the progress of schoolchildren in physical education lessons. To improve it, you need:

- gradually increase the dosage of exercises;
- constantly adjust the technique of their implementation;
- widely use lead-up exercises.

Psychological type of student

When working individually with students in physical education lessons, it is necessary to take into account the psychological type of the student. So, in an unbalanced, excitable, with sudden changes in mood and frequent nervous breakdowns, a student can observe a spasmodic nature of assimilation of the material. A calm, balanced child works in a completely different way: he evenly, relatively quickly and firmly learns educational material from lesson to lesson, while an unbalanced student is much slower and not so firmly.

There are three characteristic groups of students:

1) quickly and perfectly assimilating the material, having good physical fitness and, as a rule, excellent or good academic performance in all subjects;
2) good and excellent, but slowly assimilating the material, having average performance physical development;
3) mediocre and poorly assimilating material in physical education lessons. The reasons for this, as a rule, lie in insufficient physical development and deviations in the state of health.

Individual approach to high school students

In high school, individual work should be aimed at ensuring that the effect of the loads received in the classroom lasts as long as possible, and the body recovers faster.
It is also important that students do not miss classes, since with long breaks, the physiological reactions caused by physical activity return to their baseline, and in the future, in the absence of load, they even turn out to be lower than the initial one. In this case, there is a fading of conditioned reflex connections that underlie the formation of motor skills and abilities.

Features of the methodology of individual approach

1. The implementation of an individual approach requires studying the personality of students, identifying their individual characteristics.

2. An individual approach to students should ensure the growth of the performance of all students, and not just lagging behind.

3. Of particular importance is the choice of the form of organization of children in the lesson.

4. The distribution of students by departments at physical education lessons should be carried out taking into account their preparedness.

5. Individualization of teaching methods at physical culture lessons should include:

– creation of accessible conditions for performing exercises, depending on the features of the development of motor qualities;
– methodical sequence of study educational material in accordance with the level of preparedness of each department.

Photo by N. Zhuravka

Evgeny Litvinov,
PhD, Moscow

Initial situation, problems, causes Given today's overload curricula children spend at school for 7-8 hours, mostly sitting. A very low percentage of school students are involved in sports sections. There is a growing number of schoolchildren who are not motivated to engage in physical education, as well as children with a low level of physical fitness.

In schoolchildren who are physically poorly developed, mental performance is lower and less stable than in physically strong ones. Students involved in sports have higher rates of mental performance than those who attend physical education classes. In classes, children with different levels of physical fitness and psychological qualities are often selected. This is the reason for the decrease in the effectiveness of physical education lessons, subject to the use of uniform requirements and methods of work with all students.

Experience in solving similar problems differentiated learning on the interests of children (I.N. Zakatov) The fan of culturological directions of differentiation includes 8 educational departments, among which a special place is occupied by the department of physical culture (education of a healthy lifestyle, the right attitude to one’s health, the cult of physical beauty, practicing various sports, teaching the basics medical and psychological knowledge). D) Technology of individualization of education (A.S. Granitskaya and V.D. Shadrikov)

Relevance The need to increase the interest of children in physical education and sports, which requires the creation of a situation of success in the learning process for each student, regardless of his physical abilities and development. Thus, a differentiated approach will not only help to strengthen the physical and mental health of the child, but also increase his self-esteem, help him establish himself in the team and subsequently make independent decisions.

Hypothesis If we succeed in cultivating a steady need for regular physical exercises, which should turn into a strong habit, then we will achieve the student's awareness of the need for such activities to achieve success in learning, life, and work.

Goal-setting for students is to acquire certain skills and bring them to the level of skills; for the teacher - create for the student optimal conditions for the successful implementation of control standards corresponding to the individual level of physical development; to achieve an understanding by the student of the purpose of the exercises performed; ensuring the density of the lesson to increase the motor load.

Activity model and execution schedule. 1. Working with gifted students and involving them in sports events of district and city significance - account. year 2. The distribution of students into medical groups and the organization of classes with them in accordance with the developed regulation on assessment and certification for health reasons to various groups - during school year. 3. Testing of pupils in grades 5-6 to determine the level of physical abilities in 4 exercises-tests (entrance control) - September-November 2007. 4. Working with students of average level of physical development and involving them in school sports activities - during the school year. 5. Repeated testing of students in grades 5-6 and monitoring the growth of the student's physical fitness throughout the year - March, April 2008. 6. Development and selection of special exercises for girls of asthenoid and digestive types - September-December 2007. 7. Individual work with young men of classes on the issues of strength training, development of individual programs for each student - September 2008.

Differentiated training of the group According to mental qualities According to gender difference According to body type According to the level of physical development Medical boys girls

Resource support Financing: A) insufficient funding for the school to support multi-level education, as well as the purchase of special sports equipment for these purposes; B) the lack of proper medical support for the process of physical education of students and specialists in physical therapy; C) insufficient funds to purchase a prize fund for intra-school events; D) the lack of a financial base for the creation of free education on the basis of the school sports sections. Material support: A) 2 sports halls (22X24) with locker rooms, showers, toilets; B) sports town (football field, basketball court, throwing sector, jump pit) C) each sports hall has wall bars, crossbars, ropes, gates, gymnastic mats, sticks, jump ropes, stuffed balls, gymnastic horses and goats, bars , basketball backboards with baskets, volleyball posts with nets, hoops, balls for sports games, tennis table, dumbbells.

Theoretical base. Differentiated education is an education system that ensures the development of the personality of each student, taking into account his abilities, interests, inclinations and abilities. It implies openness and variability of education, as well as a variety of methods, means and forms of organization of educational and educational work. When knowledge is controlled, differentiation deepens and turns into individualization (individual accounting of the achievements of each student).

To create a lesson atmosphere stimulating for learning, the following are necessary first of all: pedagogical love for the child (care, humane attitude, human warmth and affection); understanding of children's difficulties and problems; accepting the child as he is, with all his shortcomings; compassion, participation, needed help; learning the elements of self-regulation (learn to learn, learn to control yourself)

System of work 1. Materials reflecting the results of the work: "Indications of the state of health for determining the medical group" Tables of the level of physical fitness of students. 2. Developed materials Table of assessment of test results Control standards for levels of physical fitness "Regulations on assessment and certification for health reasons to various medical groups" school olympiad on physical culture and sports" "Regulations on holding a Health Day" "Regulations on holding a mini-football tournament" "Regulations on holding a checkers tournament"

Work system 3. Documents and materials reflecting the results of the teacher's activities: feedback on the work on the topic of self-education (physical education teacher Ivanov A.V. - MOU SOSH 53 of the city of Tver) the topic of self-education of the chairman and secretary of the Methodological Council of the school 4. Achievements of students

Conclusions It is already clear today that the work will bring the desired result, since, according to a survey of students, the motivation for teaching physical culture increases (see the results of the survey) The levels of physical fitness of students in grades 5-6 are determined, which will allow working in accordance with a differentiated approach .

Importance of experience for development regional system education State policy, in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Education", is based primarily on the principle of public access to education, the adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of the development and training of students. A differentiated approach to students in physical education lessons is fully consistent with the principles of the above law.

Universality (who cares about the result). health and the formation of the principles of a healthy lifestyle among the younger generation contributes to the formation of a full-fledged member of society, a citizen - a state order. Secondly, the interest of parents in both the above qualities of the child and in the fact that he receives development in accordance with his capabilities without overload is growing. Thus, our activities are aimed at fulfilling the social order.

Test 3. Standing long jump. Determines the level of speed-strength qualities. Conditions: socks on the start line, swing your arms forward and up to jump on both legs. The results are read on the back standing heel of any foot. The results are evaluated with an accuracy of 1 cm.

Test 4. Pulling up from the hang on the bar. Holding the bar with a grip from above, pull yourself up and go out with your chin above it. Fully straighten your arms, fix this position and start the next pull-up. Flying jerks and movements are not allowed. 26

A physical education teacher needs to plan work, taking into account the age, typical and individual characteristics of children, and conduct training in such a way that the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities becomes a need for them, brings joy and inner satisfaction.



Individual approach to physical education lessons.

An individual approach in the classroom is closely related to the methodology of conducting classes. The teacher of physical culture needs to plan the work, taking into account the age, typical and individual characteristics of children, and conduct training in such a way that the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities becomes a need for them, brings joy and inner satisfaction. How to achieve this if the class has students with different levels of physical fitness. Each physical education teacher has his own specific methods of work, but all teachers are united by a sensitive and attentive attitude towards students, an individual approach to everyone, which is very important for improving academic performance.

A huge role in the work of a teacher, especially with the senior classes, is played by his personality: pedagogical skills and human qualities that cause one or another reaction of students not only to himself, but also to the subject he teaches.

The student should experience only joy from the results of his work, receive a sense of inner satisfaction.

Properly calculated physical activity is an important condition for raising children's self-confidence, the emergence of a positive psychological attitude necessary for success.

When working individually with students in physical education lessons, it is necessary to take into account the psychological type of the student. So, in an unbalanced, excitable, with sudden changes in mood and frequent nervous breakdowns, a student can observe a spasmodic nature of assimilation of the material. A calm, balanced child works in a completely different way: he evenly, relatively quickly and firmly learns educational material from lesson to lesson, while an unbalanced student is much slower and not so firmly.

There are three characteristic groups of students:

1) quickly and perfectly assimilating the material, having good physical fitness and, as a rule, excellent or good academic performance in all subjects;

2) good and excellent, but slowly assimilating the material, having average indicators of physical development;

3) mediocre and poorly assimilating material in physical education lessons. The reasons for this, as a rule, lie in insufficient physical development and deviations in the state of health.

Individual approach to high school students

In high school, individual work should be aimed at ensuring that the effect of the loads received in the classroom lasts as long as possible, and the body recovers faster.

It is also important that students do not miss classes, since during long breaks, the physiological reactions caused by physical activity return to their original level, and in the future, if there is no load, they even turn out to be lower than the initial level. In this case, there is a fading of conditioned reflex connections that underlie the formation of motor skills and abilities.

Features of the methodology of individual approach

1. The implementation of an individual approach requires studying the personality of students, identifying their individual characteristics.

2. An individual approach to students should ensure the growth of the performance of all students, and not just lagging behind.

3. Of particular importance is the choice of the form of organization of children in the lesson.

4. The distribution of students by departments at physical education lessons should be carried out taking into account their preparedness.

5. Individualization of teaching methods at physical culture lessons should include:

– creation of accessible conditions for performing exercises, depending on the features of the development of motor qualities;

- the methodical sequence of studying the educational material in accordance with the level of preparedness of each department.

Distribution by groups

The distribution of students into groups is usually made depending on their physical fitness, as well as success in this sport. This allows you to plan the teaching methodology for the entire group (department), paying attention to each student. However, this distribution may be misunderstood by students. Therefore, so that they do not lose interest in classes, there must be a leader in the group, behind whom the rest of the students would be drawn.

In sports games and various relay races, it is advisable to make groups and teams mixed (by strength), where each student contributes to the victory of the team. Then the weaker ones will strive to achieve high sports results.

Lesson plan.

6th grade.

Theme: Basketball.

Tasks: Development of motor qualities.

Purpose: The study of tactical and technical actions in basketball.

Location: Gym.

Inventory: Basketballs, skipping ropes.

During the classes.

1.Introductory part (12m). Construction, greeting, conduct a survey about the state of health, remind about safety precautions. Announce the topic and purpose of the lesson, warm-up, general physical training, exercise in moving in a circle, rebuilding in a column of 4. Perform exercises starting with self-massage, warming up the hands, performing circular exercises, exercise in pairs with resistance, dribbling a basketball in a circle with the left and right hand, throws around the ring from two steps.

2.Main part (30m). Explain tactical and technical actions when dribbling, passing, throwing around the ring. Divide into teams and conduct an oncoming relay with elements of reference in movements. When performing tasks, observe safety precautions. The use of game moments in the game to divide the teams according to a mixed principle: two boys and two girls in one team. The duration of the game is 2x5; at the end of the game and at the end of the playing time, perform free throws, indicate the correctness of the hand position. In the game, follow the rules of the game, in case of violation, indicate errors and methods for their elimination.

3. Final part (3 min.).

Do exercises to restore breathing and relax muscles. Summarize the lesson, what worked, what did not work.

Conduct a survey about the importance of this sport.

Make plans for future lessons.

Organize to proceed to the locker room.

self-analysis of the lesson.

6th grade

Theme of the lesson: Sports games - basketball with a health and fitness orientation.

The purpose of the lesson: to prepare students for the study of educational material in the tactical, technical and health-improving orientation in sports games.

Educational tasks in the lesson are aimed at developing students' knowledge and methods, solving problems of tactical and technical actions and competition rules. Performing all safety measures during classes (during the warm-up during the game). With the behavior of various exercises: outdoor games, relay races with the ball, the strengths and weaknesses of each student are revealed. In this class, the leading mass is made up of boys, 2 of the girls have a deviation for health reasons, but they also strive to show their skills and teaching in basketball. During the warm-up, I take into account the load for health reasons, based on the data of medical examinations, and give recommendations when performing special exercises on a sparing regimen. During the lesson, I limit the time of the game and often change teammates and alternate load with rest. When performing free throws, I show how to correctly perform throws, setting the arms, legs, torso, while correcting errors. Multiple repetition makes it possible to improve tactical and technical actions in basketball, which corresponds to the objectives of this lesson.

At the lessons of sports games, paying attention to the development of practical skills necessary in various life situations. Arming students with deep knowledge of moral quality in practice, using a variety of teaching methods and techniques. Along with the combined lessons, I conduct lessons-games, lessons-competitions. In the process of the lesson, I encourage students to be independent in solving the tasks, based on the knowledge of the previously studied material. I pay attention to individual work with students, which allows students to improve technically. I observe the time schedule at the lesson of the preparatory part - 12 minutes, the main part - 30 minutes, the final part - 3 minutes.

All components of the lesson correspond to the tasks. I spend 20 minutes on mastering new material, 10 minutes on fixing the old one, 8 minutes on preparing for mastering the material, 1-2 minutes on restoration, and 3-5 minutes on tactical actions. Time was used rationally, the class actively completed tasks, a logical connection between the parts of the lesson was provided. Organized control of the assimilation of knowledge, skills, skills on the principle of repulsion, jumps, transmission, how to act, pointing out mistakes.

The time spent on remarking and correcting errors does not play into the time allotted for the game. In the final part, I play the game for attention. The lesson was held at a high emotional level, which prevents fatigue. Due to the game orientation, students acquire knowledge, skills and skills for their further development after the lessons. In the behavior of the results and grading, I comment on this or that rating. I am conducting a survey about the significance of this sport and the need for further training.

Of great importance is the motivation for physical exercises, the activity of children in physical education classes and various sports events. It is necessary for students to set a goal and encourage them to achieve it, to look for new interesting forms and methods of work to introduce them to active physical education. One of methodological techniques is the transfer of students from one department to another as they progress.

Card training.

Considering the issue of an individual approach to training and development of motor qualities, it is necessary to say about some techniques and methods used in physical education lessons. One of them is work on cards with tasks. For example, the entire program material of the "Gymnastics" section can be divided into small portions - tasks. These tasks, as well as information about the development of various physical qualities and the regulatory requirements of this section of the program, are recorded on cards.

In terms of the volume of material and the complexity of the task, the cards may not be the same, so that each student can choose a task according to his strength and calmly work on it, but at the same time he must complete the material from all the cards. This technique allows you not to rush into the exercise, but to postpone it in order to have time to prepare well for the answer.

During the lesson, the teacher needs to advise children, help them complete complex tasks, teach new movements, and insure them. With this approach, the teacher has enough time to help less prepared students, and the children, in turn, can independently unite in groups of 2-3 people to work together on the exercise. The guys who completed the tasks on the cards they initially chose move on to the next ones, and so on. The main thing in this technique is the overall employment of students in the lesson, the opportunity to master the tasks available at the moment. This increases their interest and improves their emotional state.

Forms and methods of work at physical culture lessons

The use of gaming and competitive methods to increase motor activity and achieve satisfaction with physical education lessons.

Most teachers believe that when they come to school, children become adults (you had to play in kindergarten) and in the lesson they must strictly comply with all the requirements put forward by the teacher to achieve a specific goal. We often forget that even adults love to play, and children, especially, regardless of the age at which they are.

One of the main functions of the game is pedagogical; it has long been one of the main means and methods of education.

The concept of the game method in the field of education reflects the methodological features of the game. At the same time, the game method is not necessarily associated with any conventional games, such as football, basketball or elementary outdoor games. In principle, it can be applied on the basis of any exercise provided that they lend themselves to organization in accordance with the peculiarities of this method.

In a game, there are almost always different ways to win that are allowed by the rules of the game.

The players are given space for creative solutions to motor problems, a sudden change in the situation during the game obliges them to solve these problems as soon as possible and with full mobilization of motor abilities.

Most games recreate rather complex and vividly emotionally colored interpersonal relationships such as cooperation, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, as well as the type of rivalry, confrontation, when oppositely directed aspirations collide.

The game method, by virtue of all its inherent features, causes a deep emotional response and allows you to fully satisfy the motor needs of those involved. Thus, it contributes to the creation of a positive emotional background in the classroom and the emergence of a sense of satisfaction, which in turn creates a positive attitude of children to physical exercises.

The competitive method has the same ability to create a positive emotional background and a positive attitude towards physical exercises in the same way as the game method.

The competitive method in the process of physical education is used both in relatively elementary forms and in a detailed form. In the first case we are talking about it as a subordinate element common organization classes, in the second - about an independent relative form of organization of classes.

The main purpose of physical education at school is to accustom students to a mobile lifestyle and encourage them to play sports in free time and then throughout the rest of your life. It turns out that in order for physical education to become pleasant and interesting lesson, the teacher needs to focus more on the personal achievements of students, rather than comparing children


Today, in the age of scientific and technological progress, our children stop exercising. Walking, running, games and walks in the fresh air have been replaced by a car, TV, computer, dishwashers... Even to change the TV channel, you don't have to get up from the couch, there is a remote control. The only place where children do exercise is the school.

Physical activity is essential for children! It not only trains the heart, muscles and blood vessels, but also develops them. In order for a child to develop normally, he must engage in any physical activity in an unorganized manner for at least two hours, in an organized manner - one hour daily! A sedentary lifestyle makes the human body vulnerable to the development of various diseases. This is especially worrying for our children. According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, SCCH RAMS, for last years the following features of negative changes in children's health were noted (M.M. Bezrukikh, 2004; B.N. Chumakov, 2004):

1. A significant decrease in the number of absolutely healthy children. Among students, their number does not exceed 10-12%.

2. A rapid increase in the number of functional disorders and chronic diseases. Over the past ten years, in all age groups, the frequency of functional disorders has increased by 1.5 times, chronic diseases - by 2 times. Half of schoolchildren aged 7–9 and more than 60% of high school students have chronic diseases.

3. Change in the structure of chronic pathology. The proportion of diseases of the digestive system doubled, the share of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (scoliosis, osteocomplicated forms of flat feet) increased 4 times, and diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract tripled.

4. Increase in the number of schoolchildren with multiple diagnoses. Schoolchildren of 7-8 years old have an average of 2 diagnoses, 10-11 years old - 3 diagnoses, and 20% of high school students have a history of 5 or more functional disorders and chronic diseases.

It is clear that in modern educational institution it is necessary to create special scientifically based conditions for the organization and implementation educational process, a special health-forming and health-saving educational environment. In order for children to grow up healthy, proper physical education is necessary, as well as adherence to a healthy lifestyle.

One of the directions in improving the physical education of students in educational schools is the use of a differentiated approach in physical education lessons as an important condition for optimizing the process of education and upbringing.

results scientific research and practical experience show that in all classes there are groups of strong, weak and average students, and that there are statistically significant differences between the performance of these groups. However, the study and generalization of the experience of physical education teachers showed that the teaching methodology is designed for the so-called "average" student. As a result, in physical education lessons, students with high and low levels of physical development and physical fitness cannot fully realize their capabilities, which does not meet the requirements modern school. This work analyzes and systematizes a set of issues related to the organization of a differentiated approach to students in physical education lessons. The system of techniques aimed at establishing the relationship between the content and nature of training sessions and the individual characteristics of students is revealed. different levels readiness. The method of mutual learning of students is disclosed and it is shown importance its use to improve the efficiency of the educational process.

The purpose of this work is to familiarize students with physical culture, the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Within the framework of this goal, the following tasks are solved:

1. Improving tasks of physical education.

1.1 Protecting and promoting the health of students.

1.2 Achievement of full physical development, harmonious physique.

1.3 increase mental and physical performance.

2. Educational tasks of physical education.

2.1. Formation of motor skills and abilities.

2.2. Development of motor abilities.

3. Educational tasks of physical education.

3.1. Formation of interest and need for physical exercises

3.2. Education of activity, independence and moral-volitional personality traits.

Currently, in the theory and methodology of physical education, there are several approaches to the issue of studying the individual characteristics of schoolchildren. One of them indicates that when organizing a differentiated approach in physical education lessons, it is necessary to take into account the state of health and the level of physical development of students, the individual characteristics of the body, the gender of students, the type nervous system, temperament and many other qualities.

A differentiated approach should be implemented not only in the classroom, but also before the lesson, after the lesson, at home (when doing homework).

The practical application of the methods of organizing a differentiated approach in physical education classes makes it possible to achieve an increase in indicators of physical development and physical fitness, improve the functional state of the body, improve the health of students, and effectively prepare for passing norms and tests in physical culture.

Differentiated approach at physical culture lessons.

1. Theoretical foundations of a differentiated approach in physical education lessons.

In modern conditions, it is necessary to carry out not just an individual approach to individual students, but to create optimal conditions for the fruitful work of entire groups of students, a class with equal opportunities. In this regard, there is a need to classify schoolchildren into groups depending on their data for effective work on the lesson. Physical development and physical fitness are a natural result of morphological and functional changes in the body, a reflection of its physical qualities and abilities, which undergo changes depending on genetic causes and human life conditions.

A differentiated approach in physical education lessons is understood as a specific approach to each of the identified groups of students, depending on their capabilities, which allows you to achieve the optimal level of physical development, physical fitness, as well as the appropriate amount of knowledge, skills and abilities.

In the theory and methodology of physical education, the problem of organizing a differentiated approach is recognized as important and relevant. There are scientific developments of this issue in various aspects, thanks to which the signs underlying the differentiated approach have become obvious: the state of health and the level of physical development, the level of physical fitness, the degree of biological maturity and gender of children, the properties of the nervous system and temperament. The section in the group of exercises for the development of correct posture and exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back and abdomen has been expanded. Rope climbing, pull-ups and acrobatic exercises are completely excluded. The educational material of the program is designed in such a way as to ensure consistent preparation of students and thereby create Better conditions for transfer to the preparatory or main group.

1.2. The type of the nervous system and the level of development of students. Psychologist B.A. Vyatkin believes that when implementing a differentiated approach in the process of teaching physical exercises, first of all, the degree of biological development of schoolchildren should be taken into account. A high dependence of the results of physical exercises on biological development, especially on the degree of puberty, was found. In recent years, quite a lot of works have appeared in which a differentiated approach is considered from the point of view of the relationship between learning to exercise, the development of motor qualities and the typological properties of the nervous system. B.A. Vyatkin studied the influence of educational and competitive game motives of activity on the development of physical qualities in 5th grade students. He came to the conclusion that schoolchildren with a strong nervous system in the conditions of the game have much better results, while schoolchildren with a weak nervous system have worse results. For students with a weak nervous system, in the process of learning the movements, the most positive influence gives praise, and the worst is censure and bad evaluation. The success of schoolchildren with a strong nervous system is most significantly affected by censure and evaluation. Students with a weak nervous system learn the technique of movements more easily. During the competition, they become overexcited, which prevents them from performing motor movements. Therefore, for them in the learning process it is recommended to use the competitive method. A differentiated approach to studying a section of the program (throwing, jumping, ski training, running, etc.) allows you to develop a certain style of work for “strong” and “weak” students.

1.3. Age and gender characteristics of students.

When conducting physical education lessons, it is necessary to take into account the age and gender characteristics of students. Already in junior school age when choosing exercises and dosing physical activity, it is recommended to give boys more than girls exercises in lifting and carrying loads, in overcoming resistance, more positive running and skiing distances; increase the height of the jumps, as well as the distance to the targets for throwing. Strength exercises for girls in terms of the number of repetitions can be the same as for boys, but less in tension. Girls more than boys should perform swimming, rhythmic, dance movements.

Students under 11 years of age should be given exercises that develop speed, agility, mobility in the joints and endurance; from 11–12 years old, it is necessary to increase the proportion of strength exercises. In exercises aimed at developing strength and endurance, physical activity for girls is somewhat less than for boys. At the same time, in exercises for speed and dexterity, they can be given more difficult exercises than boys. AT adolescence improves the nervous regulation of the muscular apparatus, which creates good conditions for mastering complex motor actions. For children aged 13–14, the number of exercises associated with a long-term statistical load is reduced. In physical education lessons, constant attention should be paid to correct and deep breathing, strengthening the respiratory muscles, and maintaining correct posture. It becomes difficult for girls at this age to perform exercises in pulling up, climbing, hanging and resting. Special care should be taken to give them exercises such as lifting weights, jumping high altitude. In the lessons, the duration of a slow run can be 4-5 minutes for girls, and 6-8 minutes for boys. For girls, it is necessary to reduce the length of the distance and the intensity of running by 1.5–2 times compared to boys.

In classes with high school students, a significant place should be given to exercises aimed at improving the motor analyzer, in particular, exercises that develop the accuracy of spatial and temporal orientation, assessment power parameters movement, coordination. High school students have a highly developed sense of balance, maintaining a given pace and rhythm of movements. At this age, there are favorable conditions for the development of strength qualities. The growth rates of endurance to long-term strength work and the growth of movement speed indicators in senior school age are lower than on average. Girls have less muscle strength than boys. Therefore, it is more difficult for them to perform such exercises as pulling up, extending their arms at an emphasis, climbing, climbing, running, jumping, raising their legs. However, all these exercises should be used in working with girls, it is only necessary to facilitate the conditions for their implementation.

Girls are contraindicated in lifting and carrying heavy weights, jumping from great heights, but exercises with a moderate load are required to strengthen the abdominal muscles, back, and pelvic floor. They have less functional reserves for intensive and long-term work than young men. Physical activity in them causes a large increase in heart rate, but a smaller increase in blood pressure, and the period of recovery of these indicators to the initial level lasts somewhat longer than in young men.

1.4. Working with children who have achieved certain results in various sports.

Conducting intra-school competitions, as well as taking into account all of the above studies (health status, level of physical and mental development, age, gender of the child, type of nervous system, and others), makes it possible to identify children with the makings of certain sports and certain types of physical exercises. I suggest to such children to engage in certain types sports in the system additional education and possibly individual programs. Such differentiation will allow to strengthen health as much as possible, not only to develop, but also to improve motor skills and abilities. It will allow gifted children to reach certain heights in various areas of sports, self-actualize and, possibly, choose a profession.

Thus: in the process of physical education, there is a need, in addition to knowledge of the age-sex differences of schoolchildren, to also study their individual characteristics, such as the state of health, the level of physical development, the level of physical fitness, the degree of biological maturity, the properties of the nervous system and temperament. Therefore, when organizing a differentiated approach, it is necessary to study the individual characteristics of physical development and physical fitness of schoolchildren as signs that can be taken into account, controlled and managed in the process of physical education lessons in general education school. Features of physical development are one of the indicators physical condition organism. In addition, at school age, the size and weight of the body in more reflect the functional capacity of the organism. The analysis of scientific data shows that taking into account various indicators is important for improving the process of physical education of schoolchildren, since the implementation of a differentiated approach allows building training and education in a scientifically sound manner, and therefore most effectively.

2. Organization of differentiated teaching at physical culture lessons.

Work on the organization of a differentiated approach is carried out a lot according to the system developed by the doctor of pedagogical sciences Ishmukhametov Mansur Gumerovich. I conditionally subdivide the differentiated approach into intra-class and intra-school (Fig. 1).

Fig.1 Classification of the differentiated approach.

In my work, I use some techniques of a differentiated approach in physical education lessons:

1. The study of the individual characteristics of students:

  • Age,
  • Medical examination data.
  • Indicators of control tests.

2. Managing student activities:

  • The distribution of students into groups,
  • Definition of physical activity,
  • Organizational and methodological measures.

3. Activation of independent activity of students:

  • Identify assistants and conduct classes with them,
  • Drawing up educational task cards for groups of students.
  • Development of differentiated homework assignments. Let's consider the above methods in more detail.

2.1. The study of the individual characteristics of children.

The program for studying physical development includes the following indicators: standing body length, body weight, circumference chest and others. All anthropological measurements are taken in September and May. Medical commissions are held annually, where the state of health of each student is studied. Based on the data obtained, we, together with the medical worker of the school, use the evaluation tables to determine the level of physical development of each student. (LookAttachment 1) In accordance with the estimated data, we divide children into three medical groups: basic, preparatory and special.

The main group includes students who do not have deviations in physical development and health, as well as schoolchildren with minor deviations in health, subject to sufficient physical fitness.

AT preparatory group children with minor deviations in physical development and health status, without significant functional changes, with insufficient physical fitness are enrolled.

The special group includes students who, for health reasons, have significant deviations of a permanent or temporary nature, for whom classes in government programs in general groups.

After conducting an assessment of the physical development of students, I take on special account and under the supervision of those children who have:

  • with a body length below average, average and above average and high level developmental indicators of weight and chest circumference are lower than those corresponding to a given growth group of the subject of the same age and sex;
  • length is rated "low" regardless of the value of other indicators;
  • body length is rated “high” or, with medium length, the rest of the indicators are rated “high”.

2.2. Management of student activities.

In order to manage the educational process pedagogically correctly, make timely adjustments to the lesson, implement a differentiated approach in practical activities, I need, in addition to taking into account the physical development of the student, to monitor the physical fitness of schoolchildren. To study the physical fitness of students, I am compiling a program that may include the following tests: a long jump from a place, a stuffed ball throw, wrist dynamometry.

long jump with places. This test reflects the development of strength and speed of movement. Tests are carried out on a rubber track marked every centimeter. The student stands on the repulsion line, without crossing it with his toes, and assumes the position of a narrow leg stance apart. Do not lift your heels off the floor while swinging your arms. Three attempts are made, and the best result is taken into account for evaluation.

Throwing a stuffed ball (1 kg) is used to assess the speed-strength qualities during work performed mainly due to the muscles of the arms and torso. Throwing is carried out from behind the head with two hands, sitting on the floor. Three attempts are made, the best result is taken into account.

Carpal dynamometry. The muscle strength of the hand is determined by a dynamometer. For students in grades 1–3, the division scale is from 0 to 30 kg, for students in grades 4–10, the scale is from 0 to 90 kg. The strength of the right and left hand is measured separately. The subject stands straight, freely moving his arm slightly forward and to the side, clasping the dynamometer with his fingers (the arrow is directed inward towards the palm) and squeezing it as much as possible without bending the arm at the elbow. The best result of two attempts is taken into account. Measurement accuracy up to one kg. Then, according to the evaluation tables, I determine to which level of physical fitness this or that student belongs. Summing up the scores and dividing them by the number of tests, we get the average score, which indicates general level physical fitness of each student.

According to the level of physical fitness, I divide students into three groups:

The “strong” group includes students who belong to the main medical group for health reasons, who have a high, above average, average level of physical development and a high and above average level of physical fitness. One of indispensable conditions imposed on the students of this group is a constant increase in physical activity and requirements for the technical implementation of physical exercises.

The second group (middle) consists of students of the main medical group with high, above average, with an average level of physical development and having an average level of physical fitness.

The third (weak) group includes students of the main and preparatory medical groups with an average, below average, low level of physical development and physical fitness below an average and low level. For them, more lead-in and preparatory exercises are selected, exercises that require intense effort, which are difficult in coordination and are performed with maximum speed, are excluded. When performing relatively easy exercises on coordination, accuracy and speed of reaction to flexibility, students of this group are given the same number of repetitions as students of the second group, and with more difficult exercises, the number of repetitions is reduced by 5–20%.

2.3. Activation of independent activity of students.

To intensify independent activity, I choose assistants from the group of “strong” ones. For example, when conducting gymnastics classes, I appoint assistants myself from among more prepared students with organizational skills. In the first half of the lesson, I introduce the children to the exercises that are planned to be studied in the upcoming lesson, with the teaching methods, with the methods of organizing classes, insurance, etc. Here the public interests of students are realized. In the second half of the classes, their personal interests are satisfied: they are engaged in game types of physical exercises (basketball, volleyball, handball, football), various relay races, outdoor games, perform exercises for the development of motor qualities, which, they have at an insufficiently high level, etc. . It is better to organize these classes with group commanders from parallel classes. Such activities contribute to professional orientation.

When implementing a differentiated approach important role they play educational task cards, they free me from multiple displays, repeated explanations, clarifications, allow me to differentiate educational tasks, physical activity and pay more attention to individual work with students. The value of using task cards also lies in the fact that such work contributes to the formation of students' skills of independent physical exercises. In addition, training cards can serve as a means of managing the process of mastering knowledge, the formation of motor skills and abilities. (LookAppendix 2)

I use the control and assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities in physical education classes in order to consolidate the need of students for regular physical exercises and selected sports, to stimulate them to self-improvement. I highlight the following criteria for marks:

1. Knowledge (answers, reports, messages, quizzes, sets of exercises).

2. Skills and abilities (technical and tactical actions).

3. The level of physical fitness (not according to standards, but according to individual growth rates, including homework).

4. Instructor skills (the ability to conduct a warm-up fragment).

5. Refereeing (basketball, volleyball, football, etc.).

6. Homework.

7. Insurance.

8. Participation in competitions (I evaluate from the result of the performance).

9. “Lesson score” (assessment for all work in the lesson). With its help, you can support the physically weak, but diligent.

2.4. A differentiated approach to homework assignments physical culture.

A differentiated approach can be used not only in the classroom, but also when doing homework.
- At the first stage, I make up homework for groups of students. I select exercises for self-study in accordance with the educational material that is being studied in this period in the classroom. Homework complexes mainly include general developmental and special exercises for the development of motor qualities. I compose homework assignments in such a way that they are accessible to students and correspond to their preparedness at home, understandable, specific, easy to remember and regulate.
- The next stage is the introduction of homework into the life of students.
– The final stage – summing up (monitoring)

1st stage - revealed maximum rate each exercise in groups,

Stage 2 - in one week of doing homework, the second group (medium) is supposed to have such a dosage that corresponds to half the maximum test.

3rd stage - during each next week the dosage in all groups is increased by one repetition.

By the same principle, I make cards for girls.

In the practice of physical culture, I use several types of task cards (tests, diagrams, graphic images, combined, and others). The homework card indicates the content of the studied material, dosage, a graphic representation and organizational and methodological instructions.

2.5. Working with gifted children.

Using the results of student research, my own observations, I identify “sports stars” in each class. I offer such children to go in for certain sports according to individual or group programs. For many years I have been leading sports clubs: basketball, athletics, cross-country skiing, athletic gymnastics. Why did I choose these mugs? Our school is located in countryside and our area is equated to the conditions of the far north, so the programs “Athletics” and “Skiing” are very relevant for our conditions. I chose the “Basketball” program because few hours are allocated to this discipline in the school curriculum. The program "Athletic Gymnastics" will fill the gap in the preparation of young men for service in the ranks Russian army associated with the abolition of NVP lessons. The second, important reason for choosing these programs was the regular holding of competitions in these disciplines (municipal regional levels). Namely, when implementing the above programs, I have the opportunity to better prepare students for performances in competitions various levels. In the section, I actively involve children with deviant behavior who are registered with the PDN or registered within the school. Such children learn to control themselves, become in demand, begin to realize themselves, their self-esteem increases, which ultimately leads to a change in their behavior in a positive direction.

The implementation of additional education programs makes it possible to improve knowledge, skills and abilities that are not provided for by the school curriculum. They give children the opportunity to achieve better results in sports competitions at the school municipal and regional levels.

The application in practice of the proposed system of methods for organizing a differentiated approach in physical education lessons makes it possible to achieve:
– growth of indicators of physical development and physical fitness;
- improvement of the functional state of the body;
- increasing the density of classes;
effective training to pass norms and tests in physical culture.

4. A gymnast's lesson using differentiated learning.

Organizational and methodological measures are used in the implementation of a differentiated approach, have their own characteristics and contain the following elements:
- at the first stages of training, a group form of conducting classes is used, in which the class learns a common program of skills and abilities for all. I take into account the general level of physical development and physical fitness of students. And then I use the individual-group form, because. it involves learning more complex skills and abilities, taking into account individual capabilities. At the last stage, as well as in classes with a group of “strong” students, I use an individual form of conducting classes, because there is a certain amount of skills and abilities that most fully meets the individual capabilities of students. I take into account the level of physical development and preparedness of each student;
- in the lessons where I set the task of developing motor qualities, at the end of the main part, students of all groups perform dosed physical exercises for 10-15 minutes, which are selected taking into account the similarity in motor structure and the nature of neuromuscular efforts with the main exercises.

Before the start of the lesson, the squad leaders are the first to arrive in the hall. They help me set up equipment, prepare equipment, and keep watch at the locker rooms.

Preparatory part;

At the call, the class lines up in one line in departments, inside which the students are located in height, led by the commander. The construction of a class by departments is used in order to regulate the load according to the strengths and capabilities of students from different groups during the exercises of the first part of the lesson. Simple, light exercises that do not cause strong tension, all students do in the same dosage. This includes rebuilding, building, walking. They begin the preparatory part of the lesson. Then run at a slow and medium pace. In this case, the load is dosed as follows. The students of the third group perform about 85–90%, and the students of the first group perform about 110–115% of the load of the students of the second group. For example, students of the second group run for two minutes, and students of the first and third groups run for two minutes 20 seconds and 1 minute 40 seconds. Or the second group runs 5 circles around the hall, the first and third groups, respectively, 6 and 4 circles. When performing general developmental exercises, a manifestation of strength, speed, endurance is required and causes sharp shifts in the circulatory and respiratory systems. I suggest that the students of the third group do them at an arbitrary pace under an individual account, and the students of the second group 85-90% of the intended load for the students of the first group.

The main part of the lesson.

The sections of students disperse to the indicated places of employment, and under the guidance of the commanders of the sections, they begin to carry out the educational process. The main part of the lesson is divided into three stages:

The first stage is familiarization with the new educational material. All groups receive the same tasks, schoolchildren perform them, taking into account the characteristics of their physical development and physical fitness, under the guidance of a teacher and department commanders.

The second stage is the assimilation and consolidation of educational material, each group is given different tasks. Example: the first group to perform the exercise as a whole, the second group to perform the exercise as a whole, but in light conditions, the third group to perform complicated lead-up exercises.

So when learning the exercise, lifting with a coup at close range on a low crossbar from a hang while standing with a swing of one, a push of the other, the students of the first group do the exercises on their own, practicing in the second group with the help of the squad leader, the third group on uneven bars also with the help.

The third stage is the improvement of motor action. At this stage, the students of the first group perform the lift with a flip at close range in conjunction with other learned elements, in the second group this task is performed in various ways, and in the third group sometimes the third stage of training may not be (due to poor physical fitness) these guys continue work (somewhat complicated, which they performed at the second stage) The division of class students into groups depending on the level of physical development and physical fitness gives me the opportunity to individually carry out work on the development of motor qualities. I usually plan these assignments at the end of the main part of the lesson. Students perform simple, well-known exercises with weights, with the weight of their own body on the shells and with shells. For all groups of students, the exercises can be the same, but the number of repetitions is strictly differentiated.

The final part of the lesson - the class is united into one group. All students perform exercises to develop correct posture and restore breathing in order to reduce physical activity. I make comments on the lesson, announce grades, give individual homework, etc., then the students leave the hall in an organized manner.


In our time of technization of human labor, the loss of true connection with nature, the destruction of the systemic nature of physical education, the emergence of many other factors, there is an urgent need to revise or improve physical education in educational institutions, the return of a lot of unreasonably forgotten. But everyone knows: if a living organism does not receive at least near-threshold loads, it does not develop, it does not improve. If a student in a physical education lesson did not sweat, was not tired, the lesson was empty for him. With the introduction into practice of a differentiated approach to teaching physical culture with an appropriate technical sports base, a student can receive the necessary load, can improve. And besides, only in such lessons the teacher can give students both medical and hygienic, and many other knowledge and skills related to health. In a word, only in such lessons can one get the second part of the subject - culture.

The problem of increasing the effectiveness of physical education lessons as one of the main forms of organizing physical education at school requires the solution of many issues related to the improvement of the educational process. One of the topical issues is the study of the features of the organization of a differentiated approach, as an important condition for optimizing the educational process in physical education lessons at school.

I conditionally divide the differentiated approach into two types: intra-class and intra-school.

Intraclass differentiation: according to health status, according to age and gender characteristics, according to the type of nervous system, according to the level of physical fitness. The use of the methods of a differentiated approach by me in the lessons of physical culture led to the following results:
– over the years, the performance is 100% (lookAppendix 4)
the quality of knowledge is steadily growing, the average score in the subject (look Appendix 5)
instills a steady interest among students in physical education
- Improving motor skills (lookAppendix 6)
the quality of knowledge increases based on the results of the final certification for the course of the basic school (look Appendix 7)
– the number of participants, prize-winners and winners of Olympiads in physical culture at the municipal and regional levels is increasing (look Annex 8).

Intraschool differentiation: work with gifted children (associations of additional education) and work with children assigned to a special group for health reasons.

Intraschool differentiation leads to the following results:
- the number of winners and prize-winners of competitions at various levels is steadily growing; (lookAnnex 8)
– the number of children attending associations of additional sports education is growing (lookAppendix 9) the number of children who have fulfilled the discharge standards is increasing;
- graduates choose professions related to physical culture - the number of children of a special group decreases due to the transition to preparatory or basic (look at the application, ).

Physical development and physical fitness are a natural result of functional changes in the body, a reflection of its physical qualities and abilities, which undergo changes depending on genetic causes and human life conditions. Physical training for the formation of special skills and abilities is a constant and hard work of a teacher in teaching and educating children. Because a lot depends on the physical fitness of the child, and if he copes with his load, he will receive the highest degree of satisfaction from the lesson and gain further confidence in himself and in life, which is important in the current conditions.

My work is an attempt to systematically state the issues of organizing a differentiated approach in physical education lessons in a general education school, and thereby assist a novice teacher in optimizing the educational process.


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