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Sand in the kidneys diet and nutrition. The main causes of sand in the kidneys and their correction by diet. Causes and signs of the disease

Sand in the kidneys diet and nutrition.  The main causes of sand in the kidneys and their correction by diet.  Causes and signs of the disease

During urolithiasis, changing eating habits is a priority, since all the breakdown products of food must pass through the kidneys. Diet for urolithiasis is considered a necessary and important component of the complex treatment of the disease. Taking into account the type of disorders that caused the formation of stones, as well as the chemical composition of the stones, a therapeutic diet is developed and prescribed.

First, let me remind you the essence of the disease itself. Urolithiasis is the formation of stones and the deposition of sand in the organs of the urinary system. The disease is quite common, and can occur in people of both sexes and all ages, often occurs in a latent and acute form, often accompanied by serious complications and relapses.

The reason for the formation of stones and sand is an excessive increase in the concentration of salts of various substances that precipitate (are not excreted from the body) due to disturbed metabolic processes and exposure to certain adverse conditions. Among them, dehydration of the body, often occurring diseases of the genitourinary system in acute and chronic form (cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.), nutritional deficiency or beriberi, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, digestive organs in a chronic form, sedentary lifestyle, congenital features or genetic pathology of the structure of the organs of the urinary system, malnutrition, hard water, vascular and metabolic disorders directly in the kidneys, and in the body itself.

With timely diagnosis of the disease, proper drug therapy and, most importantly, diet, treatment is successful, surgery is not required. Careful adherence to a therapeutic diet for urolithiasis prevents the increase in existing stones or the formation of new ones, changes the acidity of urine, which helps dissolve stones. The diet (regardless of the composition of the stone) provides for compliance with the drinking regime, which stimulates the processes of removing stones, sand and other sediment from the kidneys and bladder.

So, the type of stones (chemical composition) affects the choice of diet, which is developed by the doctor together with the nutritionist. Stones are oxalate, urate, phosphate, organic and mixed (a mixture of various salts, occurs in almost half of the cases). Remember, a therapeutic diet for phosphate stones is absolutely not suitable for urate stones, it will stimulate the growth of stones. Therefore, it is very important to trust specialists in matters of nutrition. Because of this, you can not stick to a strict diet for a long time, this will dramatically change the composition of urine and provoke the formation of other types of stones. For example, with a long alkaline diet in the case of gout, patients often find phosphate stones in the kidneys. Medical nutrition is recommended during the period of active treatment, in the future the diet is gradually expanded (again under the supervision of a specialist).

General principles of therapeutic nutrition for kidney stones.
It is very important for urolithiasis to consume from 2 to 2.5 liters of clean drinking water during the day (you can decoction of wild rose). Juices, fruit drinks, compotes, teas and other liquids do not count. In general, stones begin to form against the background of an increase in the concentration of ions in the urine, therefore, the more water is filtered and excreted in the urine, the better, the concentration will decrease.

The diet for urolithiasis of the kidneys should be balanced and have sufficient energy value. Existing diseases of the digestive system must be taken into account, since their exacerbation can disrupt the absorption of vitamins and trace elements, which will lead to stone formation.

Nutrition should be fractional, that is, 5-6 meals a day in small portions.

When does a diet help?
Amino acid (cysteine ​​and xanthine stones) are not subject to adjustment by therapeutic nutrition, since they are formed during genetic pathologies. If certain recommendations are followed, urate stones can be eliminated. Oxalates or phosphorus-calcium stones practically do not dissolve, dietary nutrition will only prevent the formation of new stones.

Diet for the deposition of oxalate stones.
Oxalates are crystals of the calcium salt of oxalic acid, they are formed with an increased intake of oxalic acid or vitamin C from food, as well as an increase in the absorption of oxalic acid against the background of a lack of calcium and vitamin B6.

The therapeutic diet provides for the exclusion from nutrition:

  • lettuce, spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, beets, celery, parsley;
  • chocolate, cocoa;
  • jelly and jelly;
  • figs and purslane;
  • vitamin C in the form of a food supplement, as well as products where the vitamin is a preservative;
  • smoked meats, salinity and marinades;
  • broths and spices;
  • offal.
It is required to significantly limit consumption:
  • salt (especially for children, since oxalates are most often formed in childhood);
  • carrots, tomatoes, green beans;
  • chicken and beef meat;
  • citrus;
  • black and red currants, rose hips, gooseberries, blueberries;
  • sour varieties of apples;
  • sweets;
  • young greens;
  • tea, coffee (preferably not strong with milk).
The diet is allowed to include:
  • potatoes, cauliflower, pumpkin, peas, eggplant, prunes, red beans;
  • pear, sweet apples, plums, grapes (grape fasting days are recommended), dogwood, apricots, bananas, watermelons;
  • all cereals and whole grains (especially buckwheat, wheat bran, oatmeal);
  • bran bread;
  • nuts;
  • dairy products (preferably in the morning);
  • infusions of half-pala, madder dye, birch leaves and violet roots;
  • lean fish.
With mild oxaluria, a corrective diet is not required, but with a long course of the disease, there is a high risk of developing secondary inflammation (pyelonephritis), which leads to alkalization of the urine and provokes the formation of phosphate stones. With this condition, it is quite difficult to develop a diet, as it is important to consider and combine the requirements of two diets.

Sample menu for one day with oxalate stones.
Breakfast: cottage cheese (100 grams), 200 ml of tea with milk, a slice of bread with butter.
Lunch: oatmeal porridge in milk (150 g), cranberry juice (can be made from jam) (250 ml).
Dinner: vegetarian vegetable soup (250 ml) with sour cream, a slice of bread, berry compote (250 ml).
afternoon tea: pasta and cottage cheese casserole (150 g), fruit jelly (250 ml).
Dinner: 100 g baked beef, boiled potatoes with carrots (150 g), a glass of mineral water.
Second dinner: not a big bun (not a muffin), a glass of cranberry juice.

Diet for the deposition of urate stones.
Their formation occurs against the background of an excess in the urine of the product of purine metabolism - uric acid, as well as with an acidic reaction of urine. Therefore, the diet in this case provides for a decrease in the diet of foods rich in purine bases, as well as alkalinization of urine. The diet is milky-vegetarian in nature.

Prohibited Products:

  • canned food, marinades;
  • fish and meat of adult animals (you can eat non-fat varieties boiled three times a week), veal and lamb are excluded;
  • sausages and various smoked meats;
  • offal (brains, liver, lungs);
  • salted cheese;
  • animal fats (pork, beef or cooking);
  • fish;
  • jellies;
  • sorrel and spinach, cauliflower, rhubarb and figs;
  • rich broths, including mushroom;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • alcoholic beverages (especially beer and red wine);
  • tea and coffee (sometimes not strong), cocoa and chocolate, cranberry juice.
Allowed products:
  • cereals (buckwheat, millet, barley groats);
  • pasta, bread;
  • dried fruits, sweets (except chocolate), honey, jam, marmalade;
  • potatoes (especially useful baked or “in uniform”), tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, radishes (especially in combination with honey), beets;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • milk and dairy products, cottage cheese and mild cheeses;
  • eggs;
  • any berries and fruits (especially pears, apples, watermelons, apricots and peaches);
  • mineral water, lemon juice, fruit drinks, juices (especially carrot);
  • dairy and vegetarian soups (on vegetable broth with the addition of boiled meat);
  • parsley, dill, green onions;
  • in a small amount of spice;
  • decoctions of cornflower flowers, clover, blackcurrant leaves, dandelion roots and burdock.
Fasting with this type of stones is completely contraindicated, since its consequence is the acidification of the internal environment of the body and the increased formation of uric acid deposited in the kidneys. But fasting days (1-2 times a week) will be very useful (vegetable (1.5 kg per day), dairy or kefir (1-2 liters per day), fruit (apple 1.5-2 kg)). Fluid intake these days is not limited.

Sample menu for one day with urate kidney stones.
First breakfast: pudding from carrots, millet and apples (a piece of 100 g), a glass of tea with milk, 150 g of vegetable salad (dressing - vegetable oil).
Lunch: rosehip broth (250 ml), bun, but not muffin.
Dinner: 250 ml vermicelli soup with milk, a slice of bread, potato cutlets (150 g), berry compote (250 ml).
afternoon tea: two apples.
Dinner: cabbage rolls with boiled rice and vegetables (200 g), a glass of mineral water.
Second dinner: decoction of wheat bran (250 ml).

Diet in the presence of phosphate stones.
Calcium salts of phosphoric acid (apatites) are formed as a result of impaired phosphorus-calcium metabolism, so the therapeutic diet is aimed at acidifying urine.

Prohibited Products:

  • vegetables (including potatoes) and canned vegetables, fruits (juices);
  • ice cream;
  • milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, cheeses) (arrange calcium days periodically);
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • spices and spicy snacks;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • salt in any form and salty foods;
  • smoked products, salinity, marinades;
  • animal fats;
  • egg yolk.
Allowed products:
  • meat and fish (including seafood);
  • vegetables (pumpkin, beans, peas, lentils, asparagus, Brussels sprouts);
  • sour berries (cranberries, currants, lingonberries);
  • pasta, bread and bakery products (except for muffins);
  • cereals and soups (vegetable);
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • egg white (sometimes);
  • liver;
  • nuts;
  • decoctions of wild rose and fruit drinks (especially from cranberries and lingonberries);
  • apples and juices from sour varieties of apples and grapes;
  • mineral water;
  • herbal infusions or teas (burdock root, madder dye, elecampane, bearberry, lovage, centaury);
  • weak meat and mushroom broths;
  • moderately sweet;
  • salt (10-12 g per day).
In the presence of atherosclerosis, despite the possible use of meat and fish in this diet, these products should be limited.

Sample menu for phosphaturia (phosphate stones) for one day.
First breakfast: 100 g of buckwheat porridge, a glass of tea, egg white.
Lunch: a glass of rosehip broth, not a bun.
Dinner: a serving of 250 ml soup with meatballs, a slice of bread, a glass of berry compote (you can use dried berries).
afternoon tea: meat cutlet (no more than 100 g), a glass of jelly.
Dinner: 100 g of baked chicken meat, 100 g of boiled rice, a glass of mineral water.
Second dinner: a glass of tea and a grain slice of bread.

Dietary nutrition for urolithiasis is aimed at improving the patient's condition during therapy, after surgery and to prevent the recurrence of the disease. The diet, its duration should be prescribed by the attending physician together with a nutritionist based on the data of the medical examination and the tests obtained.


Sand in the kidneys is a common pathology, which can be eliminated without treatment if measures are taken in time.

To understand how diet therapy can help, you need to delve into the processes occurring in the body. The exchange that takes place between the external environment and the human body operates in both directions.

For example, if you correct menu, this will affect the excretion of metabolic products. That's whynutrition with sand in the kidneysconsidered one of the most effective ways to treat pathology. The advantages lie not only in the proven action, but also in the absence of contraindications, as with pharmacy drugs.

If you are treated with medication, then you can’t do without dietary correction either, otherwise the therapy will not be so useful, and time will be wasted. An important condition is the choice of products that you can eat with a specific composition of sand and kidney stones. Due to the correction of the diet, the acidity of the urine changes in one direction or another, which can stop the formation of sand and facilitate the removal of the existing one.

If you neglect the diet and treatment of pathology, sand in the kidneys can lead to the following complications:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis and other inflammatory diseases of the urinary system;
  • the formation of stones and subsequent renal failure, purulent fusion of the organ.

To prevent life-threatening conditions, eat only those products recommended by the nephrologist.Diet with sand in the kidneyswill help reduce its amount in the main filter of the body, and if you take up treatment in time, then get rid of it forever.

It is easier for women to adhere to dietary nutrition and any dietary restrictions, since almost every woman at least once in her life tried to put her figure in order by restricting her diet.

Therefore, the diet does not frighten the ladies, they willingly follow the instructions of the nephrologist and observe not only the improvement in their condition, but also the correction of the figure, which is typical for any health-improving diet.

Choosing a Diet for Sand and Kidney Stones

Only after receiving the results of the tests, including urinalysis, the doctor prescribeskidney sand diet for women, because now he can determine exactly which products can and elz I use with a specific chemical composition of stones. Comprehensive diagnostics includes a blood test, ultrasound, nephroscintigraphy if necessary. Serious informative studies are indicated for suspected very large kidney stones. Urinalysis will reveal the composition renal sand, after which you can adjust the diet as follows:

  • when oxalates are detected, products containing oxalic acid are limited;
  • when phosphates are detected in the kidneys, products containing phosphoric acid are limited (fruits, dairy products, vegetables, sesame seeds);
  • if in the kidneys of menand women identified urates, they should not eat meat and fish in large quantities, because they have a lot of purines, which are converted into uric acid.

In addition to menu selection, exists a number of recommendations regarding the diet for patients with sand in the kidneys:

  • establish a drinking regime (slows down the precipitation of salts);
  • reduce the amount of salt;
  • consume less sweets and soda;
  • take vitamin A, at least 2-3 g per day (accelerates the regeneration of kidney tissue damaged by sand and stones).

If the patient immediately became follow the recommendations of the doctor, then in the near future the condition will improve dramatically. In addition to the new diet, you need to add phytotherapy, since the kidneys perceive the intake of herbal preparations perfectly. The daily menu can be supplemented with a decoction of wild rose, carrot seeds, millet, lingonberry leaves, oats, flaxseed. How to prepare a kidney collection - you can learn from another article.

Diet with phosphate sand in the kidneys

It is useful to eat meat and fish, sour berries, eggs, cereals. You need to remove from the menu foods that contain a lot of phosphorus and calcium, as well as with vitamin D. This means that you need to exclude fish oil, liver, and caviar. Nutrition with the accumulation of phosphoric acid salts in the kidneys should be saturated with vitamins from group B, as well as vitamin A. Such a diet will dissolve sand and small stones.

Allowed foods: meat and fish, 1 chicken egg per day, lard and green peas, bread, mushrooms and pumpkin, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, weak tea and coffee, sour fruits.

Prohibited foods: smoked meats, pickles, sour-milk products and milk, fats, potatoes and other vegetables not listed above, spices.

Drinking balance is maintained by the volume of liquid, calculating the approximate rate based on the pH of the urine.

Nutrition with oxalate sand

The formation of oxalates in the kidneys occurs due to excessive production of oxalic acid in the body. Therefore, the diet should include those foods that can dissolve oxalate stones. Dishes that contain oxalates should be excluded from the menu.

Allowed products: alkaline mineral water, boiled fish and meat, sausages and sausages, dairy products and cereals (barley, buckwheat, millet and oatmeal), pasta and fresh vegetables, bananas and apricots, fruit drink and kvass, weak coffee and tea.

Prohibited foods: salted fish, offal (kidneys, liver, etc.), gelatin-based dishes, cheese and mushrooms, rhubarb and spinach, sorrel and strawberries, pears, beans, pickles, meat and fish broths, smoked meats, horseradish and mustard, as well as chocolate, cocoa and strong coffee.

Diet for urates in the kidneys

When identifying urate stones, you need to make urine more alkaline, and this can be achieved with the help of vegetables with fruits, milk. Be sure to include healing mineral water with a suitable pH level in the daily menu. It is important to consider that caffeine enhances the process of urate formation, so drinks with its content are limited to 1-2 cups per day. Urates in the kidneys are often detected in overweight people who abuse alcohol.

Allowed foods: lean meat and fish (can be consumed up to 3 times a week), dairy products and cheese, various types of cereals, bread made from rye and wheat flour, vegetables and fruits, fruit drinks green tea.

Prohibited foods: young meat, offal (liver, kidneys, tongue, etc.), smoked meats and canned foods, animal fats, strong coffee and cocoa, legumes. The rest of the recommendations will be similar to those given for oxalates in the kidneys.

Summarizing the above recommendations, we must not forget about the mixed type of sand and kidney stones. In this case, you need to discuss the diet with a nephrologist, since recommendations will be given to each patient individually. It is advisable to use traditional medicine recipes after consulting a doctor, since the effect of different plants on the body is ambiguous. In addition to allergies, intolerance, poisoning, etc.

Even the most effective technique, if illiterately interpreted and applied, can exacerbate the problem at best, cause harm at worst.

The water-salt balance and metabolism are processes that are sensitive to external influences, so their correction should be carried out competently, in stages.

To draw up a competent plan, you need to understand the mechanisms of these processes and understand what levers regulate them.

In the complex therapy of nephrolithiasis, an important place is occupied by therapeutic nutrition. At the same time, for men and women, the diet with sand in the kidneys is not fundamentally different.

Basic principles of clinical nutrition

Very often, urolithiasis is accompanied by metabolic disorders, digestive tract activity, circulatory failure, which provokes the development of cardiovascular pathology.

The patient's blood pressure, the presence of edema, and an increased concentration of nitrogenous compounds in the blood matter.

In case of urolithiasis, the doctor prescribes an additional examination to identify the above pathological conditions of the body. The patient is required to pass urine tests, blood tests, and an ultrasound examination. For men, a prostate exam may also be ordered.

A competent diet with sand in the kidneys is built taking into account all these factors.

Types of diet

Therapeutic nutrition when sand is detected in the kidneys is primarily aimed at removing it from the body and preventing the formation of calculi. Urinary diathesis in combination with a shift in the acid-base balance of urine contributes to the formation of such types of calculi:

  • urates;
  • oxalates;
  • phosphates and carbonates.

A urine test will show which salts are present. Taking into account the chemical composition of sand and kidney stones and the reaction of urine, the patient needs an individual diet. Fasting days are obligatory - pumpkin, watermelon, apple, potato, rice and compote. Food is taken fractionally 4-5 times a day.

Diet for uraturia and urate stones

The goal is to normalize the formation of uric acid. Urates are more commonly diagnosed in men than in women. Therefore, for the stronger sex, this diet is more relevant.

Therapeutic diet restricts dietary intake of purines from fish and meat.

To reduce the concentration of uric acid in the urine, it is necessary to drink at least two liters of fluid per day, while limiting salt intake. The diet is enriched with vitamins, in particular retinol, and minerals, especially potassium, which is rich in vegetables and fruits. For alkalization of urine, it is important to include a sufficient amount of dairy products in the patient's menu. Alkaline mineral water, for example, Borjomi, will also help in this.

Allowed products:

  • milk and dairy products - sour cream, cream, butter, kefir, fresh cottage cheese and dishes from it (lazy dumplings, cheesecakes, puddings), mild cheese;
  • vegetables (except cauliflower). All orange ones are especially useful - carrots, pumpkin;
  • fruits and berries - apricot, peach, pear, cherry, quince, grapes, black currant. All apples are allowed, except for the Antonovka variety;
  • lean flour, pasta, bread and cereals;
  • vegetable oils;
  • from sweet - jam, honey, sugar;
  • drinks - weak tea, compotes, kissels.


  • potato;
  • eggs - no more than 1 per day;
  • boiled meat of any kind - no more than 2 times a week;
  • boiled fish of any variety - no more than 2 times a week;
  • lemon - 1 slice per day;
  • vinegar, bay leaf, cinnamon, vanilla.


  • drinks - alcohol (especially true for men);
  • cocoa, strong tea and coffee;
  • any canned food, smoked meats, pickles;
  • offal, meat and fish broths;
  • mushrooms;
  • greens - rhubarb, spinach, sorrel;
  • muffin;
  • legumes - beans, peas, beans;
  • spicy snacks and seasonings - pepper, horseradish, mustard.

Diet for oxalaturia and oxalate stones

The goal is to reduce the content of oxalic acid in the body. Oxalaturia is often a concomitant diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, obesity, and hepatitis.

Therapeutic nutrition provides a sufficient amount of protein in the diet, reducing fat intake. In order to flush out oxalic acid from the body, fluid intake of at least 2 liters per day is indicated. An increase in the diet of foods containing potassium is shown. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the introduction of calcium into the body.

Recommended products for oxalate stones


  • bread and bakery products;
  • fish meals;
  • soups - vegetable, fruit, cereals and pasta;
  • vegetables other than cauliflower;
  • fruits and berries of sour and sour-sweet varieties. It is not allowed to eat Antonov apples.


  • lean meats. Young chickens and veal are excluded;
  • potatoes, onions, garlic;
  • cereals and pasta;
  • eggs - no more than 1 per day;
  • milk and any dairy products;
  • vegetable oils - up to 30 grams per day;
  • sugar - in any form no more than 30 grams per day;
  • drinks - weak tea and coffee.


  • vegetables - parsley, sorrel, spinach, asparagus, rhubarb, red cabbage, tomatoes, legumes, beets, radishes;
  • confectionery, chocolate;
  • hot spices and seasonings;
  • smoked meats;
  • meat and fish broths;
  • mushrooms;
  • drinks - alcohol, bread kvass, freshly squeezed juices, cocoa.

The removal of oxalic acid is facilitated by infusions of dogwood, grape leaves and black currant.

Diet for Phosphaturia and Phosphate Stones

The goal is to change the reaction of urine to the acid side, reduce the excitability of the nervous system, reduce the concentration of calcium salts in the urine, inhibition of gastric secretion.

It is necessary to increase the introduction of vitamins into the body with food, especially retinol, which prevents the formation of phosphates. Yeast, fish oil, butter, bread with bran are recommended as additional sources of vitamins.

You should increase fluid intake to 2 liters per day, reduce salt intake to 10 grams per day. Limit your intake of foods rich in calcium.

Recommended products for phosphate stones


  • boiled meat and fish;
  • butter;
  • bread, unleavened flour products;
  • cereals, pasta;
  • legumes;
  • vegetable oils;
  • herring, fish caviar slightly salted.


  • vegetables, fruits and berries, greens - allowed in very small quantities;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • eggs - 2 per day;
  • mild spices;
  • confectionery.


  • fish and meat broths;
  • spicy snacks and seasonings;
  • aspic;
  • muffin;
  • hard cheeses;
  • drinks - alcohol, coffee, cocoa, bread kvass.

Urolithiasis disease ( urolithiasis ) is a metabolic disease and is manifested by the formation of stones in any organs of the urinary system: kidneys, ureters or bladder. The likelihood of KSD in humans is increased by hormonal imbalance, hereditary metabolic disorders, nutrition of the patient, as well as existing anatomical abnormalities.

The development of stones is the result of the process of formation of the nucleus and the accumulation around it of constantly formed crystals. The formation of the nucleus occurs when crystals of various salts precipitate from urine supersaturated with them. The role of certain nanobacteria in this process has been proven. These atypical Gram-negative bacteria produce calcium carbonate on the surface of cells in the urinary system. Substances that keep salts in solution and prevent their precipitation include: sodium chloride , magnesium, zinc, manganese ions, hippuric acid , citrates, cobalt. Even in small quantities, these substances inhibit crystallization.

The clinic of the disease is quite diverse. In some patients, it manifests itself as a single attack of renal colic, while in others it becomes protracted, an infection joins and various kidney diseases occur: pyonephrosis , sclerosis of the renal parenchyma and development. The main symptoms of the disease are pain, the appearance of blood in the urine, urination disorders and the passage of stones and salt crystals.

Nutrition for nephrolithiasis will depend on the composition of the stones, and therefore may include mutually exclusive foods. Calcium is the basis of most urinary stones. The highest prevalence of calcium stones (including calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate), urate, consisting of salts of uric acid and magnesium containing, is noted. The oversaturation of urine with calcium and oxalate plays a major role in the formation of calcium oxalate.

Initial treatment for any type of KSD is aimed at increasing fluid intake, improving diuresis, changing diet, and controlling the acid-base balance of the urine. Kidney stone disease is a serious problem in urology, because despite the introduction of new, high-tech methods of therapy, there is a high frequency of recurrence of stone formation.

A rational diet restores normal metabolism and urine reaction, on which the possibility of the formation of calculi depends. In an acidic environment, urate stones are formed, oxalate - in a neutral acidic, and phosphate - in an alkaline. The right diet changes pH urine and serves as a criterion for the correctness of the diet. If the level pH in the morning 6.0-6.4, and in the evening 6.4-7.0, then the body is fine, since the optimal level is 6.4-6.5.

Treatment also depends on the composition of the stones and the acid-base state of the urine. "Sand in the kidneys" is expelled by abundant fluid intake and medicinal mineral waters, watermelon days and dietary recommendations. Decoctions of herbs (horsetail, lingonberry leaf, madder dye, goldenrod) and herbal preparations are widely used.

With phosphaturia, foods containing calcium and phosphorus are sharply limited. It is recommended to drink liquid up to 2-2.5 liters. In the presence of hypercalciuria appoint diphosphonates . You can increase the acidity of urine by drinking acidic juices and mineral waters Narzan, Darasun, Arzni, Smirnovskaya.

Taking into account all these points, adjustments are made to the diet:

  • Foods high in oxalic acid are excluded: rhubarb, figs, sorrel, spinach, beans, chocolate, parsley, celery. A moderate content of this acid is found in tea, chicory, carrots, green beans, onions, beets, tomatoes, plums, strawberries, gooseberries.
  • The use with products is limited: grapefruit, strawberries, lemons, sea buckthorn, gooseberries, currants, oranges, tangerines, rose hips, cranberries, mountain ash, wild strawberries, wild garlic, bell peppers.
  • A large amount of vegetable fiber is introduced.
  • A plentiful drinking regimen is observed, which prevents the precipitation of calcium oxalates (3 liters per day). Water is alternated with the use of juices (cucumber and other fruit and vegetable), compotes, fruit and vegetable broths. Weak solutions of organic acids (malic, citric, benzoic and others) contained in them can dissolve oxalates.
  • Alkalization of urine is carried out by using mineral waters: Naftusya, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 20, Truskavetska, Luzhanska, Morshinska, Berezovskaya.
  • Oxalates are removed from the peel of apples, pears and quince, birch leaves, elder flowers, violet roots.

Diet for urolithiasis in women

In women, severe forms are more common, for example, staghorn nephrolithiasis . With coral calculi, a foreign body occupies almost the entire cavitary system of the kidney. With this severe form of KSD, only open surgery is performed. A common cause of it is hyperparathyroidism (increased function of the parathyroid glands). Thanks to modern diagnostics, such neglected forms have recently become less common.

The growth of urolithiasis is provoked by: the nature of nutrition (an abundance of protein in the diet), physical inactivity, which leads to a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. An unbalanced diet aggravates the situation. For example, a bias towards protein foods with frequent adherence to a protein diet provokes the formation of urate stones. With sand in the kidneys, attention should be paid to nutrition and the reaction of urine, since this condition is reversible and can be corrected by nutrition and abundant fluid intake. You can periodically take diuretic fees. For urolithiasis in women, the general dietary recommendations described above should be followed, as they do not differ.

For women it is also important:

  • fight physical inactivity and lead an active lifestyle;
  • prevent weight gain;
  • drink enough liquid;
  • do not overcool and treat inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area in time.

All these factors contribute to stone formation.

With pyelonephritis and urolithiasis

In this case, a more rigorous approach to treatment and therapeutic nutrition is needed. Pyelonephritis is often a complication of KSD. Antibacterial therapy is mandatory based on the results of the sensitivity of pathogens to antibacterial drugs. In parallel, herbal preparations are prescribed (, Kanefron , ). It must be remembered that only the removal of the stone creates the conditions for the complete elimination of the infection.

Treatment phosphate crystalluria aimed at acidifying the urine. For this purpose, mineral waters are used: Dzau-suar, Narzan, Arzni and preparations:, vitamin C . Food is prescribed with a restriction of foods with phosphorus (legumes, chocolate, cheese, dairy products, liver, fish roe, chicken). If there is a large amount of calcium phosphate in the urine, it is necessary to reduce the absorption of phosphorus and calcium in the intestine by prescribing Almagel . In the presence of tripelphosphates antibiotic therapy and uroantiseptics for the purpose of sanitation of the urinary system.

During treatment urate crystalluria the nutrition of the child provides for the exclusion of purine bases. These are the following products: meat broths, liver, kidneys, nuts, peas, beans, cocoa. Preference is given to products of dairy and vegetable origin. It is important to drink 1-2 liters of fluid. These should be slightly alkaline mineral waters, decoction of oats and decoctions of herbs (dill, horsetail, lingonberry leaf, birch leaf, clover, knotweed). For supporting pH urine use citrate mixtures ( Magurlit , Uralit-U , blemarin , salt water ).

Stone formation in a child is provoked by conditions that lead to permanent obstruction of the urinary tract: anomalies in development and position, endocrinopathy ( hyperparathyroidism , hyperthyroidism , infant hypercalcemia ) acquired tubulopathies and chronic urinary infection. Of course, it is important to eliminate the main cause of stone formation.

To stop the formation of sand in the kidneys and prevent the recurrence of the disease, a diet for sand in the kidneys has been developed. It consists of allowed food, takes into account unwanted foods for consumption, while you need to follow the individual recommendations of the doctor. What diet is indicated for various manifestations of kidney crystals, what should be avoided and what other measures will help prevent the development of the disease in men and women?

A healthy diet is the basis for the recovery of the body in any disease.

To prevent the disease and prevent recurrence, you should always monitor your health, follow the doctor's recommendations and follow a special diet. In order to choose the right set of products and adjust the diet, the type of pathology and which salts dominate in the deposits are taken into account. For this patient, they are sent for a diagnostic study, and only then, based on the results of the tests, the doctor will select a diet therapy regimen. But there are universal rules that a person with a diagnosis of kidney stones should adhere to:

  • Establish a drinking regimen and the amount of fluid drunk should be at least 1.5 liters per day. Due to this, the sand will be gradually excreted from the body and not settle on the tissues of the kidneys.
  • Minimize salt intake, as it contributes to the formation of calcium in the kidneys, which provokes calcification and stones.
  • Limit the use of sweets, the principle of action is the same as with salt.
  • Eat meals containing vitamin A. It helps tissues quickly regenerate and restores tissues damaged by sand and stones.

Features of dietary nutrition

diet for oxalate

Oxalates are formations that consist of salts of oxalic acid. More than half of diagnosed kidney stones are oxalate. Their formation is provoked by diseases of the digestive system, a lack of magnesium in the body, problems and malfunctions of the pancreas, an excess of vitamin C. With oxalates, the doctor will recommend drawing up such a diet:

The Phosphate Diet

Phosphates are formed in the body due to an imbalance in the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body. Stones are formed due to the alkaline environment in the organs, and when eating a large amount of salt and phosphorus-containing foods. The disease also manifests itself in pathologies of the bones, malfunctions of the thyroid gland, in violation of metabolism and digestion. In this case, you need to adhere to the following rules of diet therapy:

  1. Increase the menu of eggs, meat, fish and sour fruits. This contributes to the acidification of the urine, due to which the phosphates will begin to dissolve.
  2. Reduce food, which contributes to the formation of an alkaline environment - milk, sweet fruits, seeds, nuts.
  3. Vegetarianism must be abandoned.
  4. Refuse dishes that contain vitamin D - liver, red caviar.
  5. Establish a drinking regimen, according to the state of health of the patient.

Diet for urates

With salt deposits in the kidneys, it is important to minimize "red" meat, yeast products, seafood, fatty milk.

If there are a lot of uric acid derivatives in the urine, it means that the pH level in the body is low and the body is acidic. The cause of the development of pathology is smoking, abuse of alcoholic beverages and beer, a lot of excess weight. If urates are formed due to bad habits, you need to gradually get rid of them, follow the doctor's recommendations and lead a healthy lifestyle. Patients with urates are shown to follow the following dietary rules:

  1. Refuse dishes and foods that contain a lot of urea and purines. These are red varieties of meat, poultry meat, yeast products, fish, beans, mushroom dishes, seafood.
  2. Increase the consumption of foods that alkalize the body. These are milk and dairy products, fruits and non-acidic vegetables, alkaline mineral water.
  3. Limit the intake of animal fats and empty carbohydrates in the diet. These are sour cream and cream, sweets with cream fillings, white flour bread, muffins, confectionery.
  4. Remove acidic plant foods from the menu.
  5. Moderately drink tea and coffee, because they stimulate the release of urea.
But it is worth knowing that different mineral water has different effects on organs and the body as a whole. Therefore, before you start being treated with mineral water, you need to consult a doctor who, based on analyzes and conclusions, will help you choose the right brand.

The course of treatment with mineral water for diseases of the digestive and urinary systems is always included in the therapy program, and doctors pay a lot of attention to this method. The main goal of treatment with mineral water is the normalization of metabolism and the assimilation of essential trace elements and vitamins. In order for the therapy to bring positive results, water therapy is used in conjunction with a diet, a course of antibiotic therapy, exercise, treatment in sanitary conditions and procedures that will help get rid of the disease.