I am the most beautiful

How many children does Kabaeva have and do they have any at all. Wedding on Valaam and joint personal life of Putin and Kabaeva: true or false? - Photo and video, different points of view What they write about the Wedding of Putin and Kabaeva

How many children does Kabaeva have and do they have any at all.  Wedding on Valaam and joint personal life of Putin and Kabaeva: true or false?  - Photo and video, different points of view What they write about the Wedding of Putin and Kabaeva

The personal life of one of the quietest and non-scandalous girls in the world of sports - Alina Kabaeva - is shrouded in mystery. Social networks and online publications are constantly filled with new rumors about a talented gymnast, socialite and ex-deputy of the State Duma. Alina Kabaeva and children are topic number 1, which only the lazy did not touch. And there is nothing surprising in this. While Alina Kabaeva is silent, they will speak loudly about her. And there were times when Alina could not be called a mysterious silent ...

Kabaeva's passion for someone else's husband

The romance quickly ended and the bitter truth was revealed. Museliani is officially married and has a daughter, Nana. Legal spouse on the page of one of the major domestic publications effectively "set fire" to the naive dreams of a young sports star. Everyone smelled the burning smell.

The defeated winner paused and asked the press for mercy. Meanwhile, under pressure from Alina Museliani, he divorced his wife Olga. The press again spoke about the husband of Alina Kabaeva. But again, by - the womanizer got himself a new spectacular passion. She was the actress and fashion model Anna Gorshkova. But not for long ... They say that it was Alina Kabaeva who had a hand in the disappearance of Anna from the life of a former policeman. Moreover, the actress quickly disappeared from the screens.

But again, the story of Museliani and Kabaeva did not end with a wedding. For five years they converged and diverged. During this time, Alina managed to collect all possible medals, have a short affair with football player Maxim Buznikin and triumphantly leave big-time sports. It was then, in 2007, after the final separation from Museliani in the life of Alina Kabaeva, the most interesting began.

And this "interesting" gave such a flight of journalistic fantasy that readers "groaned and gasped" in different ways, and continue to do so to this day. The personal life of Alina Kabaeva is again on everyone's lips, only the star stopped talking about her. And everything we see, hear and read is like "urban legends". But the scale of these legends is not at all urban. O new history the love of Alina Kabaeva spoke the whole world ...

New love and husband of Alina Kabaeva. Shakespeare is resting...

Such a love story could not have come to the head of the best playwright in the world. A new chapter in the life of Alina Kabaeva gave rise to such conjectures, intrigues and scandals that everyone still cannot calm down.

And this new chapter of life began in the spring of 2008 with a big scandal. The Moscow Correspondent came out with sensational news about the wedding of Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin. European journalists choked on their morning coffee and ran to their editorial offices to tell readers this hot news. And in the evening they returned home and guessed on the coffee grounds.

This went on for six days, until the fortune-telling process was intervened. higher power. The President of Russia laughed at journalistic conjectures, calling them complete nonsense. And on the same day, the general director of the Moscow Correspondent found out that he "had nothing to pay employees" and closed the publication. And from that moment on, the wedding of Kabaeva and Putin became a byword. Everyone wanted to know last news about the history of this mysterious love.

Children of Alina Kabaeva. The queen gave birth in the night ...

A year has passed since the scandalous article, and journalists started talking about children. "Married" by journalists famous couple maintained a deathly silence. But the press could not remain silent. 9 months have passed - it's time to have a baby. And he appeared - the son of Dmitry, allegedly named after Medvedev, who was then incumbent president. This version appeared at the suggestion of foreign journalists, and was favorably received by the domestic media.

Many still do not cease to be interested in the question of Alina Kabaeva's personal life. Numerous rumors about her romance with Russian President Vladimir Putin have been reprinted from source to source since 2008, the portal has learned. It was then that a sensational publication was first published in the Moscow Correspondent, a week after which the publication was closed.

On May 12, the Olympic champion celebrated her 32nd birthday. Officially, the girl is still unmarried, and she has no children. Only numerous online publishers continue to call her main mistress Russia and report the birth of her three children.

Children of Alina Kabaeva and who is their father: the birth of the first child

For the first time, rumors about the birth of Kabaeva's first child appeared a year after the "start of the romance" between the gymnast and the president. In 2009, information appeared in the media about the birth of a baby, whom Alina named Dmitry, in honor of the then President Medvedev.

This version was launched in the press by Western journalists. Domestic media very willingly picked it up and began to promote it.

After some time, a photo of Kabaeva with a child in her arms appeared on the Internet. The tabloids actively seized on the photo publication and began to look for similarities with Vladimir Putin. Then Alina had to publicly declare that in the photo she was with her nephew Arseniy, the son of her younger sister.

Even later caught the eye of journalists route sheet one of the private flights that brought Kabaev with the boy to Sochi. At that time, flashy headlines appeared in the press that Kabaeva and her son had gone to Putin, where he was on a business trip.

The Olympic champion herself tricky questions didn't answer about this.

Children of Alina Kabaeva and who their father is: the second child was born after Putin's divorce

In 2013, Vladimir Putin and his wife Lyudmila officially announced their divorce. This news has become main reason new rumors about the children of Kabaeva. The couple Alina and Vladimir have already raised the boy Dmitry, the turn has come for the girl.

In November 2013, in the midst of preparations for Olympic Games in Sochi, information about the birth of a second child appears on the network. This news was also thrown into Russia by foreign sources. The news about Alina's second motherhood was published by various online publications with a difference of several hours. Moreover, some of them insisted on the birth of a second son.

But what the journalists were unanimous about was that the gymnast gave birth at the St. Anna clinic in Sorengo (Switzerland). One of the nurses said that in the evening a woman in labor, very similar to Kabaeva, was delivered to the medical facility. Two chambers were allocated for her (one for security), and her name was kept a big secret.

No more official confirmation of the appearance of another child in Kabaeva appeared in the press. Only three months later, at the opening of the Olympics in Sochi, Kabaeva appeared in public in a wedding ring, which sparkled very attractively on her finger when she carried the Russian flag.

A few days later, during a press conference, journalists noticed a ring on ring finger with Vladimir Putin. At that moment, the President was officially divorced. Why would he wear a ring on his finger right hand? Rumors have taken on the status of factual information.

Children of Alina Kabaeva and who their father is: Kabaeva lives with children in Sochi

In March 2015, the President disappeared from the field of view of journalists for a whole week. Immediately, many different explanations for what was happening appeared in the press, including the birth of Kabaeva's third child. In addition, no one noticed the Olympic champion herself during this period in public either.

As a result, all publications picked up information about the birth of the youngest Putin in the same Swiss private clinic for VIPs. And supposedly later, Vladimir Putin moved his entire “family” to his castle in Sochi, where Kabaeva and her children still live.

In 2016 at the next ice show Alina Kabaeva appeared in the "Ice Door" accompanied by two young boys. By age, the boys were very suitable for the rumors that have existed on the Internet since 2009. And again, the tabloids were full of headlines about her children.

Throughout the performance, the gymnast communicated nicely with the children, showed and explained to them what was happening. After the end of the event, Alina began to photograph the guys along with the stars figure skating who attended the show.

Do not forget also that information has recently appeared about the alleged evidence of the birth of the children of the gymnast. According to unknown sources, all the children of the Olympic champion are recorded in her younger sister. And in the column opposite the word "mother" is the name "Leysana Maratovna Kabaeva."

How much the rumors about Alina Kabaeva's motherhood are true, and how much is a lie, no one can confirm for sure.

TV channel "Mir". She remembered her sports childhood and spoke about overweight, difficulties and favorite coach Irina Viner-Usmanova. So, Alina said that she began to do rhythmic gymnastics at the age of three and a half years. And when she was 11 years old, her mother, according to Alina herself, “left everything and everyone” and moved with her to Moscow, coming to Viner.

Irina Alexandrovna at first did not want to take me, she said that I was already old. I was then 11 years old. And her mother simply begged her, asked her to see how the child trains in the gym in general. And indeed, she came and said: “That's it! I leave you. Only with one condition: if you lose three kilograms in three days. I say: “Good,” recalls Alina Kabaeva.

The athlete managed to lose weight.

I asked her if I could eat. She says yes. Me: "What?" In response: "Well, vinaigrette salad." And I can’t stand vinaigrette salad, I just didn’t like it. But it turned out to be the most delicious salad for me, I still love it, of course, but you have to get it so that it’s a vinaigrette salad, ”Kabaeva said.

Kabaeva never talks about her personal life, but during an interview she showed an engagement ring. As for the children, Kabaeva said that so far they are only in her plans. At the same time, she would give them to sports without hesitation.

If it works out and there will be a girl, then I would gladly give her to rhythmic gymnastics, - said Kabaeva, emphasizing that this particular sport harmoniously develops the child. - We have both choreography and exercise stress and great music. Again, the team. Sports are really great. I tell all little girls that they are all already champions, because they come and work, overcome themselves.

Recall: the Olympic champion and former State Duma deputy assures that she has no children. Russian - and world, by the way, too - journalists have other information on this matter. Since 2008, there have been rumors that Kabaeva is secretly meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and allegedly even gave birth to two sons from him. In 2015, the Swiss online publication Blick, citing a local resident, published the news that two rooms had been booked for the gymnast at the St. Anna clinic in the city of Sorengo.

The clinic employee allegedly recognized the Russian gymnast in the client. The media reported that the birth was successful. At the same time, the athlete stubbornly claims that she has no children, and the boys are her nephews. Reporters also have information on this score: children can be specially recorded for Kabaeva's sister, so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion.

The only athlete in the world who managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records at the age of 15 was Alina Kabaeva. She won the title of world champion in rhythmic gymnastics 4 times. Alina has achieved success in sports, politics, show business. You can learn more about it from this article.

Athlete's childhood

In 2015, Alina turned 32 years old. She celebrates her birthday on May 12th. A girl was born in the former Soviet republic of Uzbekistan, in a family of athletes. Kabaeva Alina is a child who has been present at the sports matches of her father, football player Marat Vazykhovich, since childhood. Alina's dad Marat Kabaev played for the Pakhtakor team and won the title of champion of Kazakhstan in 1993. Mom Lyubov Mikhailovna played for the basketball team, so Alina was familiar with all the attributes of the life of athletes from an early age. Kabaeva Alina - the child is not the only one in the family, she has younger sister Lisana. The sports future of the girl was predetermined in advance. The family considered two areas in which Alina could develop - this is figure skating and gymnastics. But due to the fact that in Tashkent there is no good venues for figure skating, the girl was sent to rhythmic gymnastics from the age of 3.

First successes

When Alina Kabaeva, a promising child, reached all possible heights in Tashkent at the age of 12, the family moved to Moscow. Lyubov Mikhailovna saw good sports data in her daughter and great power will, so she sent her to the famous coach Irina Alexandrovna Viner. She managed to discern behind all the shortcomings and shortcomings of the girl that Kabaeva Alina is a child in whom it is worth investing a lot of effort, because she is able to make a dizzying career in sports. Indeed, the coach put a lot of effort into the girl, forced her to constantly work, diet and exercise a lot. Alina's efforts were quickly crowned with success. She lost weight, improved her skills and quickly got into the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team.

Alina's achievements

In 1999, Alina Kabaeva twice won the title of world champion in rhythmic gymnastics in Japan, then won gold at the European and World Championships. Year after year, the athlete reached new heights in her career, proving that there is no one better than her on the planet. The only girl who received gold several times among adult athletes was Alina.

doping scandal

An unpleasant story happened in Kabaeva's career in 2001, when furosemide was found in the girl's blood before the competition. The substance itself is not doping, but is recognized as an auxiliary means for removing doping elements from the blood. Kabaeva was disqualified for 2 years, in the first of which she did not have the right to take part in any competitions, and in the second only under the control of a special commission. For this fact, Alina was deprived of the awards won at the 2001 Goodwill Games.

Alina in show business

At a time when the national sports star could not perform, she was engaged in other activities, for example, she showed herself as an actress and TV presenter. The channel "7 TV" introduced Alina Kabaeva to the audience as the host of the "Empire of Sports" program. Musical group"Game of Words" wrote a song about the champion and shot a video with the participation of Alina herself, in which she played herself. "Red Shadow" introduced Alina Kabaeva as a ninja. The channel "Sport" organized a series of TV shows, which told about the victories of our athletes in international competitions, a story was also filmed about Alina Kabaeva.

Alina's personal life

Alina Kabaeva's husband has long become a legend. The press wrote a lot about love story Alina Kabaeva and Shalva Museliani - police captain. Alina completely surrendered to her feelings and talked a lot about her lover in an interview, hinting that the name Museliani would soon become synonymous with the phrase "husband of Alina Kabaeva." But in fact it turned out that the policeman is a married man and he has a daughter. This fact did not affect the relationship in a couple, Museliani planned to divorce.

The collapse of love dreams

Alas, the wedding of Alina Kabaeva with the captain of the police did not take place. Museliani began total checks at work, public interest and suspicions were caused by his too high income, thanks to which he could make chic gifts to Alina. For example, once he bought a car for his beloved. But the reason for the rupture of relations was not problems at Museliani's work. After the man divorced his wife, it would seem that happiness was already so close, but it suddenly turned out that Alina's friend was cheating on her with another woman - actress Anna Gorshkova - and did not even hide it. He appeared openly in public, giving rise to scandals. As a result, the couple's relationship ended, but the young people remained friends.

Alina in politics

All the time while Alina Kabaeva did sports career, she managed to participate in political life countries. From the age of 18, the girl has been a member of the United Russia party, is a deputy State Duma, deals with issues works as deputy chairman of the commission on youth affairs. For some time Alina was a member of the Public Chamber. All this time, there were rumors that Kabaeva got married, not just anyone, but the President of the Russian Federation himself was attributed to her suitors.

The Loudest Story

The heroes of the brightest gossip in the press in 2008 were the world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Alina Kabaeva and Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich, President of Russia. The newspaper "Moscow Correspondent" in one of the issues published the news that the couple had secretly married. The next morning, the athlete's press secretary denied this news: "Alina Kabaeva and Putin are not husband and wife." The press service of the President also stated that there is not a word of truth in this news. Nevertheless, the press continued to savor the details of the love story and made her heroes parents. The children of Alina Kabaeva from Vladimir Putin were allegedly born one after the other, they were a boy and a girl. Neither Alina nor the President himself commented on what was happening, but one day the girl wrote a message to her fans on her blog, where she asked them to stop congratulating her on receiving the title of mother. The children of Alina Kabaeva have not yet been born. So the girl said on her page.

Continuation of the mysterious novel

Despite the fact that both participants in the most interesting gossip deny what is happening, the paparazzi saw an engagement ring on Alina's hand at the Sochi Olympics. Rumor stubbornly binds Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Vladimirovich by marriage. The journalists were able to find out that at the 2014 Olympics, the President's private plane delivered the elected persons to his reception. Among them was Alina Kabaeva. Given the fact that in 2013 Vladimir Putin divorced his wife, with whom he had been married for 30 years, gossip flared up with new force. Photographers captured six months after the divorce and the President has a wedding ring on his finger. Rumors crawled that Alina Kabaeva lives in the Sochi Presidential Palace, and with her two small children. The athlete denied these speculations, but the topic romantic relationship between Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin never ceases to excite their fans. Truth or fiction their connection is still unknown. Perhaps this is only a topic for publications, or perhaps the proverb “there is no smoke without fire” works here.

Rumors that Kabaeva is Putin's "girlfriend" have been slowly spreading since 2006. Almost from the very beginning of her career in politics, Alina entered the inner circle of the President of the Russian Federation, increasingly appeared with him at official and social events.

Fuel was added to the fire by a scandalous article about the upcoming wedding of gymnast Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin in the Saturday issue of the Moscow Correspondent newspaper, published on April 12, 2008. The news instantly spread around the world and was reprinted by many European media, including the London newspaper Evening Standard.

After the publication of the article, there were rumors that Putin had secretly divorced his wife, and that their passports were already stamped with the official completion of married life. The closed life of Lyudmila Putina "confirmed" these rumors. It was even rumored that after the divorce she became a nun.

And the New York Post wrote that Lyudmila Putina has been living separately from her husband for many years in a private house for $ 1.5 million. Rumors were reinforced by the fact that the first lady of the country was not present at Putin's inauguration for a second presidential term. The President of Russia actively denied rumors of a divorce. But the press almost daily fed the people with more and more new sensations. Even called approximate date wedding of Putin and Kabaeva - June 15, 2008.

Putin said that in the article of the Moscow correspondent "there is not a single word of truth." On the day of the announcement, by an amazing coincidence CEO publications announced the termination of the newspaper. The news stirred up social networks, no one believed that this was a coincidence.

In 2009, they started talking on the Internet that Alina allegedly gave birth to Putin's son, and he was named Dmitry - in honor of the then President Dmitry Medvedev. The boy is unusually similar to his famous father, as evidenced by the photo posted by bloggers, where Kabaeva holds the boy in her arms.

The news was published by the New York Post, it said that Kabaeva gave birth to a son in Moscow. The gymnast herself actively denied this, arguing that the boy in the photo, whom everyone takes for her son, is actually her nephew, a little later Alina said that this was the son of her friend. Since then, the wagon of rumors rushing down the mountain was unstoppable.

How many children does the "unknown" hero have?

In 2012, Putin was once again featured in the legendary Page six (Rumors) section of the New York Post. The article talked about the fact that Alina Kabaeva gave birth to the President of Russia a child, whose gender is still unknown. It was rumored that Putin moved Kabaeva and two joint children to his summer residence in Sochi. “But so far there is not a single proof of the move, or even that Alina gave birth to someone at all,” Plitkar wrote at the same time.

In March 2015, the Swiss edition of Blick reported that Russian gymnast Alina Kabaeva gave birth to a girl in the famous St. Helena clinic in the town of Sorengo. At this time, Putin just disappeared from the field of view of the media, the Internet community lost him. The President of the Russian Federation did not die, as stated in social networks, but was probably present at the birth of Kabaeva.

Jokes began to circulate on the Internet: Kabaeva gave birth for the third time from the Holy Spirit, which they cannot find for the eighth day; or - from a strong handshake of Vladimir Vladimirovich, Alina Kabaeva is giving birth for the third time.

The Corriere del Ticino publication reported that three rooms were prepared for Alina in the clinic - one for childbirth, the second for the family, and the third for security. It was also reported that the medical corps during the days of Kabaeva's stay there was heavily guarded. The Kremlin said it would only comment on official reports.

Is Putin a bachelor? Or not…

In 2013, Vladimir Putin officially divorced his wife Lyudmila. And the media again began to vigorously discuss his affair with Kabaeva. The 2014 Olympics in Sochi brought new rumors. During the opening, paparazzi photographed a wedding ring on the finger of the gymnast. Kabaeva did not comment on this. And maybe everyone would have forgotten this incident, if not for one "but" .... February 13, at the height of the Olympics, Putin comes with wedding ring meeting with the Egyptian Defense Minister. An amazing coincidence!

The Wedding Planner

“As I was informed, Putin and Kabaeva are getting married today in the Iversky Monastery. The whole Valdai is cordoned off”,- early in the morning wrote a post on his Twitter on September 21, 2013 Kaloy Akhilgov, a lawyer from Ingushetia. This post has garnered over a thousand likes. And already in the afternoon, the Internet was full of rumors that Putin was married to Kabaeva.

Rumors about the wedding of Putin and Kabaeva in the evening of the same day were commented by the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, calling them nothing more than "Saturday exercises for boredom", and advised not to go into the president's personal life. He also noted that the head of state has no time for personal life at all. However, this did not calm the Internet community, people in public asked one question in different ways: did Vladimir Putin get married or not?

Putin and Kabaeva got married again?

In 2015, a post appeared on Twitter: “On April 27, the President of the Russian Federation secretly visited Vaalam, where he married Kabaeva. The ceremony took place in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery. The ceremony was attended by people close to the President, about 20 people. Among them were Valentina Matvienko and Sergey Naryshkin. After the wedding, Putin flew by helicopter to Petrozavodsk. It was said that supposedly there are already photos from the wedding, but to this day no one has seen them.

And yet, did Putin and Kabaeva get married or not? Do they have children together or not? Decide for yourself! By the way, Alina completely denies relations with Putin, and assures that she has no children at all. However last time the gymnast appeared in public more than a year ago. And even on anniversary evening she never showed up to her coach Irina Viner ...