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Keeping a housewife's diary. Life hacks for keeping a diary: turn your assistant into a handsome man! How to keep a business diary

Keeping a housewife's diary.  Life hacks for keeping a diary: turn your assistant into a handsome man!  How to keep a business diary

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The volume of information and the degree of its availability today are so great that it is simply impossible to remember everything that we learn every day. And if we add to this the busyness of a modern person and the huge number of things that he has to do, we get that at the right time it becomes problematic to “get” some information from the corners of memory. That is why many people use diaries in their studies, work, business and everyday life. But in order for this to give results and really simplify life, you need to be able to draw it up correctly. Next, we will talk about how this is done.

General information about diaries

It’s worth starting with what general orientation your diary can have. Depending on it, the design of the diary may differ both inside and outside. This is due to the fact that using this tool you should be as convenient and comfortable as possible. Moreover, keeping a diary should be pleasant, you should enjoy this process, such an activity should become something like a hobby.

Now you can find a variety of design ideas for diaries from many manufacturers. Therefore, you can choose for yourself exactly what will meet your needs and wishes. We will not consider all types of diaries, but list only the most common:

  • Regular diary. A simple notebook can serve as such, in which there is a place for planning tasks for the day. This type of diary is used by most people, because. it is convenient to keep notes, make notes, mark the dates and times of meetings, fix birthdays, phone numbers, addresses and other data. Keeping a regular diary takes place according to a system that a person invents for himself.
  • Personal diary. It can be called a diary, because. it is intended mainly to relieve emotional stress, “splashing out” disturbing thoughts on paper. Psychotherapists and psychologists advise keeping such diaries, especially for those who are prone to excessive emotionality, anxiety, worries,. And there really is an effect - after such a "practice" people relax, normalize their mental state. Personal diaries are kept, as a rule, in free form.
  • business diary. Designed for businessmen, business people, workers with a busy schedule. A business diary allows you to structure your affairs, not to forget anything, to have all the important information in sight. It should be clearly structured and divided into time intervals: hour, day, week, month, year. The results of the work and success that a person achieves largely depend on the organization of the diary.
  • Electronic diary. This includes special computer applications and programs, but recently utilities for smartphones and tablets have become more common. Electronic diaries are incredibly convenient, equipped with a lot of useful features, the ability to customize sound notifications, etc. For people leading an active lifestyle and appreciating mobile devices, they are simply irreplaceable.

In general, today on sale you can find an incredible number of diaries, including highly specialized ones - “users” designed for specific purposes. We will not dwell on them in detail - just go shopping and see what is on the shelves.

We'd like to continue by looking at a few diary design ideas that you might find useful. But first, let's digress to an amusing video about the benefits of these tools.

Three good diary page design ideas

The ideas below can be used with any kind of diary. As a matter of fact, you can use them by taking only paper and a pen to work, but we still recommend using diaries, because, firstly, you don’t have to constantly fiddle with a bunch of different sheets of paper, and secondly, having mastered the system , you will turn your diary into an effective assistant in doing business and achieving goals.

Dwight Eisenhower Diary

Even an ordinary diary turns into a professional planner (an advanced version of the organizer) with many useful features. It will be useful for businessmen and people who want to always keep all their affairs and tasks in order and under control; people who understand the value of a temporary resource.

The Covey diary consists of two parts: the main part and the tab. The main part is lined pages for drawing up daily plans. This includes tasks and cases that either require speedy completion, or those that need to be done at exactly the appointed time. The second tab is intended for weekly and monthly entries reflecting the main goals, as well as the values ​​​​of a person (a separate place is allocated for it).

The page layout looks like this (you can use this example as a template):

It is thanks to the clear delineation and prioritization of tasks, deeds and goals (what to do now, what to do tomorrow, what to do next month, etc.) that the Stephen Covey system diary helps a person to be effective. With it, you can do not only daily and weekly planning, but also make global plans leading to success and achieving goals.

Diary according to the system of Gleb Arkhangelsky

The diary is clearly structured, so that tasks are divided into primary and secondary. But this is not the only feature - another feature is that it is very interesting to work with this tool. To do this, on the pages the author in a humorous, but, of course, accurate and capacious form, describes various everyday tasks.

Also on each page there is a place for the event of the day (you, of course, define it yourself). It turns out that along with the banal conduct of business, you also keep something like a personal diary, which you can refer to to refresh plans and events in your memory, and at the same time get a boost of emotions.

In addition to this, the diary has a separate “Intermediate joys” column, indicated by the “Gift” icon, where it is convenient to add time for entertainment: meeting friends, going to the cinema, shopping and other amenities of everyday life. And so that the user is not distracted, this column is located at the bottom of the page.

Arkhangelsky's diary is constantly being finalized and you can find several versions of it. For reference, here is one example of page design:

As you noticed, at the top of the page there are columns "Frog" and "Elephant". These creatures have already become classics of time management: frogs are understood as small, but not very interesting and pleasant things that need to be resolved as soon as possible (these frogs need to be “eaten”). And elephants are complex and large-scale tasks. To "eat" an elephant, you need to "cut" it into small pieces, i.e. split one big deal into several smaller ones.

As for the “Tough meetings” column, you can enter not only specific meetings, but also important matters tied to time. And the column "Flexible tasks" refers to everything that can be done during the time free from hard meetings and cases.

At the end of the day, you need to look at everything that you managed to do, choose the most important and pleasant and write down in front of the “Sun” column. After a month, it is very convenient to review your notes to visually see how much work has been done. The same column perfectly demonstrates how correctly the priorities are set, and what things turn out to be the most significant.

And one more thing: at the very bottom of each of the pages are tips on business and time management. There are 365 of them in total, i.е. these are recommendations for every day that can be used in work and business (and even study), and this makes this diary an even more effective and interesting tool.

In addition to all of the above, we want to note that you do not have to run to the store and buy one of the diaries discussed above. You may well just adopt the proposed page design ideas for any other diary, even made by yourself. Simply put, to get a good tool for planning and managing time, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money. If you are ready to use a little ingenuity and imagination, as well as devote some free time to an interesting activity, we suggest you make a diary with your own hands. Believe me, there is nothing difficult in this. This activity is perfect for spending time with children.

DIY diary

Creating and designing a diary (including the Bullet Journal diary) with your own hands does not present any problem. You just need to be smart about creating its outer and inner parts, having prepared stationery in advance: colored pencils or markers, cardboard and whatman paper, white and multi-colored paper, glue, double-sided tape, etc. Read on for more information on what might be useful.

The outer part of the diary

The outer part of the diary is its face, so you need to approach the creation correctly and correctly. In the process, you can use ready-made templates in landscape or notepad format (they can be bought at stationery stores, downloaded online or ordered from a printing house) or a base made by yourself.

When designing the outside of the diary, it is useful to work with various decorative materials. For example, if you take colored cardboard, you can make beautiful cutouts from it and make an application out of them, which will serve as a decoration for your product. And girls can be advised to play with decorative beads - it is ideal for laying out patterns and images (according to a sketch, of course). Although, a men's diary can also be decorated with the same material, if you lay out a geometric pattern or a pattern in an ethnic style.

By the way, vintage style diaries look great. If you stylishly combine black, gray and brown colors, you can achieve an impressive appearance. But do not limit yourself to beads - use leatherette, leatherette or some other artificial material (no one forbids working with genuine leather, it will just be much more expensive).

An equally important part of the visual design of the outer part is the clasp. Today there are a huge number of variations of those: zippers, rivets, straps, buttons, buttons and others. There are no restrictions here, and it all depends on your imagination, wishes for the diary and compliance with the chosen style.

Decide on the type of diary, its purpose (work, meetings, cases, personal notes, etc.) and format. It is from this that you should build, and this rule applies to the design of not only the external, but also the internal part of your organizer, planner or diary.

The inside of the diary

With the inside of the diary, everything is no less interesting than with the outside. It can be called the leader, because it directly affects the comfort and convenience of working with this tool, as well as pleasure and, of course, personal efficiency. Attention should be paid to two important components - these are pages and their markup.

Of particular importance is the quality of the pages, as well as their color design. It is better not to use too saturated and bright colors, because. working with them is not very convenient - they complicate the perception of the text (and generally unnecessarily load the visual apparatus). Therefore, pages should be unobtrusive, soft and moderate tones. Try pastel shades - the eyes do not get tired of them at all (besides, they have an anti-stress effect).

Now a few words about "filling". One of the main principles of the design of the diary is the numbering of pages. If they are numbered, you will find information much faster and easier. The next important point is markup. If you have not just a diary, but a planner or organizer, then without fail its pages must be divided so that there is room for dates, times and notes.

Otherwise, the design of the pages inside the diary occurs as it is convenient for you. Dream up: on the pages you can place background pictures, photos of relatives, images of your goals, mandalas, quotes from great people, or something else. Do not forget that the design of the pages can also occur according to the diary templates that we talked about above.

The records themselves can be made in some interesting form, including encrypted. Of course, it is not advisable to use a cipher to conduct ordinary everyday affairs, but if some important information needs to be classified, then this is quite reasonable. The cipher should be clear only to you, and the key to it (it should also be clear only to you) can be written on the last page of the diary. This way you can be sure that no one will find out what he should not know, and at the same time you will not need to hide the carrier itself.

We think that we have conveyed the main idea of ​​the article, and now it will be easier for you to arrange a diary. But still, it would not be superfluous to say a few more words about the Bullet Journal, which we mentioned above. We also highly recommend you to master this tool for effective organization of time and affairs.

Bullet Journal

The Bullet Journal was invented by the famous web designer Ryder Carroll. For several years he was looking for a way, and as a result he created this unique instrument.

The main feature of the Bullet Journal diary is that it matches its owner as much as possible. Simply put, this is not a ready-made template that you need to adapt to, but a system that you yourself adjust to yourself: design, think through and apply.

Bullet Journal can be called a mixture of a diary and a glider. It is suitable for recording interesting thoughts and ideas, tasks, goals and plans (including long-term ones), as well as for quickly finding the information you need using special symbols. Tasks and cases can be easily transferred to other times and dates without losing sight of anything.

Carroll's diary will be a great alternative to a phone book, an address book, and even applications like Trello or Evernote, and will suit those who like to prioritize and clearly plan their business and everyday life.

Anyone can create such a tool. First you need to buy a good notebook (or notebook). It should not be too small or large (A5 size will do), too heavy or light. The main thing - to work with him and carry him with you was convenient and comfortable.

It is very important that the pages of the notebook are numbered. If not, number them yourself. On the first page (you can leave several pages) there should be a table of contents that you will fill in during the maintenance process - fix the sections of your diary and the pages they occupy.

The next few pages should be dedicated to the annual spread. On one page, you can fit three months, dividing it into three equal parts. Big plans and goals, significant events and dates are written here. The annual spread helps with the overall evaluation of plans.

Next comes a new reversal - for one month. Carroll himself recommends placing a column of the day of the month on the left side of the spread, writing the days of the week next to it. Opposite each number, it is convenient to record events whose dates will definitely not change (trips, business trips, etc.) On the right side of the spread, you need to write down all major tasks and issues that are not tied to dates, but which certainly need to be done in a particular month.

And finally, it's time for the daily entries. All the following pages are allocated for them (after each month, a spread for a new month is created). Tasks should be itemized, and the items themselves in the list should be marked with special icons, for example:

  • point - daily affairs and petty worries;
  • circle - events, meetings and events;
  • dash - thoughts, ideas and notes;
  • asterisk - especially important things;
  • exclamation point - especially urgent matters.

When one task is completed, a cross is placed instead of the symbol. At the end of each day and week, you need to look at the tasks that remain unresolved and determine if they are still relevant. If not, feel free to cross them out, and if so, mark them with an arrow or a “>” sign, i.e. transfer to later (next day, week or month).

You can also use other characters. For example, with the “$” sign, mark everything related to finances ($+ is income, and $- is expense), etc. It is only important that there are not too many icons, so as not to get confused. And for convenience, on a separate sheet of notepad, you can write down all the icons and their decoding.

As you can see, making and maintaining a Bullet Journal diary is quite simple. In principle, this is a worthy replacement for any other diary, and we advise you to try working with this wonderful tool if you wish. We are sure you will like it! And to make this system even more understandable to you, we suggest watching a short video on this topic.

We wish you success and timely completion of all cases!

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From this article you will learn

  • What ideas for diaries are relevant today
  • What original diary design ideas might you like?
  • How to keep a diary for a business person
  • What other diary ideas can you use?

The diary is an indispensable assistant for a business person who values ​​his time. It is impossible to keep in mind an immense to-do list for several days, and sometimes months. Notebook-organizer with a daily schedule will bring stability to your life, relieve unnecessary stress, help you plan your working day competently and rationally allocate time. There are a lot of original and creative ideas for a diary. From this article, you will learn how to choose a business diary, how to make planning an interesting and enjoyable experience.

Actual ideas for a diary: easy, simple and beautiful

Why is it necessary to keep a diary? The glider helps every person to manage time effectively. Organizing a diary according to the rules of time management will allow you to:

    Work in multitasking mode;

    Organize all current affairs;

    Get together systematically and be in time for an important meeting;

    Complete all assignments on time;

    Do not forget about significant details;

    Remember important dates;

    Implement creative ideas.

Planning is an element of a successful life. Entries in the diary motivate for a positive result, allow you to trace the path to a given goal, and do quality work. At the end of the day, it is nice to realize that all the tasks planned for today have been completed. There is a feeling of confidence and pride in a successful day. To make planning a pleasant experience, there are many original and creative ideas for a day planner.

How to choose a diary

For planning, you can use any notebook or even a thick notebook. When choosing a diary, you need to pay attention to the number of sheets, binding, cover design. If you make a list of current affairs at home at your desk or in the office, then the number of pages of a business diary can be unlimited, and increased binding strength is not of fundamental importance, the cover can be soft.

If you are going to use planning on business trips, carry it with you all the time, then it is better to choose a hardcover diary with a volume of 96 - 128 sheets. This optimal option will allow you to quickly, even on the go, make changes to your daily schedule, record important information, and record significant details.

Ideas for the design of the diary and the color of the cover depend on your taste. The ideal format is no larger than A5. The compact organizer will not take up much space in your bag or briefcase.

Diary sheets can be white, multi-colored, unlined, checkered, lined, dotted, decorated with an original ornament. The choice depends on your preferences.

If you like to draw, unlined paper and sketches will help you realize your creative ideas. And the records, decorated with bright pictures, will become more memorable.

If you like modern creative ideas, get a daily planner with dotted sheets. A cheerful and positive person will like a diary with multi-colored pages, decorated with patterns. If you are used to writing on lined paper, then choose the option with sheets in a ruler or a cage.

Where to begin

Adherents of simplicity and conciseness can start planning right away by compiling a to-do list for each day. For those who take their business schedule seriously and thoroughly, it is better to start designing a diary by setting goals and setting calendar deadlines for their implementation. To do this, at the beginning of each month, take one turn, which will contain a calendar with notes or your goals for the month, and possibly both at once.

To implement such an idea for the design of a diary, a horizontal page orientation is suitable. Line the paper so that you get squares that can fit a few words. Mark each square with a calendar date and write events, deadlines, important details next to it. The nested bookmark will help you quickly find the page you need, and you will not forget about important points when compiling a daily to-do list.

Original diary design ideas

The visual component directly depends on the design idea of ​​the diary. To make the planning process interesting and fun, we suggest considering some original organizer ideas.

When choosing your business diary, remember that it should fit your needs. Pay special attention to how the pages are lined, how the spreads are designed, and whether the dates are indicated. To implement the original design ideas of the diary, let's take a regular dated notebook with unlined white pages. In such a diary, it is easier to make a plan of action for the next week or month.

Diary Page Ideas

Stock up on stickers and decorative tape, prepare colored markers - all this will be needed to implement creative ideas. A creative approach to designing and keeping a diary will turn the necessary planning process into an exciting activity throughout the year.

Use multi-colored ink and markers to highlight the most important lines on your to-do list. Such an idea will help make the spread not only colorful, but also draw your attention to the most significant points of the plan.

Sometimes information needs to be supplemented with a document, image or photograph. Additional elements or details of your plan can be attached to a sheet of the diary using ordinary paper clips or beautiful stationery clothespins.

Ideas for decorating a diary with scotch tape are varied. You can combine decorative tape of different colors on the pages or decorate the edges of the sheets with it, dividing the notebook into blocks, creating thematic sections and headings.

The diary is useful not only for planning upcoming events. There are other ideas for its use. On the pages of your notebook, you can save your favorite recipe, make a list of necessary purchases, write down the name of the book or movie you want to watch.

Another interesting idea for the design of the diary is the use of colored stickers of various shapes. The information written on the sticker is easily attached to the page in the right places. If necessary, you can transfer the sticker to another sheet or even remove it from the notebook when it becomes irrelevant.

Any idea is suitable for the design of spreads of the diary. To make the most important information stand out from the general to-do list, focus on brightness and attractiveness - use colorful stickers, magazine clippings, small photos.

Mark each point of the plan with a certain sign: a square, a circle, a triangle, a heart. This will help to classify cases according to their importance. For example, important meetings can be marked with a circle, small assignments with a square, and pleasant events with a heart. When one of the items on the list is completed, put a cross or checkmark in front of it. At the end of the day, you will see exactly what has already been done and what needs to be moved to the next days.

Scrapbooking is another creative craft idea that will help you to positively perceive even the most mundane plans and boring duties.

10 ideas for filling a business person's diary

  1. Distinguish between rigid and flexible schedules.
  2. All the things planned in the diary can be conditionally divided into hard and flexible. A rigid schedule refers to an activity or an event that has a clearly marked reference to a specific time: a meeting at 11:30, a meeting with a business partner at 14:00, a visit to the doctor at 9:20, etc. Flexible schedules include cases that can be to be completed within a day, they do not require a clear indication of the time of their execution: draw up an agreement, write a letter, view documents, etc.

    “Floating” business tasks should not be included in the hourly schedule of the day. The meeting may be rescheduled, the meeting may be delayed, and then the schedule of all scheduled tasks will be disrupted. In such a situation, a person feels discomfort, nervous, irritated, in a hurry. Being under stress adversely affects health. When drawing up any plan, you must be guided by the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bstability and provide for all possible overlaps and deviations from the schedule in your schedule.

    To distinguish between cases with different execution schedules, you can use the idea of ​​​​filling in the diary in the form of a table:

  3. Priority.
  4. The importance of scheduled tasks cannot be ignored. If you are familiar with time management technology, then you know that for the rational organization of time and its effective use, the idea of ​​​​ranking or prioritizing tasks as they are important and significant is at the heart of any planning.

    Starting work with a pleasant, but insignificant trifle, you put off until later the execution of a more urgent and important task. This may adversely affect the quality of its implementation. With a system of symbols representing each type of event or business task, you will be able to easily navigate the agenda plan.

    You can use the following ranking system:

    A - you should immediately begin to implement these points of the plan, otherwise there may be negative consequences. For example, late payment of a loan will result in penalties.

    B - in case of failure to do these things, big troubles will not happen, but you may experience some discomfort or dissatisfaction. For example, if you do not make it to the store in time and do not buy the necessary products, you will not be able to properly receive guests.

    B - it is not recommended to ignore the planned activities, as their completion will positively affect your activity or well-being. For example, buying new chairs for the office, replacing curtains on the windows, etc.

  5. Frog.
  6. Another idea for filling your diary is to plan frog tasks. In time management, frogs are the most unpleasant things that are constantly delayed. Frogs interfere with progress, distract, spoil the mood, so you should start a new day with them. First, in the morning your productivity is at a high level. Secondly, if unforeseen difficulties arise, you will have enough time to finish a difficult task.

    When filling out the diary, frog tasks can be marked with the letter “L” or highlighted in red. Prioritizing unpleasant work will allow you to breathe relaxed in the afternoon. You don't have to feel uncomfortable or dissatisfied.

  7. When to plan.
  8. In order not to take away precious time from yourself in the morning, it is better to make a plan for upcoming affairs in advance. In the evening, open your diary and write down the next day step by step. Waking up in the morning, you will experience a feeling of confidence, you do not have to think about ranking things. If during the day you have new ideas, you can always add to your plan.

  9. Delete what has been done.
  10. The diary is also a tool of positive motivation. Cross out or mark with a certain icon all the completed items of the plan. Such an idea of ​​filling out a diary motivates for success, increases efficiency, and helps to evaluate your organizational skills. When by the end of the day you see how the list of planned tasks decreases, you will experience a sense of pride and confidence in the future, and your self-esteem will certainly increase.

  11. Intended use.
  12. When implementing various ideas for filling the diary, it is important to remember its intended purpose and not use the notebook as an address book or a collection of useful tips and recipes. During the day, a business person repeatedly encounters a situation where you urgently need to write down important information, someone's address, an interesting thought, etc. To avoid chaos, select special sheets in your organizer where you will enter all urgent information. This block in the diary can be marked with the "miscellaneous" tab. If the allotted sheets run out quickly, you can attach a new block using a stapler.

  13. Goals.
  14. On the front page or spread of the diary, be sure to write the main goals and ideas that will motivate you to succeed and move forward. Each time you open your business diary, you will be rereading these settings as well as generating new ideas.

  15. Personal life.
  16. In addition to a career, there is a personal life. Consider this when making a to-do list in your diary. Otherwise, being carried away by work, you can forget about the birthday of a loved one, be late for a matinee with a child, and not meet relatives at the airport. Pleasant events included in the daily schedule instill a sense of life satisfaction. And suddenly there will be some free time, you can happily spend it on your family. In the daily plan, leave free lines for ideas related to personal life.

  17. There are no outstanding tasks.
  18. When maintaining a diary, adhere to the mandatory rule: tasks that you did not have time to complete, transfer to subsequent days. It’s better to spend a few extra minutes rewriting unfulfilled plan items than to miss something important or waste time looking for the right page, trying to remember the unfinished business.

  19. Creative.
  20. Any creative ideas for filling the diary are allowed. The main thing is that planning evokes only positive emotions in you. For example, with the help of symbols or drawings, you can evaluate the quality of the planned tasks.

What other ideas for keeping a diary can be adopted

    keep a diary with one type of ink - the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stability of your business routine;

    using two contrasting ink colors is a great idea to highlight important points;

    neat handwriting is not only a guarantee of a beautiful notebook, but also a diligent, attentive attitude to business;

    stickers, magazine clippings, pictures, words, phrases, motivational quotes allow you to implement the most creative ideas;

    decorative adhesive tape (plain, color, with various images and phrases), which can be purchased on the Internet, is an indispensable assistant when working with a diary;

    photographs (for example, printed from instagrams) are a great addition to some points of the plan;

    drawings with pens, paints, colored pencils, sketches made in the margins, in the center of the notebook - this is a creative idea;

    thematic spreads (for example, a week dedicated to the new year, Christmas, company anniversary) - such an idea will bring positive to business life;

    writing in white ink on black pages is an original idea;

    for diaries on rings, you can make multi-colored dividers from scrapbooking paper - this will allow you to quickly find the information you need;

    multi-colored templates for a month, day, there sheets can be created by yourself or downloaded from the Internet;

    various fonts, lettering, drawing frames, highlighters - a good idea for highlighting areas of work;

    pieces of threads, fabrics, beautiful and original paper clips, a herbarium - an unusual idea for decorating a diary and making bookmarks;

    popular now doodling (creating drawings using lines and graphic elements) is an effective idea for relaxation.

Here, for example, are some ideas for the design of diary spreads.

Not everyone thought about how to keep diaries, although this question is often asked by people who count every minute, namely business people. After all, in order to be successful, you need to be able to correctly allocate your time, while not forgetting about your family and self-development. Even if you are a creative person, the diary will help you find a free window for art and relaxation. Well, athletes often live according to a schedule: sleep, meals, training - everything is strictly on schedule. So how do you keep a diary?

“Only the transition from dreaming and planning to action proves the seriousness of your intentions. Don’t be one of those indecisive people who are constantly running around with different ideas, but never implement any of them.”

Sergey Yarushin

A diary is a wonderful tool that allows you to spend your time more efficiently, eliminates the need to keep a large amount of information in your head, and can also turn into a real full-fledged hobby that you will enjoy every day.

Types of diaries

There are two main types of diaries: dated and undated.

A dated diary is designed to rigidly structure your own time, and allows you to solve a large number of tasks with a high degree of efficiency through proper time planning and the use of personal resources.

Undated diaries are designed for those who are not particularly busy with planning and do not like some kind of rigid framework and restrictions. The undated diary has no temporary positions, which means that you can use it in a satisfied form at your own discretion. This version is most often used by people of an artistic orientation or teenagers. Both of these options can be a really rewarding and fun addition to your business.

Choosing an organizer

To properly keep a diary, first of all, what you should pay attention to is a sample of the appearance of your paper assistant. Of course, everyone has their own sample of an ideal diary, as well as the concept of how beautiful it is to keep it. The appearance of this little book should encourage you to take it in your hands more often and make some notes, so that in the end, develop the habit of a network diary.

If you are all a fan of paper pages, or you enjoy scheduling your time without relying on templates and giving free rein to creativity, then you should think not only about how to fill out a diary, but also how to design it.

You should not choose a large diary, since compactness is an important factor. Sometimes you will have to take it with you in a backpack or bag, in which case the large size will only get in the way. In addition, you always want to leave a bulky thing at home, while a small notebook will always be an indispensable companion and keeper of your time and ideas.

The diary should be made of good enough paper, not fading and not too soft. Do not forget that this is your constant companion, and he should please the eye at least a year later.

Of course, you can just buy a beautiful leather-bound diary, or even make it to order, but if you create it yourself, it will certainly catch your eye more often. Of course, depending on age and gender, your organizer may look completely different, but this will be your unique interpretation. Such diaries reflect the inner world of their owner, revealing his best sides.

Glider design

An excellent way to dilute the seriousness of everyday life, and just to cheer yourself up once again, is to spread notes with useful tips or wishes on the pages of the diary. If your loved ones leave such notes, finding them every day will be a pleasant association of filling the organizer.

For girls, the very design of the diary can become an exciting activity, a model of harmony and design talents. Moreover, what should be in the diary of every girl is a specially allocated time just for herself, because a girl, being among many things, should still remain feminine and unique.

You can use beads, embroidery, decoupage to design title pages. With a little creativity, filling out such a diary in the future will be especially pleasant. If a teenage girl has to keep a diary, then the appearance can be a manifestation of youthful hobbies, diligent selection of design and personal preferences.

Of course, if a boy keeps a diary, or a busy man, the choice almost always falls in the direction of minimalism. This design is not distracting and is aimed purely at practical use.

Adult women also often simply do not have time for sentimental design of the organizer. And here it doesn’t matter at all whether a business woman is in front of you, or an ordinary housewife. Women who essentially work from home have no more time than office workers. The organizer will help such ladies to write down the list of products, household chores, notify when to pick up the child from school.

By the way, the organizer, softly upholstered in leather, ceases to be just a functional booklet and turns into a stylish and necessary accessory. Such a gift will be valuable for both men and women. And having provided it with a memorable signature, you will make a gift as close to your heart as possible.

Electronic or paper diary?

If you are a fan of modern technology, or have long preferred electronic records to pen and paper, then how to use a diary can be confusing. In fact, the way out is incredibly simple: many companies have long developed applications that will help you competently plan your day. Moreover, such a diary does not need additional space, it easily fits in a phone, tablet, or laptop.

Also, the advantages of the electronic version can be event reminders, easy editing of files, adding multimedia information. Using such a program, the options for what can be done in the diary expand significantly: from shopping planning to business plan strategy.

What to fill in the diary?

If we talk about the internal content of the diary, then there are certain rules on how to manage your glider as efficiently as possible.

The main rule of how to fill out a diary is to be honest with yourself. Of course, you can plan a huge number of things, but will it be useful if you do not have time to complete even half?

Trying to enter as many points as possible, we are trying to optimize, fill the day with important things and not forget anything. But in the end, this leads to an overload of the day, the inability to distinguish really important things from routine.

If you are honest with yourself, then even after writing a list of 20-30 cases, after analyzing them, you can understand which are important and which are not. For example, going to an important meeting, you will naturally drink coffee on the way, as this is part of your daily ritual. In this case, the automatic action does not need to be reminded and simply clogs the horizon, not allowing you to focus on the most important thing (for example, preparing for this very meeting).

How to prioritize?

Always highlight the most important things. If you have just started flying a glider, you will automatically add something extra. In this case, take the extra time to point out the things that, if not done, will not affect the achievement of the final result. You must learn to understand what you need to focus on, and what things you can sacrifice.

“Remember that every minute you spend on planning saves ten minutes of your work.”

Brian Tracy

By the way, some time is also needed in order to learn to understand what things are really important. To do this, think about urgent matters, matters that can be postponed, as well as their degree of importance to you personally. To use the diary correctly, arrange the tasks in this order:

  • urgent and important matters (pay bills);
  • urgent unimportant things (wash the dishes);
  • non-urgent important matters (write a chapter for a diploma);
  • non-urgent unimportant things (think about it, is it worth doing them at all?).

By deleting a certain number of non-urgent and non-important cases, you will have free time that you can use properly. And also, having figured out what should be the most important in the diary, there will be no confusion in the arrangement of cases.

It is better to highlight the most significant events and dates with a colored marker so as not to miss them for sure. Ideally, in order to use the diary as conveniently as possible, you should use different markings for different types of entries. For example, for memorable dates, you can use an orange marker, and for business meetings - green.

To develop the habit of keeping a diary, you must make sure to write every day. Postponing over and over again, you should understand that in this way you are postponing your dream, leaving it along with doing things for later.

If there is no desire at all, or there are thoughts that you can postpone the recording until tomorrow, just remember your goal and that by returning to your old life without planning, you certainly won’t gain anything positive.

In order not to lose particularly important information, set aside a few pages (possibly at the end of the diary) for entries that should always be at hand, or leave a bookmark in those places that are most often used.

It is much better to set fewer goals and achieve them than to take on overwork. Also, having fully completed all the tasks (even if there are few of them), you will receive greater moral satisfaction from completing the assigned tasks. Leaving even a small amount of things to do, you will go to bed with a feeling of incompleteness, which, deposited in the subconscious, will slowly undermine self-confidence.

In order not to stretch the execution of the points for the whole day, set a time frame that you will not go beyond. It is better to do fewer things with greater efficiency, thereby properly allocating time.

You can make it a rule to cross off tasks that have already been completed. This will help to see the amount of work done, and in addition, it will give pleasure from crossing out lines.

Make planning in your diary a healthy habit

At the end of the day, make a habit of reviewing what you've done, even if something doesn't work out. By taking into account all the missteps, the next time you fill out the diary, you will be able to better determine the time spent and prioritize.

“The only obstacle to the realization of our plans for tomorrow can be our today's doubts.”

Franklin Roosevelt

When distributing plans, break the diary into the first and second parts of the day. Try to do the most unpleasant and hard work immediately, without putting it off for later. In any case, having done some work, there will be a desire to take a break and postpone actions that require maximum concentration.

Be sure to take a break for yourself, do not forget about a small break after busy hours. Only by restoring your strength, the following actions will be as effective as possible.

Also don't forget to reward yourself with small nice things. For example, to go to your favorite boutique on the way from a successfully held conference, or just get an five to eat ice cream.

“Planning without action is a dream. Action without planning is a nightmare.”

Japanese proverb

Of course, you can plan all week at once, but only highly organized people who have some experience in the distribution of cases can do this. Ideally, you need to fill out the diary in the evening, allocating a certain time for this. By turning filling out your personal organizer into a pleasant ritual, you will be happy to return to it again and again, thus creating a habit.

If you started a diary to reach a specific goal, break it down into days and say it every day, especially in the morning. This will improve your motivation and make your goals clearer and the path to achieving them easier and more enjoyable.

Let keeping a diary be a new hobby for you that will help you in life. And don't forget:

“Dreams are plans realized on time.”

Natalia Grace

A diary is a great tool for planning your schedule and daily activities. And you can add a lot of useful things to your diary that will help you remember the main thing, be organized in all areas of life, and most importantly, unload your head. After all, in fact, there are a lot of things that we try to remember and keep in our heads, although it would be better to write them down and free up the space of our memory 😉

Below are 33 ideas for your diary to make it even more useful.

Health and sports

  1. Drinking mode. We all know that you need to drink about 1.5-2 liters of pure water during the day. And in order not to forget about some water in the #So_easy_planner diary there is such a daily tracker. It's simple: I drank a glass - painted over it. You will never forget that you need to drink water, because. it's right before your eyes, and you won't forget how much you've already drunk 😉
  2. Physical exercise. You can borrow daily or according to some weekly schedule. You just need to write it in the window of daily activities and habits in your notebook. For example, note that I go to yoga on Mon, Wed and Fri. And also, for example, I run every day, we also write a run here and mark it every day. Everything is in front of your eyes, pretend that you forgot to fail 😉
  3. Sports programs. If, for example, you are engaged in some kind of program, or doing a challenge, then they can also be painted on pages for writing or simply printed and pasted or attached with a paper clip to a diary. By the way, a cool site with such programs and challenges For example, do you want to learn how to hold the bar for 5 minutes in a month? Please!
  4. Nutrition programs or challenges. For example, you pass detox program? Do you want to rid your body of sugar? etc.

family and home


Business and Technology


  1. Schedule of extra classes. We have two daughters. The eldest is engaged in cheerleading, drawing and English, the youngest goes to school preparation and will soon go to black too. It happens that a grandmother calls and says: I will pick up my granddaughter after training, at what time is she free? And I just have a stupor, I don’t remember right away. Of course, you can keep all these training schedules in your head, but why;). You can just write it down.
  2. School timetable. If needed, of course. For example, I do not follow this 😉
  3. School bell schedule. But this is a necessary thing to understand when you can call the child if suddenly something happens, and when it is not necessary.
  4. Vacation schedule. It is usually said at the beginning of the school year and it is useful to write it down to plan family time, vacations, vacations.


  1. Savings tracker. If you want to save up a certain amount of money for a large purchase or just for a vacation and want to see the progress visually, such a tracker will be very convenient.
  2. credit tracker. Again, if there are loans and you want to visually observe how much is left until full repayment.
  3. Bill payment dates. Of course, if it is necessary and important. For example, my meals in the garden are paid until the 20th of the current month, and for English and preparation for school you need to pay until the 1st. Etc.

What interesting things do you keep track of or write down in your diary? Share with us in the comments below 😉

Greetings! If you keep a lot of information in your head, often forget about everything in the world, want to systematize your knowledge and start planning your life, then you just need to start your own individual diary. This is a tool that will help each of us reach a completely different level of life. And, believe me, it’s not at all boring, as many people think. It gives not only more free time, but also frees from information, completely unnecessary load in the brain.

But! In order not to abandon it, and it often happens to those who are just starting their planning journey, you need to know how to keep a diary correctly, adjust it for yourself and make a notebook with your right hand.

Which diary to choose?

First, I want to talk about my experience using the diary, and then move on to the basics that will help you decide on the choice and maintenance. I started my first diary about a couple of years ago. I had enough for a little more than a week, and in the future I safely abandoned it. There were several reasons for this. First, the inconvenient format. Suitable for me personally small notebooks. I don’t like bulky books that can’t even be put in a purse. Therefore, the A5 format and even the A6 format became the ideal for me.

Secondly, I think that a diary for a not too business person is a lot. I do not lead an active social life, I do not meet with colleagues every day, so for a housewife and just a person who is not a businessman with a minute-by-minute schedule, you need to start. It differs from the diary in that the spread does not show the days by the hour, but an overview of the week. Thus, it is very convenient to plan time in the next 7 days. Everything is visible and very clear what needs to be done and when.

And thirdly, I am firmly convinced that you need to buy a notebook from the very beginning. dated or, at least, with the possibility of registering dates. This must be done independently for a year in advance immediately after you started to lead it. Otherwise, the desire to plan may fail. For example, you missed one day, the second, and the third was abandoned altogether. And when you open the weekly and see that the day has passed, one might say, in an empty one, you are tormented by advice. And this is the motivation to continue and go further on the path of self-improvement.

And so, let's now analyze the main points that will help you decide on the planning format.

I want to draw your attention to cover. It can be either paper, plastic or leather. The last option is the best. Since we will take and use it daily, it is probably worth choosing a high-quality notebook, rather than watching the remnants of a once beautiful notebook by the end of the year. In terms of color, I don't think there is any limit. Love red - excellent, black - also good, caustic light green - even better!

And I also really like planning for rings. It is very comfortable! You can easily take out the desired sheet, take it with you and put it back. Or if suddenly you decide to change the notes, but you don’t want to scribble and spoil the beauty. In addition, there are a large number of different insert sheets in different colors in stationery stores. Thanks to them, you will be able to create subsections, categories, and so on.

How to keep a weekly journal?

So, I think you've already made your choice. Be sure to pay attention to the format, size, dates, rings or not, and, of course, the cover. By the way, I will say that I found my ideal diary for 4 or 5 times. That is, I changed them like gloves until I realized what really suits me. You may need some time to self-determine, but that's nothing compared to the pleasure you'll experience planning your life in that personalized notebook. This is the guarantee that you will never abandon it and understand the benefits of planning.

As a rule, weekly and daily journals have several sections.

  • Data (name, surname, patronymic of the owner, phone number and address).
  • Calendar for the current and next year.
  • Additional sheets for arbitrary filling.
  • Well, in fact, the drawn days themselves on the spread, or weeks.

As soon as you start to conduct it, then immediately fill out your data. This is very useful if you suddenly lose. I also fill out additional sheets, then more often I write in them the main provisions, rules, commandments, theses, motivational phrases, smart thoughts, goals, and so on. I re-read all this from time to time, which gives me a boost of motivation.

In order to timely and quickly find information, open the diary in the place where you need it, I use colored dividers and stickers. I don’t really like to use bookmarks, but this is a matter of taste, maybe you will be more comfortable without Velcro. By the way, stickers with a sticky strip are very convenient to use. On them I write my non-urgent and not tied to dates goals and deeds. In case of non-fulfillment of tasks today, I can easily transfer them to tomorrow or even to the next week with one movement of my hand.

Do not clog the scheduler of various kinds stupid things. Everyone knows perfectly well that you need to brush your teeth after waking up in the morning or go to the toilet when you want to, or comb your hair. Write only those things that you do not want to forget and really require special attention. You will soon feel like looking in every 5-10 minutes, then you will probably want to abandon planning, because this activity will be burdensome.

One trick that helped me get used to keeping a diary is that at first I wrote down only pleasant and long-awaited things for me (hobbies, shopping, self-care). Gradually began to add not very pleasant, but necessary. Thus, you will have a positive impression of planning.

If you missed one day and did not write anything in the column, then you should not to give up. Sometimes it happens. Just keep planning your life. Skip this day and move on. And to fill the void, if you think it's ugly, you can enter motivating phrases or thoughts of smart people, draw a picture or paste a sticker.

I really like to plan in the diary not only household chores, but also my work, hobbies, entertainment, finances. Let it be for you keeper of ideas and important information. It's great when you can read your plans for the near future, opening a single page.

As I said, housewives or ordinary people, even if working, are more suitable, although everyone should choose a convenient format for themselves. However, in the diary, the day is scheduled by the minute. I'm so uncomfortable planning. And you? Try two options and choose your suitable one.

And the last thing I want to say to those who want to start a scheduler. It is needed in order to systematize information, not to keep it in your head, to unload thoughts, and the main purpose of the diary is to help. If it bothers you, doesn’t suit you, strains you, you force yourself to open it and read the notes, then maybe you should reconsider the lead. Refusing, I think, is not worth it, although this is everyone's business. But all the same, I advise you to change the format, approach and find the ideal system for you.

Recently I was browsing my favorite YouTube channels and came across a very interesting and useful video about keeping a weekly journal. Be sure to look, you will clearly see how to conduct it, and how others do it. Happy viewing! Kiss! Bye!