Miscellaneous differences

Winter statuses. Statuses about winter for a good mood

Winter statuses.  Statuses about winter for a good mood

I love snow, when snow-white flakes of cold cotton candy fall from above, smelling of happiness and carelessness ...

Winter called? Well, I came ... Why are they so dissatisfied now? I don't hear applause. There will be no joy on the faces - I will not give snow!

Finally, it's winter! Even though she doesn't fit with mine spring mood and summer love. It doesn't matter what the weather is outside, the main thing is the inner feeling!

This winter will bring something to everyone ... a broken leg for some, an arm for others, and a broken heart for someone ...

Best Status:
I love winter weather: funny knitted hats ... sledge tracks in the snow ... a funny feeling of helplessness when you step on slippery ice, and the expectation of spring lurks in your heart ...

Misted windows on the bus are a great place for self-expression. Let everyone read what you want to say, maybe someone will see this as a sign from above ... There is a winter charm in this ..

I love winter! For snowflakes on the palm of your hand ... snowmen with a bucket on their heads ... frosty patterns on the windows and even a blizzard outside the window ... all this is so romantic and evokes thoughts about the New Year ...

Winter… days are longer, nights are short… warm socks and hot tea with raspberries... and in the soul is love that does not depend on the season.

Winter without tangerines is like summer without ice cream!

And I love winter, there is a lot of joy in it, in it I met my happiness ...

When parking in a snowdrift, you must first make sure that it is not busy!

Winter is the hour, if it’s summer, but at the same time it’s crazy to hear the snowfall, and quietly sing a song from Coca-Cola advertising ...

Snowflakes are small stars with a magical taste of the New Year..

Under the highest notes of the thin strings of the soul, the wings of love slowly break. (With)

"The main thing? is: Agree with everything. Don't explain anything. And then do what's best for you. And then your life will become much easier.”

It's morning again outside the window, again there is snow, reminiscent of the same day when that snow fell ... the first snow that we met together that year.

embracing in a white dance, snow flakes swirl to never part ...

Winter... snow... beautiful... good... Damn, it's good to look at it all from the window!!!

Winter is raging in earnest! I almost got swept along the way!

Autumn will pass ... sadness will also go away! A snow-white, fluffy winter will come ... full of new events and impressions)))) Do not despair)))

It’s winter in your soul in summer and winter in winter, and a couple more years and you’ll definitely go crazy ...

Well, snow, frost, Frozen fingers, red nose!!!

Winter - best season but only next to you.

Why is it so cold??? After all, we were waiting for snow, snowdrifts and kids building snowmen ...

[Her perfect winter. A lot of snow. Chapped lips. He.]

A snowflake from fluffy, white, silver snow fell on my cheek, it was like your gentle kiss.

Winter statuses - Winter is the season of alcoholism and despair.

Winter has come! And in my heart it’s not clear whether it’s spring or summer! And it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it’s warm and colorful!

In winter, windows on the bus turn into a place of correspondence. It's like everyone wants to say what's on their mind. For others to see. To not into the void.

Heat. No money for air conditioning. I found a way out - instead of shower gel, I wash myself with menthol shampoo and run around the apartment. I plan to stock up on pepper tincture for the winter, because. drown too shitty.

Ice: step, slipped, got up, dusted herself off. Step, slipped, got up, dusted herself off. Cursed, spat, decided to crawl.

the end. The play is over. and the curtains have long been lowered and the doors are all closed. end-end. but the heart continues to beat with fire. we are not nailed. we are alive. and the sun's rays are always open. we will continue to live the same way.

Why is it so cold??? After all, we were waiting for snow, snowdrifts and kids building snowmen ...

The first snow... for someone the first love, for someone the first tears... but for me a new life... life without you!!!

Winter has begun ... the hand on the mouse is freezing =))

The snowflakes on the eyelashes are frozen, and on the lips there is an ironic smile... winter is a reason to start all over again...

Soon vanilla snowflakes will fall from the sky on eyelashes, ice floes in the palm of your hand, shreds of fluffy flakes on your hair, droplets on your cheeks and ... laughter in between happiness ...).

What difference does it make, summer or winter. Happiness is not seasonal.

xxx: It's -40 outside... I'm going to have a beer.

Snow is entangled in my eyelashes... I am walking along a frozen street... Somewhere a man is also walking. My favorite ... In a hurry, worried ...

A snowflake from fluffy, white, silver snow fell on my cheek, it was like your gentle kiss

December. Cold. Windy. Snow... It's time for a warm blanket, hot chocolate and beautiful fairy tales...

Winter in the soul, winter in the heart, winter settled in me for a long time.

Sometimes it seems to me that there is no winter, that winter is a lie ... because snow is just frozen raindrops ... ... and there is no hatred, because hatred is just frozen drops - Winter statuses

I hate winter ... you experience two colds at once ... one in the heart, the other on the street.

Sweaters and cold shades ... covered with a hazy film. And the cherry sky remained in the chest. smile. it will still be good.

Winter is over, but my heart is still not warm (

“Congratulations on your winter. Freeze to health. Always your minus on the thermometer.”

I love winter, you raise your head to the sky ... and the clouds sprinkle the world with sweet vanilla sugar ...

Romantic-snowy mood, with a New Year's flavor 🙂

Today at school on the first floor, a guy is running, I told him: "Don't run" He: "What?" And I: "What are you going to do to me?" And he takes me by the shoulders and says: “I’ll tell you one simple thing, firstly, don’t be nervous, and secondly, I don’t beat girls” I don’t know why, but I was in deep shock ..

It was the most unforgettable summer... the most sad autumn… I hope this will be the happiest winter…

Love Winter! Because it’s New Year’s… because it’s a skating rink… because it’s just snow… so fluffy white… snowflakes are flying… glittering… iridescent… so good… calm… and… romantic… especially at night…

Do you know what -45C is in Siberia? It's when you lick your iPhone to answer a call!

The first day of winter reminds us that the New Year is coming soon.

Snowflakes outside the window, I dream about you ... My unearthly angel, I miss you ..!

I want winter to come immediately on December 1st. I woke up, and it was already snowing outside, without all this autumn slush and dampness ...

Bring back the summer!!.. turn off the snow, paint the sun, warm up the sky, boil the sea, plant palm trees..

Love Winter! because it’s new year… because it’s a skating rink… because it’s just snow… so white fluffy… snowflakes are flying… glittering… iridescent… so good.. calm… and.. romantic.. especially at night..

Fear in the soul, eyes on the forehead. I walk on ice in heels!

Caroling Caroling, I smell moonshine with my nose! Sausage and bachu bachu! Pour it and I'll pay

This ice is diligently teaching me to fly.

Winter - Yes, what could be more pleasant? ... When you are walking, and you have small, white, but terribly beautiful snowflakes on your hat or hood ... Probably nothing

Autumn will pass ... sadness will also go away! A snow-white, fluffy winter will come ... full of new events and impressions.

Winter came!!! Now we are waiting for spring!

Grandfather Frost, for the last New Year, I asked you for a boyfriend. So, take this goat back and let's better felt-tip pens 🙂

In winter, the sun laughs through tears

The colder the winter, the colder heart.

... the long winter laughed in my eyes, But only she was with me

Winter .. It makes meetings shorter, loneliness more noticeable .. But it makes words warmer, kisses stronger, and love .. Love does not depend on the season ..

I want it to snow in big, big flakes and it was warm outside, and I walk with him by the hand and I understand that my New Year's wish has come true!

And when you first saw me, what did you think? - What kind of idiot eats ice cream in winter.

24S it's our way... It's cold bitch, but it's nice that real winter... And no one will say no ice Really ice)))

In winter, windows on the bus turn into a place of correspondence. It's like everyone wants to say what's on their mind. For others to see. To, not into the void.

Sometimes it seems to me that there is no winter, that winter is a lie...because snow is just frozen drops of rain... ...and there is no hatred, because hate is just frozen drops of love...

With the onset of winter, people become heartless why ..?

We are like autumn and winter, close but not together ...

Winter is hope. Winter is the sound of thin crystal to the sound of chimes. Winter is soft mittens and snowballs. Winter is tangerines and persimmons ...

My ideal winter is a lot of snow and kissed lips by a loved one))

I want winter. Snowflakes on the palms, rustling jackets, and steam from the mouth, advertising coca cola on TV, new year.Magic time.

We have a whole winter ahead of us to learn to appreciate what will be, and not what has passed.

AT modern times hard to imagine life without social networks. It is even more difficult to assume that pages of different resources can be without statuses. Sayings fill profiles with meaning and help convey emotions. Statuses about winter are very appropriate during this period of time. They will saturate the pages with mood and convey the emotions of the profile owner.

What should be the statuses about winter

The most important thing is that the sayings are relevant. Of course, statuses about winter are relevant precisely at this magical time of the year. It is worth pouring the following emotions into these phrases:

  • Experiences.
  • Magic.
  • Juiciness.
  • Filled with meaning.
  • Winter mood.

All these experiences will fill the imagination of those who read statuses about winter in the profile with frosty air and a winter fairy tale. It is worth considering how interesting the phrase is before placing it on the page.

Statuses about winter are beautiful

You can use the following sayings about winter:

Covered the house with snow

The magical time of the year is winter.

Frost stings cheeks,

Very short days

Long nights.

Creaking magic underfoot,

Winter covered the paths with snow.

Even though it's cold outside

Cold at heart

I can't get warm.

Frozen winter,

All that was until she came.

Frosty air cooled the soul,

And you forgot those you loved.

The heart was cleansed with white snow,

So that it can warm up again.

Magic forest meets me

Invites you to its snowy beauty.

How beautiful it is to go deep into the snow

And in childhood for a moment to find yourself again.

Snow outside again

Helps to let go of sadness forever.

Fluffs are circling above us,

In the soul, the struggle of winter with the tsunami.

Let the snowy path of sadness take away

Winter will cover everything that does not give life with a canvas.

Snow sparkles silver underfoot,

Somewhere my friend is sad from the cold.

I couldn't deal with the sadness

It's cold again and it's snowing.

Winter froze my feelings

And in such a cold I have no time for love.

Like a fairy tale

Soon the drops will ring.

And while winter is around,

Full of white snow.

Even in the most severe winter

Flowers grow under the snow.

They make the soul very happy

They don't give rest.

The snow will melt, the heat will come,

Everything will become clear and beautiful.

Feelings and love awaken

Which previously seemed in vain.

For those who want magic

Winter was given.

winter cold,

And someone needs me.

Though a cold white veil,

Was outside with a cold yesterday.

Snow is spinning like my feelings

Beautiful and airy.

I know for sure that today

Your beloved needs.

Such statuses about winter will fill you with inspiration and anticipation of the new season. All seasons are beautiful, the most important thing is to convey all the colors of the current period.

Short sayings

Winter, winter is full of magic.

Snowball as a friend

It amuses us a bit.

No need to show winter that she is tired. Winter is her, and this will give her an impetus to be with us longer.

It's good in winter, but it's better without it.

Like white snow Blank sheet. It is from this period that I want to start all over again.

Winter will help cleanse the soul and free from difficulties. She will sweep all the sorrows with white snow so that we will no longer know them.

Winter, snowball, come for tea, my friend.

Winter will cool my heart again. I want to immediately warm up with mulled wine.

The cold of winter will show who we really need.

In winter, it’s good to have a warm, soft, warming, gentle ... blanket nearby.

I want to go to him all the time, especially when it's cold. I want to lay down on him, to become one with him. Yes, this is my favorite sofa.

You need to choose a status that will fully convey the mood and state of mind.

Poetic sayings about winter

You can simply convey your emotions in poetry.

Zimushka-winter, snowy paths.

It's cold everywhere, even the cats are hiding.

Rowan blushes on the branches,

Reminding us of spring.

I want to wrap myself in a blanket

To look at the snow, dreaming.

Paths strewn with silver

Snow shines in the sun.

And yet, this is a magical time,

Winter must be loved, man.

By choosing good status, you can inspire the comrades who are added to the profile, and at the same time cheer yourself up by setting the desired rhythm of actions for the current day.

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5

Statuses about winter and love

Best statuses about winter and love

This winter will be the coldest... Because without you.(((

Look for your loved ones immediately–Too cold winter ahead!

Winter - the best season, but only next to you.

Snowflakes outside the window, I dream about you. My unearthly angel, I miss you!

And in the winter I met him with a glance, now every winter is a fairy tale for me ...

Winter ... beautiful nature, that's just in my thoughts- HE!

Snowflakes fall, dissolving on warm knitted mittens. I pay attention to the little things. Fell in love...

You are dearer to me than the world! You are dearer to me than the day! You are for me winter and summer! You - continuation of me!

Oh, how similar you, melting snow, with your short existence, my love, you reminded me ... the same first ... the same early ...

This winter again prophesies love, because I so want warmth on a cold lonely evening ... I lit a candle on the table so that it would not get lost on the way and led me to the house along a snowy path ...

Winter has come in my soul, but it doesn’t matter to me anymore. I was tired of being afraid of the cold, but I once decided so. When you left me indifferently to the mercy of fate. You were my meaning, I needed you, but you don't need me...

I want not gloves to warm me this winter, but his hands ...

My winter is warm, thanks to you...

In winter, for some reason, one believes in the most beautiful fairy tale about love...

In winter, we must warm people close to us with a warm word, tender feelings ...

AT cold winter I just want someone to warm me up...

The magical smell of pine needles and snowflakes on the windows. A cat in a ball in a basket, they are hugging under a blanket ...

I am very glad that this winter, it is he who warms my hands.

I just miss when I don't hear your voice, I don't read your messages. You are not enough for me, catastrophically not enough. And even this winter–loses its charm.

Only clothes keep me warm this winter. But last winter was different...

It's so nice to watch TV under a blanket in winter with a cup of hot chocolate and think about it.

We have not been together for a long time and have not seen each other for a long time, we met by chance this winter and he asked: - Why are you without a hat?

Quietly and silently I love, sitting on the windowsill with a mug of hot tea... looking at the snow...

May everyone have a loved one on cold winter evenings!

October. You gently hugged and kissed. November. Started dating someone behind my back. I just guessed. December. You disappeared. I thought I wouldn't survive the winter. End of February. I love another, and you suffer because of your stupidity.

With you, even rain, even wind, even snow in summer, even hail in winter! After all, you are the only one in the world! You–not like everyone else! You- my!

In the spring you will regret that you were not with me in the winter.

Let, despite the snow and cold, kindness live in the heart, and there will be someone who is dear and the dream comes true!

What does a woman want in winter? Feel the warmth of a man, cling to his cheek with your cheek and warm yourself together by the fireplace. What does a woman always want? Desired to be and be loved, snowstorm, heat, thunderstorms - it doesn’t matter, if only the soul is happy!

Look for me where there is sand and water, love me where summer ends, look for me where there is snow and wind, love me where winter begins.

Statuses about snow: beautiful phrases

  • "Adults remain children at heart as long as snowfall delights them."
  • "Snowfall and a cup of hot coffee force us to talk about the main thing."
  • "Snow even illuminates the night."
  • "The weather never gives such peace and tranquility to a person as in a snowfall."
  • "In the snow, it's cozy even in the crowd."
  • "The dance of the snowflakes is the most mesmerizing sight."
  • "Everyone loves snow. No wonder they are so indignant when it melts!"
  • "Under the snowfall, those who have
  • "I can look at two things for an infinitely long time - falling snowflakes and lights of a garland."
  • "Snowfall at Christmas means God's grace."
  • "On a winter night, it seems that snowflakes are falling from the lanterns."
  • "How can you not admire the fact that no snowflake is alike?"

Statuses about snow are loved for their poetry. As well as for the winter itself for snow sparks from the sun and under the light of night lamps.

Statuses about the first snow

  • "A new life begins with the first snow."
  • "How little I need to be happy - just watch flying white flakes."
  • "As soon as you decide that miracles do not happen, the first snowflakes begin to fall."
  • "How wonderful, waking up in the morning, to see that yesterday's gray day has turned into a white fairy tale."
  • "Peace and hope are born in the soul when you look at the first falling snowflakes."
  • "When you look at the sky at the falling snowflakes, at first you want to close your eyes. You think that they will powder your eyes, like it's flour. But the beauty is worth it, you open your eyes and gladly understand that everything is fine. There is and will be."
  • "Snow cannot but rejoice. After all, its first appearance means the end of the autumn blues."
  • "With the first snow, everything becomes clear - what is important and what happened in vain."

Statuses about winter and snow

Some statuses about snow can be used for other purposes. Separate phrases can be part of fairy tales for children, postcards for loved ones. The main thing is to want to transfer to another person part of your warmth and winter comfort.

  • "In winter, they usually lie that they are waiting for the summer and want to go to the sea, but in fact they are fascinated by the snowfall."
  • "Winter is the time for snowfalls, silence, tart wine and strong hugs."
  • "As a child, the most important question was - is snow molded on a winter day?"
  • "In winter, it's easier to forget. It's worth seeing how the snow covers the tracks left behind."
  • "Winter is not cold. Winter is an occasion for warm meetings."
  • "With the advent of winter, all worries are covered with snow."
  • "Only in winter can an angel turn out of a person. In the snow."
  • "They say that winter is prickly and cold. But what about a blanket of snow?"
  • "In winter, miracles happen at every turn. For example, have you ever understood how cats do not fall into the snow?"
  • "Have you noticed that on a quiet winter evening, people's faces are happier?"
  • "Snow covers everything except human soul. In winter, everything freezes except the heart.

Statuses about snow are usually chosen by romantic people. Those who believe in the magic of winter and love to share this joy. So let every snowy day bring us a little faith in a better tomorrow.

Most beautiful winter statuses about winter and snow with a meaning about life and love for social networks, will soon become relevant, because in a matter of days, we will be able to enjoy the most magical time of the year! With the onset of winter, an unknown, attractive and alluring snowy life begins to wake up around us. Everything around begins to resemble an unreal fairy tale that you want to believe in!

"After cold winter the sunny spring always comes; only this law should be remembered in life, and the reverse is preferable to forget. Leonid Solovyov.

❉ The first snow is like the first love. Most likely it will melt, but a fairy tale begins with it ...

❉ “Winter-ah-ah-ah!!!”: knees and teeth banged joyfully)

❉ "Even the strongest blizzards start with a single snowflake"

❉ "You are my fantasy in the cold winter night, my muse for the day and the only desire of my soul"

❉ And it’s winter in the city and it’s become somehow cold, I’m looking for someone with whom and the whole world is not enough. I believe that anyway in my life there will be that person who will love me simply for what I am. He will rejoice at my smile, and in winter he will make me wear a warm scarf.

❉ The impeccably pure whiteness of frost spurs on the gloomy joy of agonizing waiting ... With hands reddened in the cold, I dial your number

❉ AT new year's eve I will definitely guess you ... *

❉ In connection with the ice, the dream that all men would be at our feet is starting to come true!! =)

❉ It's the first day of winter! Let the first frost sting your cheeks and let the snow-covered path sparkle with a million gems. Beautiful fresh air fills with health and warm thoughts. Cosiness to you, cheerful friendly gatherings, wonderful evenings and many positive emotions! Let this winter renew you and give you magical surprises!

❉ It’s sad when there are such flakes, and you have no one to throw on the snow, throw snowballs, and then drink hot tea ...

❉ December is the time to ski, build snowmen and eat tangerines!

❉ I'm waiting for the winter ... The fur coat has not been for a walk for a long time, it's time to walk in the cold!

❉ I wish everyone this winter to get into winter fairy tale and get a piece of your happiness!

❉ The smell of chocolate and tangerines. Christmas ads. There is a blizzard outside the window. Fires are burning all around. For complete happiness, one thing is not enough ....

❉ Winter is an icy fragment of the reality of a world split into parts ...

❉ Winter is a time to make plans and see prospects. Time to sleep under the snow and under other blankets.

❉ Winter is a time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for conversation next to the fire: it's time for home.

❉ Winter is childhood ... Long evenings with parents, the soft smell of tea with lemon, and good New Year's fairy tales! (beautiful statuses about winter)

❉ Winter is when you come home and go to put the kettle on before you turn on the computer.

❉ Winter is a fairy tale: beautiful, white, very, very clean! May your life be the same!

❉ Winter is an increased feeling of the need for the warmth of a loved one.

❉ Winter in the heart, blizzard in the soul ...

❉ This is why winter was created in white tones, to start life from a white sheet...

❉ Winter on the street, snow underfoot, pain in the soul, ...

❉ Winter has come! And in my heart it’s not clear whether it’s spring or summer! And it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it’s warm and colorful!

❉ Winter is very much like unrequited love; cold and merciless.

❉ Winter shapes our character and brings out our best.

❉ Winter! January! Blizzard! Frost! Champagne! Candies! Roses! Caviar! Friends! Present! Fir-trees! Wine! Salad! Silk outfit! And again toasts! ... Do not forbid us to live beautifully! It is a pity that by the morning there is only one final... Pickle! Festal and analgin

❉ Winter. Blizzard. Snow. Cold. Weather created for hot tea, a warm blanket and beautiful fairy tales.

Winter… it makes meetings shorter, faces sadder, loneliness more noticeable. But, the words become warmer, and love and kisses are stronger.

❉ Winter... Cold permeates every cell of my body... And at such moments I remember you.

❉ Winter... although you are often so cold... but still, even those to whom you bring cold and sadness are not offended, because you are so beautiful - all white and snowy...

❉ Winter .... Nature is beautiful, that's just in my thoughts, OH !!!

❉ Winter…for some, a cold and gloomy time of the year! And for me it's just time to cuddle up to you once again

❉ In winter, the line between night and day is blurred.

❉ In winter, I need three things - perfume with the smell of snow, coffee with cinnamon and ... your warmth.

❉ Take a break from the hustle and bustle in winter Everyday life and plunge into fantasy world books.

❉ In winter, windows on the bus turn into a place of correspondence, as if everyone wants to express what is on their mind for others to see.

❉ You want winter not only because of the snow and the New Year. It’s just that in winter one believes more in miracles, and in the most beautiful Tale of Love…

❉ Sometimes it seems to me that there is no winter, that winter is a lie... because snow is just frozen drops of rain... and there is no hatred, because hatred is just frozen drops of love... (statuses about winter are beautiful with meaning )

❉ I love ice-3 twine, 5 swallows and I'm at home)

❉ I love winter weather: funny knitted hats… sled marks in the snow… a funny feeling of helplessness when you step on slippery ice, and the expectation of spring lurks in your heart…

❉ People only notice in winter that spruce is green.

❉ Tangerines are on the move, so soon New Year!

❉ The winter peace of our window warms my soul ...

❉ I like it when it snows. The city immediately goes silent. Everything becomes so calm. No noise. Like something is about to happen.

❉ Frosty air invigorates and notifies that winter has come! This means that the period of warm blankets, large mugs of tea, magic, joy and festive fun has come! Let loving hearts warm you in winter!

❉ We are like autumn and winter, close but not together...

❉ It's time for letters on frozen windows.

❉ Winter has begun... The hand on the mouse is freezing =))

❉ No! It's not snow! It's snowfall!!!

❉ Once, in the cold winter season, I left the house. And immediately went!

❉ Congratulations on the beginning of winter, truly beautiful and charming, able to inspire with its snowy days, frosty and fresh air.

❉ Get to know the miracle of winter, such a beautiful and charming guest in a snow-white dress made of snow.

❉ New Year's Eve is a dinner ending with breakfast.

❉ Hello winter! A sparkling wonder! Weightless snowflakes fly like an angel's fluff from a wing ...

❉ Glass decorated with whimsical patterns. Snowflakes slowly dance in the light of street lamps. This winter you will fall in love with something that has not come true. And silver frost, nestled on your eyelashes.

❉ Let winter inspire you to new discoveries and let you believe that any dreams will certainly come true!

❉ Let there be cold, and frosty, fresh air, and snowfalls with blizzards. All this can leave the best, truly amazing feelings, allowing you to understand how beautiful mother winter can be.

❉ With every coming of December, I want to hibernate like a bear until spring!

❉ Snow is a magical white blanket that makes everything amazing.

❉ Snow… Adults say that it is frozen water, but children know better: these are small stars with a magical taste of the New Year.

❉ Snowflakes are like kisses from heaven.

❉ Happiness. This winter it will certainly be!

❉ Your words wanted to make me cry, but Winter and cold froze them, like my heart...

❉ You can immerse yourself in the magic of winter and understand how wonderful nature can be in such a wonderful period of the year.

❉ We have a whole winter ahead of us to learn to appreciate what will be, and not what has passed.

❉ You have winter in your soul in summer and winter in winter, and a couple more years and you will definitely go crazy ...

❉ In the morning, clear, frosty winter day I will write our story with a stick in the snow, and then when the heat comes in the spring I will sail away to new life along with melted snow….

❉ I want New Year, snow, a fireplace, coffee with cinnamon and his last name...

❉ What is a wonderful winter day? This is when the sun shines, it falls outside the window light snow And you don't have to get out from under the covers!

❉ What does a woman want in winter? Feel the warmth of a man, cling to his cheek with your cheek and warm yourself together by the fireplace. What does a woman always want? Desired to be and be loved, snowstorm, heat, thunderstorms - it doesn’t matter, if only the soul is happy!

❉ I am the type of person who drinks hot chocolate in summer and eats ice cream in winter.

❉ January, stop thinking you're March...

Beautiful short and not very long winter statuses about winter and snow with a meaning about love and life for social networks are presented in this article.